Files @ r4548:6a33e364fba5
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/yapf/array.hpp

(svn r6380) -Codechange: unify all ways to quit OTTD.
This means that in the intro menu the 'Quit' button immediatelly quits
and the 'Quit' in the menu of the normal game and scenario editor
immediatelly quits when the 'autosave_on_exit' patch is turned on.
This is the same way as the OS/window manager initiated quits, like
alt-F4 and the 'x' in the (OS/window manager drawn) title bar of OTTD.
/* $Id$ */

#ifndef  ARRAY_HPP
#define  ARRAY_HPP

#include "fixedsizearray.hpp"

/** Flexible array with size limit. Implemented as fixed size
    array of fixed size arrays */
template <class Titem_, int Tblock_size_ = 1024, int Tnum_blocks_ = Tblock_size_>
class CArrayT {
	typedef Titem_ Titem; ///< Titem is now visible from outside
	typedef CFixedSizeArrayT<Titem_, Tblock_size_> CSubArray; ///< inner array
	typedef CFixedSizeArrayT<CSubArray, Tnum_blocks_> CSuperArray; ///< outer array

	CSuperArray     m_a; ///< array of arrays of items

	ST_CONST(int, Tblock_size = Tblock_size_); ///< block size is now visible from outside
	ST_CONST(int, Tnum_blocks = Tnum_blocks_); ///< number of blocks is now visible from outside
	ST_CONST(int, Tcapacity = Tblock_size * Tnum_blocks); ///< total max number of items

	/** implicit constructor */
	/** Return actual number of items */
	FORCEINLINE int Size() const
		int super_size = m_a.Size();
		if (super_size == 0) return 0;
		int sub_size = m_a[super_size - 1].Size();
		return (super_size - 1) * Tblock_size + sub_size;
	/** return true if array is empty */
	FORCEINLINE bool IsEmpty() { return m_a.IsEmpty(); }
	/** return true if array is full */
	FORCEINLINE bool IsFull() { return m_a.IsFull() && m_a[Tnum_blocks - 1].IsFull(); }
	/** return first sub-array with free space for new item */
	FORCEINLINE CSubArray& FirstFreeSubArray()
		int super_size = m_a.Size();
		if (super_size > 0) {
			CSubArray& sa = m_a[super_size - 1];
			if (!sa.IsFull()) return sa;
		return m_a.Add();
	/** allocate but not construct new item */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_& AddNC() { return FirstFreeSubArray().AddNC(); }
	/** allocate and construct new item */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_& Add()   { return FirstFreeSubArray().Add(); }
	/** indexed access (non-const) */
	FORCEINLINE Titem& operator [] (int idx)
		CSubArray& sa = m_a[idx / Tblock_size];
		Titem& item   = sa [idx % Tblock_size];
		return item;
	/** indexed access (const) */
	FORCEINLINE const Titem& operator [] (int idx) const
		CSubArray& sa = m_a[idx / Tblock_size];
		Titem& item   = sa [idx % Tblock_size];
		return item;

#endif /* ARRAY_HPP */