Files @ r5625:52b2115bd185
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/saveload.h

(svn r8084) [Translations] Added nynorsk translation (pollux), renamed norwegian to norwegian bokmal, moved nynorsk to finished languages, and updated project files.
Strings pending to nynorsk will be preserved if they are differ from the current translation
/* $Id$ */

#ifndef SAVELOAD_H
#define SAVELOAD_H

#ifdef SIZE_MAX
#undef SIZE_MAX

#define SIZE_MAX ((size_t)-1)

typedef enum SaveOrLoadResult {
	SL_OK     = 0, // completed successfully
	SL_ERROR  = 1, // error that was caught before internal structures were modified
	SL_REINIT = 2, // error that was caught in the middle of updating game state, need to clear it. (can only happen during load)
} SaveOrLoadResult;

typedef enum SaveOrLoadMode {
	SL_INVALID  = -1,
	SL_LOAD     =  0,
	SL_SAVE     =  1,
	SL_OLD_LOAD =  2,
	SL_PNG      =  3,
	SL_BMP      =  4,
} SaveOrLoadMode;

SaveOrLoadResult SaveOrLoad(const char *filename, int mode);
void WaitTillSaved(void);
void DoExitSave(void);

typedef void ChunkSaveLoadProc(void);
typedef void AutolengthProc(void *arg);

typedef struct {
	uint32 id;
	ChunkSaveLoadProc *save_proc;
	ChunkSaveLoadProc *load_proc;
	uint32 flags;
} ChunkHandler;

typedef struct {
	byte null;
} NullStruct;

typedef enum SLRefType {
	REF_ORDER         = 0,
	REF_VEHICLE       = 1,
	REF_STATION       = 2,
	REF_TOWN          = 3,
} SLRefType;

#define SL_MAX_VERSION 255

enum {

enum {
	CH_RIFF         =  0,
	CH_ARRAY        =  1,
	CH_TYPE_MASK    =  3,
	CH_LAST         =  8,

	CH_PRI_0          = 0 << 4,
	CH_PRI_1          = 1 << 4,
	CH_PRI_2          = 2 << 4,
	CH_PRI_3          = 3 << 4,
	CH_PRI_SHL        = 4,

/** VarTypes is the general bitmasked magic type that tells us
 * certain characteristics about the variable it refers to. For example
 * SLE_FILE_* gives the size(type) as it would be in the savegame and
 * SLE_VAR_* the size(type) as it is in memory during runtime. These are
 * the first 8 bytes (0-3 SLE_FILE, 4-7 SLE_VAR).
 * Bytes 8-15 are reserved for various flags as explained below */
enum VarTypes {
	/* 4 bytes allocated a maximum of 16 types for NumberType */
	SLE_FILE_I8       = 0,
	SLE_FILE_U8       = 1,
	SLE_FILE_I16      = 2,
	SLE_FILE_U16      = 3,
	SLE_FILE_I32      = 4,
	SLE_FILE_U32      = 5,
	SLE_FILE_I64      = 6,
	SLE_FILE_U64      = 7,
	SLE_FILE_STRINGID = 8, ///< StringID offset into strings-array
	/* 6 more possible file-primitives */

	/* 4 bytes allocated a maximum of 16 types for NumberType */
	SLE_VAR_BL    =  0 << 4,
	SLE_VAR_I8    =  1 << 4,
	SLE_VAR_U8    =  2 << 4,
	SLE_VAR_I16   =  3 << 4,
	SLE_VAR_U16   =  4 << 4,
	SLE_VAR_I32   =  5 << 4,
	SLE_VAR_U32   =  6 << 4,
	SLE_VAR_I64   =  7 << 4,
	SLE_VAR_U64   =  8 << 4,
	SLE_VAR_NULL  =  9 << 4, ///< useful to write zeros in savegame.
	SLE_VAR_STRB  = 10 << 4, ///< string (with pre-allocated buffer)
	SLE_VAR_STRBQ = 11 << 4, ///< string enclosed in quotes (with pre-allocated buffer)
	SLE_VAR_STR   = 12 << 4, ///< string pointer
	SLE_VAR_STRQ  = 13 << 4, ///< string pointer enclosed in quotes
	/* 2 more possible memory-primitives */

	/* Shortcut values */

	/* Default combinations of variables. As savegames change, so can variables
	 * and thus it is possible that the saved value and internal size do not
	 * match and you need to specify custom combo. The defaults are listed here */
	SLE_BOOL         = SLE_FILE_I8  | SLE_VAR_BL,
	SLE_INT8         = SLE_FILE_I8  | SLE_VAR_I8,
	SLE_UINT8        = SLE_FILE_U8  | SLE_VAR_U8,
	SLE_INT16        = SLE_FILE_I16 | SLE_VAR_I16,
	SLE_UINT16       = SLE_FILE_U16 | SLE_VAR_U16,
	SLE_INT32        = SLE_FILE_I32 | SLE_VAR_I32,
	SLE_UINT32       = SLE_FILE_U32 | SLE_VAR_U32,
	SLE_INT64        = SLE_FILE_I64 | SLE_VAR_I64,
	SLE_UINT64       = SLE_FILE_U64 | SLE_VAR_U64,

	/* Shortcut values */

	/* 8 bytes allocated for a maximum of 8 flags
	 * Flags directing saving/loading of a variable */
	SLF_SAVE_NO      = 1 <<  8, ///< do not save with savegame, basically player-based
	SLF_CONFIG_NO    = 1 <<  9, ///< do not save to config file
	SLF_NETWORK_NO   = 1 << 10, ///< do not synchronize over network (but it is saved if SSF_SAVE_NO is not set)
	/* 5 more possible flags */

typedef uint32 VarType;

enum SaveLoadTypes {
	SL_VAR       =  0,
	SL_REF       =  1,
	SL_ARR       =  2,
	SL_STR       =  3,
	// non-normal save-load types
	SL_INCLUDE   =  9,
	SL_END       = 15

typedef byte SaveLoadType;

/** SaveLoad type struct. Do NOT use this directly but use the SLE_ macros defined just below! */
typedef struct SaveLoad {
	SaveLoadType cmd;    ///< the action to take with the saved/loaded type, All types need different action
	VarType conv;        ///< type of the variable to be saved, int
	uint16 length;       ///< (conditional) length of the variable (eg. arrays) (max array size is 65536 elements)
	uint16 version_from; ///< save/load the variable starting from this savegame version
	uint16 version_to;   ///< save/load the variable until this savegame version
	/* NOTE: This element either denotes the address of the variable for a global
	 * variable, or the offset within a struct which is then bound to a variable
	 * during runtime. Decision on which one to use is controlled by the function
	 * that is called to save it. address: SlGlobList, offset: SlObject */
	void *address;       ///< address of variable OR offset of variable in the struct (max offset is 65536)
} SaveLoad;

/* Same as SaveLoad but global variables are used (for better readability); */
typedef SaveLoad SaveLoadGlobVarList;

/* Simple variables, references (pointers) and arrays */
#define SLE_GENERAL(cmd, base, variable, type, length, from, to) {cmd, type, length, from, to, (void*)offsetof(base, variable)}
#define SLE_CONDVAR(base, variable, type, from, to) SLE_GENERAL(SL_VAR, base, variable, type, 0, from, to)
#define SLE_CONDREF(base, variable, type, from, to) SLE_GENERAL(SL_REF, base, variable, type, 0, from, to)
#define SLE_CONDARR(base, variable, type, length, from, to) SLE_GENERAL(SL_ARR, base, variable, type, length, from, to)
#define SLE_CONDSTR(base, variable, type, length, from, to) SLE_GENERAL(SL_STR, base, variable, type, length, from, to)

#define SLE_VAR(base, variable, type) SLE_CONDVAR(base, variable, type, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)
#define SLE_REF(base, variable, type) SLE_CONDREF(base, variable, type, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)
#define SLE_ARR(base, variable, type, length) SLE_CONDARR(base, variable, type, length, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)
#define SLE_STR(base, variable, type, length) SLE_CONDSTR(base, variable, type, length, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)

#define SLE_CONDNULL(length, from, to) SLE_CONDARR(NullStruct, null, SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_NULL | SLF_CONFIG_NO, length, from, to)

/* Translate values ingame to different values in the savegame and vv */
#define SLE_WRITEBYTE(base, variable, game_value, file_value) SLE_GENERAL(SL_WRITEBYTE, base, variable, 0, 0, game_value, file_value)
/* Load common code and put it into each struct (currently only for vehicles */
#define SLE_INCLUDE(base, variable, include_index) SLE_GENERAL(SL_INCLUDE, base, variable, 0, 0, include_index, 0)

/* The same as the ones at the top, only the offset is given directly; used for unions */
#define SLE_GENERALX(cmd, offset, type, param1, param2) {cmd, type, 0, param1, param2, (void*)(offset)}
#define SLE_CONDVARX(offset, type, from, to) SLE_GENERALX(SL_VAR, offset, type, from, to)
#define SLE_CONDREFX(offset, type, from, to) SLE_GENERALX(SL_REF, offset, type, from, to)

#define SLE_VARX(offset, type) SLE_CONDVARX(offset, type, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)
#define SLE_REFX(offset, type) SLE_CONDREFX(offset, type, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)

#define SLE_WRITEBYTEX(offset, something) SLE_GENERALX(SL_WRITEBYTE, offset, 0, something, 0)
#define SLE_INCLUDEX(offset, type) SLE_GENERALX(SL_INCLUDE, offset, type, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)

/* End marker */
#define SLE_END() {SL_END, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}

/* Simple variables, references (pointers) and arrays, but for global variables */
#define SLEG_GENERAL(cmd, variable, type, length, from, to) {cmd, type, length, from, to, (void*)&variable}

#define SLEG_CONDVAR(variable, type, from, to) SLEG_GENERAL(SL_VAR, variable, type, 0, from, to)
#define SLEG_CONDREF(variable, type, from, to) SLEG_GENERAL(SL_REF, variable, type, 0, from, to)
#define SLEG_CONDARR(variable, type, length, from, to) SLEG_GENERAL(SL_ARR, variable, type, length, from, to)
#define SLEG_CONDSTR(variable, type, length, from, to) SLEG_GENERAL(SL_STR, variable, type, length, from, to)

#define SLEG_VAR(variable, type) SLEG_CONDVAR(variable, type, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)
#define SLEG_REF(variable, type) SLEG_CONDREF(variable, type, 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)
#define SLEG_ARR(variable, type) SLEG_CONDARR(variable, type, lengthof(variable), 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)
#define SLEG_STR(variable, type) SLEG_CONDSTR(variable, type, lengthof(variable), 0, SL_MAX_VERSION)

#define SLEG_CONDNULL(length, from, to) {SL_ARR, SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_NULL | SLF_CONFIG_NO, length, from, to, (void*)NULL}

#define SLEG_END() {SL_END, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}

/** Checks if the savegame is below major.minor.
static inline bool CheckSavegameVersionOldStyle(uint16 major, byte minor)
	extern uint16 _sl_version;
	extern byte   _sl_minor_version;
	return (_sl_version < major) || (_sl_version == major && _sl_minor_version < minor);

/** Checks if the savegame is below version.
static inline bool CheckSavegameVersion(uint16 version)
	extern uint16 _sl_version;
	return _sl_version < version;

/** Checks if some version from/to combination falls within the range of the
 * active savegame version */
static inline bool SlIsObjectCurrentlyValid(uint16 version_from, uint16 version_to)
	extern const uint16 SAVEGAME_VERSION;
	if (SAVEGAME_VERSION < version_from || SAVEGAME_VERSION > version_to) return false;

	return true;

/* Get the NumberType of a setting. This describes the integer type
 * as it is represented in memory
 * @param type VarType holding information about the variable-type
 * @return return the SLE_VAR_* part of a variable-type description */
static inline VarType GetVarMemType(VarType type)
	return type & 0xF0; // GB(type, 4, 4) << 4;

/* Get the FileType of a setting. This describes the integer type
 * as it is represented in a savegame/file
 * @param type VarType holding information about the variable-type
 * @param return the SLE_FILE_* part of a variable-type description */
static inline VarType GetVarFileType(VarType type)
	return type & 0xF; // GB(type, 0, 4);

/** Get the address of the variable. Which one to pick depends on the object
 * pointer. If it is NULL we are dealing with global variables so the address
 * is taken. If non-null only the offset is stored in the union and we need
 * to add this to the address of the object */
static inline void *GetVariableAddress(const void *object, const SaveLoad *sld)
	return (byte*)object + (ptrdiff_t)sld->address;

int64 ReadValue(const void *ptr, VarType conv);
void WriteValue(void *ptr, VarType conv, int64 val);

void SlSetArrayIndex(uint index);
int SlIterateArray(void);

void SlAutolength(AutolengthProc *proc, void *arg);
uint SlGetFieldLength(void);
void SlSetLength(size_t length);
size_t SlCalcObjMemberLength(const void *object, const SaveLoad *sld);

byte SlReadByte(void);
void SlWriteByte(byte b);

void SlGlobList(const SaveLoadGlobVarList *sldg);
void SlArray(void *array, uint length, VarType conv);
void SlObject(void *object, const SaveLoad *sld);
bool SlObjectMember(void *object, const SaveLoad *sld);

void SaveFileStart(void);
void SaveFileDone(void);
void SaveFileError(void);
#endif /* SAVELOAD_H */