Files @ r11049:6eb2c87ed64a
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/ai/api/ai_town.hpp

(svn r15389) -Feature: Add ability to select which base graphics set is used from the Game Options window. The change takes effect when the window is closed. This option can only be used from the intro menu, as reloading graphics during a game may cause issues.
/* $Id$ */

/** @file ai_town.hpp Everything to query towns. */

#ifndef AI_TOWN_HPP
#define AI_TOWN_HPP

#include "ai_object.hpp"
#include "ai_company.hpp"

 * Class that handles all town related functions.
class AITown : public AIObject {
	static const char *GetClassName() { return "AITown"; }

	 * Actions that one can perform on a town.
	enum TownAction {
		/* Values are important, as they represent the internal state of the game. */

		 * The cargo ratings temporary gains 25% of rating (in
		 * absolute percentage, so 10% becomes 35%, with a max of 99%)
		 * for all stations within 10 tiles.

		 * The cargo ratings temporary gains 44% of rating (in
		 * absolute percentage, so 10% becomes 54%, with a max of 99%)
		 * for all stations within 15 tiles.

		 * The cargo ratings temporary gains 63% of rating (in
		 * absolute percentage, so 10% becomes 73%, with a max of 99%)
		 * for all stations within 20 tiles.

		 * Rebuild the roads of this town for 6 months.

		 * Build a statue in this town.

		 * Fund the creation of extra buildings for 3 months.

		 * Buy exclusive rights for this town for 12 months.

		 * Bribe the town in order to get a higher rating.
		TOWN_ACTION_BRIBE            = 7,

	 * Different ratings one could have in a town.
	enum TownRating {
		TOWN_RATING_NONE,         ///< The company got no rating in the town.
		TOWN_RATING_APPALLING,    ///< The company got an appalling rating in the town .
		TOWN_RATING_VERY_POOR,    ///< The company got an very poor rating in the town.
		TOWN_RATING_POOR,         ///< The company got an poor rating in the town.
		TOWN_RATING_MEDIOCRE,     ///< The company got an mediocre rating in the town.
		TOWN_RATING_GOOD,         ///< The company got an good rating in the town.
		TOWN_RATING_VERY_GOOD,    ///< The company got an very good rating in the town.
		TOWN_RATING_EXCELLENT,    ///< The company got an excellent rating in the town.
		TOWN_RATING_OUTSTANDING,  ///< The company got an outstanding rating in the town.
		TOWN_RATING_INVALID = -1, ///< The town rating for invalid towns/companies.

	 * Possible layouts for the roads in a town.
	enum RoadLayout {
		/* Order IS important, as it matches an in-game value */
		ROAD_LAYOUT_ORIGINAL,     ///< Original algorithm (min. 1 distance between roads).
		ROAD_LAYOUT_BETTER_ROADS, ///< Extended original algorithm (min. 2 distance between roads).
		ROAD_LAYOUT_2x2,          ///< Geometric 2x2 grid algorithm
		ROAD_LAYOUT_3x3,          ///< Geometric 3x3 grid algorithm
		ROAD_LAYOUT_INVALID = -1, ///< The layout for invalid towns.

	 * Gets the maximum town index; there are no valid towns with a higher index.
	 * @return The maximum town index.
	 * @post Return value is always non-negative.
	static TownID GetMaxTownID();

	 * Gets the number of towns. This is different than GetMaxTownID()
	 *   because of the way OpenTTD works internally.
	 * @return The number of towns.
	 * @post Return value is always non-negative.
	static int32 GetTownCount();

	 * Checks whether the given town index is valid.
	 * @param town_id The index to check.
	 * @return True if and only if the town is valid.
	static bool IsValidTown(TownID town_id);

	 * Get the name of the town.
	 * @param town_id The town to get the name of.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @return The name of the town.
	static char *GetName(TownID town_id);

	 * Gets the number of inhabitants in the town.
	 * @param town_id The town to get the population of.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @return The number of inhabitants.
	 * @post Return value is always non-negative.
	static int32 GetPopulation(TownID town_id);

	 * Gets the number of houses in the town.
	 * @param town_id The town to get the number of houses of.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @return The number of houses.
	 * @post Return value is always non-negative.
	static int32 GetHouseCount(TownID town_id);

	 * Gets the location of the town.
	 * @param town_id The town to get the location of.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @return The location of the town.
	static TileIndex GetLocation(TownID town_id);

	 * Get the total last month's production of the given cargo at a town.
	 * @param town_id The index of the town.
	 * @param cargo_id The index of the cargo.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @pre AICargo::IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
	 * @pre AICargo::GetTownEffect(cargo_id) == TE_PASSENGERS || AICargo::GetTownEffect(cargo_id) == TE_MAIL.
	 * @return The last month's production of the given cargo for this town.
	 * @post Return value is always non-negative.
	static int32 GetLastMonthProduction(TownID town_id, CargoID cargo_id);

	 * Get the total amount of cargo transported from a town last month.
	 * @param town_id The index of the industry.
	 * @param cargo_id The index of the cargo.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @pre AICargo::IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
	 * @pre AICargo::GetTownEffect(cargo_id) == TE_PASSENGERS || AICargo::GetTownEffect(cargo_id) == TE_MAIL.
	 * @return The amount of given cargo transported from this town last month.
	 * @post Return value is always non-negative.
	static int32 GetLastMonthTransported(TownID town_id, CargoID cargo_id);

	 * Get the maximum production of the given cargo at a town.
	 * @param town_id The index of the town.
	 * @param cargo_id The index of the cargo.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @pre AICargo::IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
	 * @pre AICargo::GetTownEffect(cargo_id) == TE_PASSENGERS || AICargo::GetTownEffect(cargo_id) == TE_MAIL.
	 * @return The maximum production of the given cargo for this town.
	 * @post Return value is always non-negative.
	static int32 GetMaxProduction(TownID town_id, CargoID cargo_id);

	 * Get the manhattan distance from the tile to the AITown::GetLocation()
	 *  of the town.
	 * @param town_id The town to get the distance to.
	 * @param tile The tile to get the distance to.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @return The distance between town and tile.
	static int32 GetDistanceManhattanToTile(TownID town_id, TileIndex tile);

	 * Get the square distance from the tile to the AITown::GetLocation()
	 *  of the town.
	 * @param town_id The town to get the distance to.
	 * @param tile The tile to get the distance to.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @return The distance between town and tile.
	static int32 GetDistanceSquareToTile(TownID town_id, TileIndex tile);

	 * Find out if this tile is within the rating influence of a town.
	 *  Stations on this tile influence the rating of the town.
	 * @param town_id The town to check.
	 * @param tile The tile to check.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @return True if the tile is within the rating influence of the town.
	static bool IsWithinTownInfluence(TownID town_id, TileIndex tile);

	 * Find out if this town has a statue for the current company.
	 * @param town_id The town to check.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @return True if the town has a statue.
	static bool HasStatue(TownID town_id);

	 * Find out how long the town is undergoing road reconstructions.
	 * @param town_id The town to check.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @return The number of months the road reworks are still going to take.
	 *         The value 0 means that there are currently no road reworks.
	static int GetRoadReworkDuration(TownID town_id);

	 * Find out which company currently has the exclusive rights of this town.
	 * @param town_id The town to check.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @return The company that has the exclusive rights. The value
	 *         AICompany::COMPANY_INVALID means that there are currently no
	 *         exclusive rights given out to anyone.
	static AICompany::CompanyID GetExclusiveRightsCompany(TownID town_id);

	 * Find out how long the town is under influence of the exclusive rights.
	 * @param town_id The town to check.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @return The number of months the exclusive rights hold.
	 *         The value 0 means that there are currently no exclusive rights
	 *         given out to anyone.
	static int32 GetExclusiveRightsDuration(TownID town_id);

	 * Find out if an action can currently be performed on the town.
	 * @param town_id The town to perform the action on.
	 * @param town_action The action to perform on the town.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @return True if and only if the action can performed.
	static bool IsActionAvailable(TownID town_id, TownAction town_action);

	 * Perform a town action on this town.
	 * @param town_id The town to perform the action on.
	 * @param town_action The action to perform on the town.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @pre IsActionAvailable(town_id, town_action).
	 * @return True if the action succeeded.
	static bool PerformTownAction(TownID town_id, TownAction town_action);

	 * Get the rating of a company within a town.
	 * @param town_id The town to get the rating for.
	 * @param company_id The company to get the rating for.
	 * @pre IsValidTown(town_id).
	 * @pre AICompany.ResolveCompanyID(company) != AICompany::COMPANY_INVALID.
	 * @return The rating as shown to humans.
	static TownRating GetRating(TownID town_id, AICompany::CompanyID company_id);

	 * Get the maximum level of noise that still can be added by airports
	 *  before the town start to refuse building a new airport.
	 * @param town_id The town to get the allowed noise from.
	 * @return The noise that still can be added.
	static int GetAllowedNoise(TownID town_id);

	 * Get the road layout for a town.
	 * @param town_id The town to get the road layout from.
	 * @return The RoadLayout for the town.
	static RoadLayout GetRoadLayout(TownID town_id);

#endif /* AI_TOWN_HPP */