Files @ r5625:52b2115bd185
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/viewport.h

(svn r8084) [Translations] Added nynorsk translation (pollux), renamed norwegian to norwegian bokmal, moved nynorsk to finished languages, and updated project files.
Strings pending to nynorsk will be preserved if they are differ from the current translation
/* $Id$ */

#ifndef VIEWPORT_H
#define VIEWPORT_H

struct ViewPort {
	int left,top;                       // screen coordinates for the viewport
	int width, height;                  // screen width/height for the viewport

	int virtual_left, virtual_top;      // virtual coordinates
	int virtual_width, virtual_height;  // these are just width << zoom, height << zoom

	byte zoom;

void SetSelectionRed(bool);

/* viewport.c */
void InitViewports(void);
void DeleteWindowViewport(Window *w);
void AssignWindowViewport(Window *w, int x, int y,
	int width, int height, uint32 follow_flags, byte zoom);
ViewPort *IsPtInWindowViewport(const Window *w, int x, int y);
Point GetTileBelowCursor(void);
void UpdateViewportPosition(Window *w);

enum {
	ZOOM_IN   = 0,
	ZOOM_OUT  = 1,
	ZOOM_NONE = 2, // hack, used to update the button status

bool DoZoomInOutWindow(int how, Window *w);
void ZoomInOrOutToCursorWindow(bool in, Window * w);
Point GetTileZoomCenterWindow(bool in, Window * w);
void HandleZoomMessage(Window *w, const ViewPort *vp, byte widget_zoom_in, byte widget_zoom_out);

static inline void MaxZoomInOut(int how, Window *w)
	while (DoZoomInOutWindow(how, w) ) {};

void OffsetGroundSprite(int x, int y);

void DrawGroundSprite(uint32 image);
void DrawGroundSpriteAt(uint32 image, int32 x, int32 y, byte z);
void AddSortableSpriteToDraw(uint32 image, int x, int y, int w, int h, byte dz, byte z);
void *AddStringToDraw(int x, int y, StringID string, uint32 params_1, uint32 params_2);
void AddChildSpriteScreen(uint32 image, int x, int y);

void StartSpriteCombine(void);
void EndSpriteCombine(void);

void HandleViewportClicked(const ViewPort *vp, int x, int y);
void PlaceObject(void);
void SetRedErrorSquare(TileIndex tile);
void SetTileSelectSize(int w, int h);
void SetTileSelectBigSize(int ox, int oy, int sx, int sy);

void VpStartPlaceSizing(TileIndex tile, int user);
void VpSetPresizeRange(uint from, uint to);
void VpSetPlaceSizingLimit(int limit);

Vehicle *CheckMouseOverVehicle(void);

enum {
	VPM_X_OR_Y          = 0,
	VPM_FIX_X           = 1,
	VPM_FIX_Y           = 2,
	VPM_RAILDIRS        = 3,
	VPM_X_AND_Y         = 4,

// viewport highlight mode (for highlighting tiles below cursor)
enum {
	VHM_NONE    = 0, // default
	VHM_RECT    = 1, // rectangle (stations, depots, ...)
	VHM_POINT   = 2, // point (lower land, raise land, level land, ...)
	VHM_SPECIAL = 3, // special mode used for highlighting while dragging (and for tunnels/docks)
	VHM_DRAG    = 4, // dragging items in the depot windows
	VHM_RAIL    = 5, // rail pieces

void VpSelectTilesWithMethod(int x, int y, int method);

// highlighting draw styles
typedef byte HighLightStyle;
enum HighLightStyles {
	HT_NONE   = 0x00,
	HT_RECT   = 0x80,
	HT_POINT  = 0x40,
	HT_LINE   = 0x20, /* used for autorail highlighting (longer streches)
	                   * (uses lower bits to indicate direction) */
	HT_RAIL   = 0x10, /* autorail (one piece)
	                  * (uses lower bits to indicate direction) */
	HT_DRAG_MASK = 0xF0, ///< masks the drag-type

	/* lower bits (used with HT_LINE and HT_RAIL):
	 * (see ASCII art in autorail.h for a visual interpretation) */
	HT_DIR_X  = 0,    ///< X direction
	HT_DIR_Y  = 1,    ///< Y direction
	HT_DIR_HU = 2,    ///< horizontal upper
	HT_DIR_HL = 3,    ///< horizontal lower
	HT_DIR_VL = 4,    ///< vertical left
	HT_DIR_VR = 5,    ///< vertical right
	HT_DIR_MASK = 0x7 ///< masks the drag-direction

typedef struct TileHighlightData {
	Point size;
	Point outersize;
	Point pos;
	Point offs;

	Point new_pos;
	Point new_size;
	Point new_outersize;

	Point selend, selstart;

	byte dirty;
	byte sizelimit;

	byte drawstyle;      // lower bits 0-3 are reserved for detailed highlight information information
	byte new_drawstyle;  // only used in UpdateTileSelection() to as a buffer to compare if there was a change between old and new
	byte next_drawstyle; // queued, but not yet drawn style

	byte place_mode;
	bool make_square_red;
	WindowClass window_class;
	WindowNumber window_number;

	int userdata;
	TileIndex redsq;
} TileHighlightData;

// common button handler
bool HandlePlacePushButton(Window *w, int widget, CursorID cursor, int mode, PlaceProc *placeproc);

VARDEF Point _tile_fract_coords;

extern TileHighlightData _thd;

void ViewportDoDraw(const ViewPort *vp, int left, int top, int right, int bottom);

#endif /* VIEWPORT_H */