Files @ r9334:6d079081ec24
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/newgrf_callbacks.h

(svn r13226) -Feature: Allow to have more than only two airports per town. The number of airports is now controlled by the noise each of them generates, the distance from town's center and how tolerant the town is.
Initial concept : TTDPatch (moreairpots), Initial code : Pasky
Thanks to BigBB (help coding), Smatz Skidd13 and frosch for bugcatches and advices
/* $Id$ */

/** @file newgrf_callbacks.h Callbacks that NewGRFs could implement. */


 * List of implemented NewGRF callbacks.
 * Most of these callbacks are only triggered when the corresponding
 * bit is set in the callback flags/trigger for a vehicle, house,
 * industry, etc.
 * Names are formatted as CBID_<CLASS>_<CALLBACK>
 * @note Do not forget to add 15 bits callbacks to the switch in
 *       newgrf_spritegroup.cpp (search for "15 bits callback").
enum CallbackID {
	/** Set when using the callback resolve system, but not to resolve a callback. */
	CBID_NO_CALLBACK                     = 0x00,

	/** Set when calling a randomizing trigger (almost undocumented). */
	CBID_RANDOM_TRIGGER                  = 0x01,

	/* There are no callbacks 0x02 - 0x0F. */

	/** Powered wagons, if the result is lower as 0x40 then the wagon is powered
	 * @todo : interpret the rest of the result, aka "visual effects". */
	CBID_TRAIN_WAGON_POWER               = 0x10, // 8 bit callback

	/** Vehicle length, returns the amount of 1/8's the vehicle is shorter for trains and RVs. */
	CBID_VEHICLE_LENGTH                  = 0x11,

	/** Determine the amount of cargo to load per unit of time when using gradual loading. */
	CBID_VEHICLE_LOAD_AMOUNT             = 0x12, // 8 bit callback

	/** Determine whether a newstation should be made available to build. */
	CBID_STATION_AVAILABILITY            = 0x13, // 8 bit callback

	/** Choose a sprite layout to draw, instead of the standard 0-7 range. */

	/** Refit capacity, the passed vehicle needs to have its ->cargo_type set to
	 * the cargo we are refitting to, returns the new cargo capacity. */
	CBID_VEHICLE_REFIT_CAPACITY          = 0x15, // 15 bit callback

	/** Builds articulated engines for trains and RVs. */
	CBID_VEHICLE_ARTIC_ENGINE            = 0x16, // 8 bit callback

	/** Determine whether the house can be built on the specified tile. */
	CBID_HOUSE_ALLOW_CONSTRUCTION        = 0x17, // 8 bit callback

	/** AI construction/purchase selection */
	CBID_GENERIC_AI_PURCHASE_SELECTION   = 0x18, // 8 bit callback, not implemented

	/** Determine the cargo "suffixes" for each refit possibility of a cargo. */
	CBID_VEHICLE_CARGO_SUFFIX            = 0x19,

	/** Determine the next animation frame for a house. */
	CBID_HOUSE_ANIMATION_NEXT_FRAME      = 0x1A, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called for periodically starting or stopping the animation. */
	CBID_HOUSE_ANIMATION_START_STOP      = 0x1B, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called whenever the construction state of a house changes. */

	/** Determine whether a wagon can be attached to an already existing train. */

	/** Called to determine the colour of a town building. */
	CBID_HOUSE_COLOUR                    = 0x1E, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to decide how much cargo a town building can accept. */
	CBID_HOUSE_CARGO_ACCEPTANCE          = 0x1F, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to indicate how long the current animation frame should last. */
	CBID_HOUSE_ANIMATION_SPEED           = 0x20, // 8 bit callback

	/** Called periodically to determine if a house should be destroyed. */
	CBID_HOUSE_DESTRUCTION               = 0x21, // 8 bit callback

	/** Called to determine if the given industry type is available */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_AVAILABLE              = 0x22, // 15 bit callback

	/** This callback is called from vehicle purchase lists. It returns a value to be
	 * used as a custom string ID in the 0xD000 range. */

	/** Called when building a station to customize the tile layout */
	CBID_STATION_TILE_LAYOUT             = 0x24, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called for periodically starting or stopping the animation. */
	CBID_INDTILE_ANIM_START_STOP         = 0x25, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to determine industry tile next animation frame. */
	CBID_INDTILE_ANIM_NEXT_FRAME         = 0x26, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to indicate how long the current animation frame should last. */
	CBID_INDTILE_ANIMATION_SPEED         = 0x27, // 8 bit callback

	/** Called to determine if the given industry can be built on specific area. */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_LOCATION               = 0x28, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called on production changes, so it can be adjusted. */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_PRODUCTION_CHANGE      = 0x29, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to determine which cargoes a town building should accept. */
	CBID_HOUSE_ACCEPT_CARGO              = 0x2A, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to query the cargo acceptance of the industry tile */
	CBID_INDTILE_CARGO_ACCEPTANCE        = 0x2B, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to determine which cargoes an industry should accept. */
	CBID_INDTILE_ACCEPT_CARGO            = 0x2C, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to determine if a specific colour map should be used for a vehicle
	 * instead of the default livery. */
	CBID_VEHICLE_COLOUR_MAPPING          = 0x2D, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to determine how much cargo a town building produces. */
	CBID_HOUSE_PRODUCE_CARGO             = 0x2E, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to determine if the given industry tile can be built on specific tile. */
	CBID_INDTILE_SHAPE_CHECK             = 0x2F, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to determine the type (if any) of foundation to draw for industry tile. */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS       = 0x30, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called when the player (or AI) tries to start or stop a vehicle. Mainly
	 * used for preventing a vehicle from leaving the depot. */
	CBID_VEHICLE_START_STOP_CHECK        = 0x31, // 15 bit callback, but 0xFF test is done with 8 bit

	/** Called for every vehicle every 32 days (not all on same date though). */
	CBID_VEHICLE_32DAY_CALLBACK          = 0x32, // 2 bit callback

	/** Called to play a special sound effect */
	CBID_VEHICLE_SOUND_EFFECT            = 0x33, // 15 bit callback

	/** Return the vehicles this given vehicle can be "upgraded" to. */
	CBID_VEHICLE_AUTOREPLACE_SELECTION   = 0x34, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called monthly on production changes, so it can be adjusted more frequently */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_MONTHLYPROD_CHANGE     = 0x35, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to modify various vehicle properties. Callback parameter 1
	 * specifies the property index, as used in Action 0, to change. */
	CBID_VEHICLE_MODIFY_PROPERTY         = 0x36, // 8/15 bit depends on queried property

	/** Called to determine text to display after cargo name */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SUFFIX           = 0x37, // 15 bit callback, but 0xFF test is done with 8 bit

	/** Called to determine more text in the fund industry window */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_FUND_MORE_TEXT         = 0x38, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to calculate the income of delivered cargo */
	CBID_CARGO_PROFIT_CALC               = 0x39, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to determine more text in the industry window */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_WINDOW_MORE_TEXT       = 0x3A, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to determine industry special effects */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_SPECIAL_EFFECT         = 0x3B, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to determine if industry can alter the ground below industry tile */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_AUTOSLOPE              = 0x3C, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to determine if the industry can still accept or refuse more cargo arrival */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_REFUSE_CARGO           = 0x3D, // 15 bit callback

	/* There are no callbacks 0x3E - 0x13F */

	/** Called for periodically starting or stopping the animation. */
	CBID_STATION_ANIM_START_STOP         = 0x140, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to determine station tile next animation frame. */
	CBID_STATION_ANIM_NEXT_FRAME         = 0x141, // 15 bit callback

	/** Called to indicate how long the current animation frame should last. */
	CBID_STATION_ANIMATION_SPEED         = 0x142, // 8 bit callback

	/** Called to determine whether a town building can be destroyed. */
	CBID_HOUSE_DENY_DESTRUCTION          = 0x143, // 15 bit callback

	/** Select an ambient sound to play for a given type of tile. */
	CBID_SOUNDS_AMBIENT_EFFECT           = 0x144, // 15 bit callback, not implemented

	/** Called to calculate part of a station rating. */
	CBID_CARGO_STATION_RATING_CALC       = 0x145, // 15 bit callback, not implemented

	/** Allow signal sprites to be replaced dynamically. */
	CBID_NEW_SIGNALS_SPRITE_DRAW         = 0x146, // 15 bit callback, not implemented

	/** Add an offset to the default sprite numbers to show another sprite. */
	CBID_CANALS_SPRITE_OFFSET            = 0x147, // 15 bit callback, not implemented

	/** Called when a cargo type specified in property 20 is accepted. */
	CBID_HOUSE_WATCHED_CARGO_ACCEPTED    = 0x148, // 15 bit callback, not implemented

	/** Callback done for each tile of a station to check the slope. */
	CBID_STATION_LAND_SLOPE_CHECK        = 0x149, // 15 bit callback, not implemented

	/** Called to determine the color of an industry. */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_DECIDE_COLOUR          = 0x14A, // 4 bit callback

	/** Customize the input cargo types of a newly build industry. */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_INPUT_CARGO_TYPES      = 0x14B, // 8 bit callback

	/** Customize the output cargo types of a newly build industry. */
	CBID_INDUSTRY_OUTPUT_CARGO_TYPES     = 0x14C, // 8 bit callback

 * Callback masks for vehicles, indicates which callbacks are used by a vehicle.
 * Some callbacks are always used and don't have a mask.
enum VehicleCallbackMask {
	CBM_TRAIN_WAGON_POWER      = 0, ///< Powered wagons (trains only)
	CBM_VEHICLE_LENGTH         = 1, ///< Vehicle length (trains and road vehicles)
	CBM_VEHICLE_LOAD_AMOUNT    = 2, ///< Load amount
	CBM_VEHICLE_REFIT_CAPACITY = 3, ///< Cargo capacity after refit
	CBM_VEHICLE_ARTIC_ENGINE   = 4, ///< Add articulated engines (trains only)
	CBM_VEHICLE_CARGO_SUFFIX   = 5, ///< Show suffix after cargo name
	CBM_VEHICLE_COLOUR_REMAP   = 6, ///< Change colour mapping of vehicle
	CBM_VEHICLE_SOUND_EFFECT   = 7, ///< Vehicle uses custom sound effects

 * Callback masks for stations.
enum StationCallbackMask {
	CBM_STATION_AVAIL                = 0, ///< Availability of station in construction window
	CBM_STATION_SPRITE_LAYOUT        = 1, ///< Use callback to select a sprite layout to use
	CBM_STATION_ANIMATION_NEXT_FRAME = 2, ///< Use a custom next frame callback
	CBM_STATION_ANIMATION_SPEED      = 3, ///< Customize the animation speed of the station
	CBM_STATION_SLOPE_CHECK          = 4, ///< Check slope of new station tiles

 * Callback masks for houses.
enum HouseCallbackMask {
	CBM_HOUSE_COLOUR                    =  4,
	CBM_HOUSE_DESTRUCTION               =  7,
	CBM_HOUSE_ACCEPT_CARGO              =  8,
	CBM_HOUSE_PRODUCE_CARGO             =  9,

 * Callback masks for cargos.
enum CargoCallbackMask {
	CBM_CARGO_PROFIT_CALC         = 0, ///< custom profit calculation
	CBM_CARGO_STATION_RATING_CALC = 1, ///< custom station rating for this cargo type

 * Callback masks for Industries
enum IndustryCallbackMask {
	CBM_IND_AVAILABLE                 =  0, ///< industry availability callback
	CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_CARGO_ARRIVAL  =  1, ///< call production callback when cargo arrives at the industry
	CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_256_TICKS      =  2, ///< call production callback every 256 ticks
	CBM_IND_LOCATION                  =  3, ///< check industry construction on given area
	CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_CHANGE         =  4, ///< controls random production change
	CBM_IND_MONTHLYPROD_CHANGE        =  5, ///< controls monthly random production change
	CBM_IND_CARGO_SUFFIX              =  6, ///< cargo sub-type display
	CBM_IND_FUND_MORE_TEXT            =  7, ///< additional text in fund window
	CBM_IND_WINDOW_MORE_TEXT          =  8, ///< additional text in industry window
	CBM_IND_SPECIAL_EFFECT            =  9, ///< control special effects
	CBM_IND_REFUSE_CARGO              = 10, ///< option out of accepting cargo
	CBM_IND_DECIDE_COLOUR             = 11, ///< give a custom colour to newly build industries
	CBM_IND_INPUT_CARGO_TYPES         = 12, ///< customize the cargos the industry requires
	CBM_IND_OUTPUT_CARGO_TYPES        = 13, ///< customize the cargos the industry produces

 * Callback masks for industry tiles
enum IndustryTileCallbackMask {
	CBM_INDT_ANIM_NEXT_FRAME          = 0,  ///< decides next animation frame
	CBM_INDT_ANIM_SPEED               = 1,  ///< decides animation speed
	CBM_INDT_CARGO_ACCEPTANCE         = 2,  ///< decides amount of cargo acceptance
	CBM_INDT_ACCEPT_CARGO             = 3,  ///< decides accepted types
	CBM_INDT_SHAPE_CHECK              = 4,  ///< decides slope suitability
	CBM_INDT_DRAW_FOUNDATIONS         = 5,  ///< decides if default foundations need to be drawn
	CBM_INDT_AUTOSLOPE                = 6,  ///< decides allowance of autosloping

 * Different values for Callback result evaluations
enum {
	CALLBACK_FAILED              = 0xFFFF,  ///< Result of a failed callback.
	CALLBACK_HOUSEPRODCARGO_END  = 0x20FF,  ///< Sentinel indicating that the loop for CBID_HOUSE_PRODUCE_CARGO has ended