@ r28822:57cd1bc354de
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/engine_base.h
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Codechange: Add `GetVisibleRangeIterators()` to `Scrollbar`.
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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file engine_base.h Base class for engines. */
#include "engine_type.h"
#include "vehicle_type.h"
#include "core/pool_type.hpp"
#include "newgrf_commons.h"
#include "timer/timer_game_calendar.h"
struct WagonOverride {
std::vector<EngineID> engines;
CargoID cargo;
const SpriteGroup *group;
/** Flags used client-side in the purchase/autorenew engine list. */
enum class EngineDisplayFlags : byte {
None = 0, ///< No flag set.
HasVariants = (1U << 0), ///< Set if engine has variants.
IsFolded = (1U << 1), ///< Set if display of variants should be folded (hidden).
Shaded = (1U << 2), ///< Set if engine should be masked.
typedef Pool<Engine, EngineID, 64, 64000> EnginePool;
extern EnginePool _engine_pool;
struct Engine : EnginePool::PoolItem<&_engine_pool> {
std::string name; ///< Custom name of engine.
TimerGameCalendar::Date intro_date; ///< Date of introduction of the engine.
int32_t age; ///< Age of the engine in months.
uint16_t reliability; ///< Current reliability of the engine.
uint16_t reliability_spd_dec; ///< Speed of reliability decay between services (per day).
uint16_t reliability_start; ///< Initial reliability of the engine.
uint16_t reliability_max; ///< Maximal reliability of the engine.
uint16_t reliability_final; ///< Final reliability of the engine.
uint16_t duration_phase_1; ///< First reliability phase in months, increasing reliability from #reliability_start to #reliability_max.
uint16_t duration_phase_2; ///< Second reliability phase in months, keeping #reliability_max.
uint16_t duration_phase_3; ///< Third reliability phase in months, decaying to #reliability_final.
byte flags; ///< Flags of the engine. @see EngineFlags
CompanyMask preview_asked; ///< Bit for each company which has already been offered a preview.
CompanyID preview_company; ///< Company which is currently being offered a preview \c INVALID_COMPANY means no company.
byte preview_wait; ///< Daily countdown timer for timeout of offering the engine to the #preview_company company.
CompanyMask company_avail; ///< Bit for each company whether the engine is available for that company.
CompanyMask company_hidden; ///< Bit for each company whether the engine is normally hidden in the build gui for that company.
uint8_t original_image_index; ///< Original vehicle image index, thus the image index of the overridden vehicle
VehicleType type; ///< %Vehicle type, ie #VEH_ROAD, #VEH_TRAIN, etc.
EngineDisplayFlags display_flags; ///< NOSAVE client-side-only display flags for build engine list.
EngineID display_last_variant; ///< NOSAVE client-side-only last variant selected.
EngineInfo info;
union {
RailVehicleInfo rail;
RoadVehicleInfo road;
ShipVehicleInfo ship;
AircraftVehicleInfo air;
} u;
/* NewGRF related data */
* Properties related the the grf file.
* NUM_CARGO real cargo plus two pseudo cargo sprite groups.
* Used for obtaining the sprite offset of custom sprites, and for
* evaluating callbacks.
GRFFilePropsBase<NUM_CARGO + 2> grf_prop;
std::vector<WagonOverride> overrides;
uint16_t list_position;
Engine() {}
Engine(VehicleType type, EngineID base);
bool IsEnabled() const;
* Determines the default cargo type of an engine.
* Usually a valid cargo is returned, even though the vehicle has zero capacity, and can therefore not carry anything. But the cargotype is still used
* for livery selection etc..
* Vehicles with INVALID_CARGO as default cargo are usually not available, but it can appear as default cargo of articulated parts.
* @return The default cargo type.
* @see CanCarryCargo
CargoID GetDefaultCargoType() const
return this->info.cargo_type;
uint DetermineCapacity(const Vehicle *v, uint16_t *mail_capacity = nullptr) const;
bool CanCarryCargo() const;
* Determines the default cargo capacity of an engine for display purposes.
* For planes carrying both passenger and mail this is the passenger capacity.
* For multiheaded engines this is the capacity of both heads.
* For articulated engines use GetCapacityOfArticulatedParts
* @param mail_capacity returns secondary cargo (mail) capacity of aircraft
* @return The default capacity
* @see GetDefaultCargoType
uint GetDisplayDefaultCapacity(uint16_t *mail_capacity = nullptr) const
return this->DetermineCapacity(nullptr, mail_capacity);
Money GetRunningCost() const;
Money GetCost() const;
uint GetDisplayMaxSpeed() const;
uint GetPower() const;
uint GetDisplayWeight() const;
uint GetDisplayMaxTractiveEffort() const;
TimerGameCalendar::Date GetLifeLengthInDays() const;
uint16_t GetRange() const;
StringID GetAircraftTypeText() const;
* Check whether the engine is hidden in the GUI for the given company.
* @param c Company to check.
* @return \c true iff the engine is hidden in the GUI for the given company.
inline bool IsHidden(CompanyID c) const
return c < MAX_COMPANIES && HasBit(this->company_hidden, c);
* Get the last display variant for an engine.
* @return Engine's last display variant or engine itself if no last display variant is set.
const Engine *GetDisplayVariant() const
if (this->display_last_variant == this->index || this->display_last_variant == INVALID_ENGINE) return this;
return Engine::Get(this->display_last_variant);
bool IsVariantHidden(CompanyID c) const;
* Check if the engine is a ground vehicle.
* @return True iff the engine is a train or a road vehicle.
inline bool IsGroundVehicle() const
return this->type == VEH_TRAIN || this->type == VEH_ROAD;
* Retrieve the NewGRF the engine is tied to.
* This is the GRF providing the Action 3.
* @return NewGRF associated to the engine.
const GRFFile *GetGRF() const
return this->grf_prop.grffile;
uint32_t GetGRFID() const;
struct EngineTypeFilter {
VehicleType vt;
bool operator() (size_t index) { return Engine::Get(index)->type == this->vt; }
* Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid engines of the given type
* @param vt the VehicleType for engines to be valid
* @param from index of the first engine to consider
* @return an iterable ensemble of all valid engines of the given type
static Pool::IterateWrapperFiltered<Engine, EngineTypeFilter> IterateType(VehicleType vt, size_t from = 0)
return Pool::IterateWrapperFiltered<Engine, EngineTypeFilter>(from, EngineTypeFilter{ vt });
struct EngineIDMapping {
uint32_t grfid; ///< The GRF ID of the file the entity belongs to
uint16_t internal_id; ///< The internal ID within the GRF file
VehicleType type; ///< The engine type
uint8_t substitute_id; ///< The (original) entity ID to use if this GRF is not available (currently not used)
* Stores the mapping of EngineID to the internal id of newgrfs.
* Note: This is not part of Engine, as the data in the EngineOverrideManager and the engine pool get resetted in different cases.
struct EngineOverrideManager : std::vector<EngineIDMapping> {
static const uint NUM_DEFAULT_ENGINES; ///< Number of default entries
void ResetToDefaultMapping();
EngineID GetID(VehicleType type, uint16_t grf_local_id, uint32_t grfid);
static bool ResetToCurrentNewGRFConfig();
extern EngineOverrideManager _engine_mngr;
inline const EngineInfo *EngInfo(EngineID e)
return &Engine::Get(e)->info;
inline const RailVehicleInfo *RailVehInfo(EngineID e)
return &Engine::Get(e)->u.rail;
inline const RoadVehicleInfo *RoadVehInfo(EngineID e)
return &Engine::Get(e)->u.road;
inline const ShipVehicleInfo *ShipVehInfo(EngineID e)
return &Engine::Get(e)->u.ship;
inline const AircraftVehicleInfo *AircraftVehInfo(EngineID e)
return &Engine::Get(e)->u.air;
#endif /* ENGINE_BASE_H */