@ r28822:57cd1bc354de
Branch filter:
Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/highscore_gui.cpp
9.6 KiB
Codechange: Add `GetVisibleRangeIterators()` to `Scrollbar`.
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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file highscore_gui.cpp Definition of the HighScore and EndGame windows */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "highscore.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "gfx_func.h"
#include "table/sprites.h"
#include "window_gui.h"
#include "window_func.h"
#include "network/network.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "company_base.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "hotkeys.h"
#include "zoom_func.h"
#include "misc_cmd.h"
#include "timer/timer.h"
#include "timer/timer_game_calendar.h"
#include "widgets/highscore_widget.h"
#include "safeguards.h"
struct EndGameHighScoreBaseWindow : Window {
uint32_t background_img;
int8_t rank;
EndGameHighScoreBaseWindow(WindowDesc *desc) : Window(desc)
ResizeWindow(this, _screen.width - this->width, _screen.height - this->height);
/* Always draw a maximized window and within it the centered background */
void SetupHighScoreEndWindow()
/* Resize window to "full-screen". */
if (this->width != _screen.width || this->height != _screen.height) ResizeWindow(this, _screen.width - this->width, _screen.height - this->height);
/* Standard background slices are 50 pixels high, but it's designed
* for 480 pixels total. 96% of 500 is 480. */
Dimension dim = GetSpriteSize(this->background_img);
Point pt = this->GetTopLeft(dim.width, dim.height * 96 / 10);
/* Center Highscore/Endscreen background */
for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // the image is split into 10 50px high parts
DrawSprite(this->background_img + i, PAL_NONE, pt.x, pt.y + (i * dim.height));
/** Return the coordinate of the screen such that a window of 640x480 is centered at the screen. */
Point GetTopLeft(int x, int y)
Point pt = {std::max(0, (_screen.width / 2) - (x / 2)), std::max(0, (_screen.height / 2) - (y / 2))};
return pt;
void OnClick([[maybe_unused]] Point pt, [[maybe_unused]] WidgetID widget, [[maybe_unused]] int click_count) override
EventState OnKeyPress([[maybe_unused]] char32_t key, uint16_t keycode) override
/* All keys are 'handled' by this window but we want to make
* sure that 'quit' still works correctly. Not handling the
* quit key is enough so the main toolbar can handle it. */
if (IsQuitKey(keycode)) return ES_NOT_HANDLED;
switch (keycode) {
/* Keys for telling we want to go on */
case WKC_ESC:
return ES_HANDLED;
/* We want to handle all keys; we don't want windows in
* the background to open. Especially the ones that do
* locate themselves based on the status-/toolbars. */
return ES_HANDLED;
/** End game window shown at the end of the game */
struct EndGameWindow : EndGameHighScoreBaseWindow {
EndGameWindow(WindowDesc *desc) : EndGameHighScoreBaseWindow(desc)
/* Pause in single-player to have a look at the highscore at your own leisure */
if (!_networking) Command<CMD_PAUSE>::Post(PM_PAUSED_NORMAL, true);
this->background_img = SPR_TYCOON_IMG1_BEGIN;
if (_local_company != COMPANY_SPECTATOR) {
const Company *c = Company::Get(_local_company);
if (c->old_economy[0].performance_history == SCORE_MAX) {
this->background_img = SPR_TYCOON_IMG2_BEGIN;
/* In a network game show the endscores of the custom difficulty 'network' which is
* a TOP5 of that game, and not an all-time TOP5. */
if (_networking) {
this->window_number = SP_MULTIPLAYER;
this->rank = SaveHighScoreValueNetwork();
} else {
/* in singleplayer mode _local company is always valid */
const Company *c = Company::Get(_local_company);
this->window_number = SP_CUSTOM;
this->rank = SaveHighScoreValue(c);
void Close([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0) override
if (!_networking) Command<CMD_PAUSE>::Post(PM_PAUSED_NORMAL, false); // unpause
if (_game_mode != GM_MENU) ShowHighscoreTable(this->window_number, this->rank);
void OnPaint() override
Point pt = this->GetTopLeft(ScaleSpriteTrad(640), ScaleSpriteTrad(480));
const Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(_local_company);
if (c == nullptr) return;
/* We need to get performance from last year because the image is shown
* at the start of the new year when these things have already been copied */
if (this->background_img == SPR_TYCOON_IMG2_BEGIN) { // Tycoon of the century \o/
SetDParam(0, c->index);
SetDParam(1, c->index);
SetDParam(2, EndGameGetPerformanceTitleFromValue(c->old_economy[0].performance_history));
DrawStringMultiLine(pt.x + ScaleSpriteTrad(15), pt.x + ScaleSpriteTrad(640) - ScaleSpriteTrad(25), pt.y + ScaleSpriteTrad(90), pt.y + ScaleSpriteTrad(160), STR_HIGHSCORE_PRESIDENT_OF_COMPANY_ACHIEVES_STATUS, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER);
} else {
SetDParam(0, c->index);
SetDParam(1, EndGameGetPerformanceTitleFromValue(c->old_economy[0].performance_history));
DrawStringMultiLine(pt.x + ScaleSpriteTrad(36), pt.x + ScaleSpriteTrad(640), pt.y + ScaleSpriteTrad(140), pt.y + ScaleSpriteTrad(206), STR_HIGHSCORE_COMPANY_ACHIEVES_STATUS, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER);
struct HighScoreWindow : EndGameHighScoreBaseWindow {
bool game_paused_by_player; ///< True if the game was paused by the player when the highscore window was opened.
HighScoreWindow(WindowDesc *desc, int difficulty, int8_t ranking) : EndGameHighScoreBaseWindow(desc)
/* pause game to show the chart */
this->game_paused_by_player = _pause_mode == PM_PAUSED_NORMAL;
if (!_networking && !this->game_paused_by_player) Command<CMD_PAUSE>::Post(PM_PAUSED_NORMAL, true);
/* Close all always on-top windows to get a clean screen */
if (_game_mode != GM_MENU) HideVitalWindows();
this->window_number = difficulty; // show highscore chart for difficulty...
this->background_img = SPR_HIGHSCORE_CHART_BEGIN; // which background to show
this->rank = ranking;
void Close([[maybe_unused]] int data = 0) override
if (_game_mode != GM_MENU) ShowVitalWindows();
if (!_networking && !this->game_paused_by_player) Command<CMD_PAUSE>::Post(PM_PAUSED_NORMAL, false); // unpause
void OnPaint() override
const auto &hs = _highscore_table[this->window_number];
Point pt = this->GetTopLeft(ScaleSpriteTrad(640), ScaleSpriteTrad(480));
/* Draw the title. */
DrawStringMultiLine(pt.x + ScaleSpriteTrad(70), pt.x + ScaleSpriteTrad(570), pt.y, pt.y + ScaleSpriteTrad(140), STR_HIGHSCORE_TOP_COMPANIES, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER);
/* Draw Highscore peepz */
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ClampTo<uint8_t>(hs.size()); i++) {
SetDParam(0, i + 1);
DrawString(pt.x + ScaleSpriteTrad(40), pt.x + ScaleSpriteTrad(600), pt.y + ScaleSpriteTrad(140 + i * 55), STR_HIGHSCORE_POSITION);
if (!hs[i].name.empty()) {
TextColour colour = (this->rank == i) ? TC_RED : TC_BLACK; // draw new highscore in red
SetDParamStr(0, hs[i].name);
DrawString(pt.x + ScaleSpriteTrad(71), pt.x + ScaleSpriteTrad(569), pt.y + ScaleSpriteTrad(140 + i * 55), STR_JUST_BIG_RAW_STRING, colour);
SetDParam(0, hs[i].title);
SetDParam(1, hs[i].score);
DrawString(pt.x + ScaleSpriteTrad(71), pt.x + ScaleSpriteTrad(569), pt.y + ScaleSpriteTrad(140) + GetCharacterHeight(FS_LARGE) + ScaleSpriteTrad(i * 55), STR_HIGHSCORE_STATS, colour);
static constexpr NWidgetPart _nested_highscore_widgets[] = {
NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_H_BACKGROUND), SetResize(1, 1), EndContainer(),
static WindowDesc _highscore_desc(__FILE__, __LINE__,
WDP_MANUAL, nullptr, 0, 0,
std::begin(_nested_highscore_widgets), std::end(_nested_highscore_widgets)
static WindowDesc _endgame_desc(__FILE__, __LINE__,
WDP_MANUAL, nullptr, 0, 0,
std::begin(_nested_highscore_widgets), std::end(_nested_highscore_widgets)
* Show the highscore table for a given difficulty. When called from
* endgame ranking is set to the top5 element that was newly added
* and is thus highlighted
void ShowHighscoreTable(int difficulty, int8_t ranking)
new HighScoreWindow(&_highscore_desc, difficulty, ranking);
* Show the endgame victory screen in 2050. Update the new highscore
* if it was high enough
void ShowEndGameChart()
/* Dedicated server doesn't need the highscore window and neither does -v null. */
if (_network_dedicated || (!_networking && !Company::IsValidID(_local_company))) return;
new EndGameWindow(&_endgame_desc);
static IntervalTimer<TimerGameCalendar> _check_end_game({TimerGameCalendar::YEAR, TimerGameCalendar::Priority::NONE}, [](auto)
/* 0 = never */
if (_settings_game.game_creation.ending_year == 0) return;
/* Show the end-game chart at the end of the ending year (hence the + 1). */
if (TimerGameCalendar::year == _settings_game.game_creation.ending_year + 1) {