Files @ r28449:548e1fdb09a4
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/network/network_func.h

Remove: Debug redirect over network

It does not work for dedicated servers because upon starting the process to
resolve the address to redirect to gets killed. Also with all the async going
on in the network code, the debug redirection will start very late in the
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file network_func.h Network functions used by other parts of OpenTTD. */


 * Uncomment the following define to enable command replaying.
 * See docs/desync.txt for details.

#include "network_type.h"
#include "../console_type.h"
#include "../gfx_type.h"
#include "../openttd.h"
#include "../company_type.h"
#include "../string_type.h"

extern NetworkCompanyState *_network_company_states;

extern ClientID _network_own_client_id;
extern ClientID _redirect_console_to_client;
extern uint8_t _network_reconnect;
extern StringList _network_bind_list;
extern StringList _network_host_list;
extern StringList _network_ban_list;

byte NetworkSpectatorCount();
bool NetworkIsValidClientName(const std::string_view client_name);
bool NetworkValidateOurClientName();
bool NetworkValidateClientName(std::string &client_name);
bool NetworkValidateServerName(std::string &server_name);
void NetworkUpdateClientName(const std::string &client_name);
void NetworkUpdateServerGameType();
bool NetworkCompanyHasClients(CompanyID company);
std::string NetworkChangeCompanyPassword(CompanyID company_id, std::string password);
void NetworkReboot();
void NetworkDisconnect(bool close_admins = true);
void NetworkGameLoop();
void NetworkBackgroundLoop();
std::string_view ParseFullConnectionString(const std::string &connection_string, uint16_t &port, CompanyID *company_id = nullptr);
void NetworkPopulateCompanyStats(NetworkCompanyStats *stats);

void NetworkUpdateClientInfo(ClientID client_id);
void NetworkClientsToSpectators(CompanyID cid);
bool NetworkClientConnectGame(const std::string &connection_string, CompanyID default_company, const std::string &join_server_password = "", const std::string &join_company_password = "");
void NetworkClientJoinGame();
void NetworkClientRequestMove(CompanyID company, const std::string &pass = "");
void NetworkClientSendRcon(const std::string &password, const std::string &command);
void NetworkClientSendChat(NetworkAction action, DestType type, int dest, const std::string &msg, int64_t data = 0);
bool NetworkClientPreferTeamChat(const NetworkClientInfo *cio);
bool NetworkCompanyIsPassworded(CompanyID company_id);
uint NetworkMaxCompaniesAllowed();
bool NetworkMaxCompaniesReached();
void NetworkPrintClients();
void NetworkHandlePauseChange(PauseMode prev_mode, PauseMode changed_mode);

/*** Commands ran by the server ***/
void NetworkServerSendConfigUpdate();
void NetworkServerUpdateGameInfo();
void NetworkServerShowStatusToConsole();
bool NetworkServerStart();
void NetworkServerNewCompany(const Company *company, NetworkClientInfo *ci);
bool NetworkServerChangeClientName(ClientID client_id, const std::string &new_name);

void NetworkServerDoMove(ClientID client_id, CompanyID company_id);
void NetworkServerSendRcon(ClientID client_id, TextColour colour_code, const std::string &string);
void NetworkServerSendChat(NetworkAction action, DestType type, int dest, const std::string &msg, ClientID from_id, int64_t data = 0, bool from_admin = false);
void NetworkServerSendExternalChat(const std::string &source, TextColour colour, const std::string &user, const std::string &msg);

void NetworkServerKickClient(ClientID client_id, const std::string &reason);
uint NetworkServerKickOrBanIP(ClientID client_id, bool ban, const std::string &reason);
uint NetworkServerKickOrBanIP(const std::string &ip, bool ban, const std::string &reason);

void NetworkInitChatMessage();
void NetworkReInitChatBoxSize();
void CDECL NetworkAddChatMessage(TextColour colour, uint duration, const std::string &message);
void NetworkUndrawChatMessage();

void NetworkAfterNewGRFScan();

#endif /* NETWORK_FUNC_H */