Files @ r11049:6eb2c87ed64a
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/ai/api/squirrel_export.awk

(svn r15389) -Feature: Add ability to select which base graphics set is used from the Game Options window. The change takes effect when the window is closed. This option can only be used from the intro menu, as reloading graphics during a game may cause issues.
# $Id$
# Awk script to automatically generate the code needed
# to export the AI API to Squirrel.
# Note that arrays are 1 based...

# Simple insertion sort.
function array_sort(ARRAY, ELEMENTS, temp, i, j) {
	for (i = 2; i <= ELEMENTS; i++)
		for (j = i; ARRAY[j - 1] > ARRAY[j]; --j) {
			temp = ARRAY[j]
			ARRAY[j] = ARRAY[j - 1]
			ARRAY[j - 1] = temp

function dump_class_templates(name) {
	print "	template <> "       name " *GetParam(ForceType<"       name " *>, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQUserPointer instance; sq_getinstanceup(vm, index, &instance, 0); return  (" name " *)instance; }"
	print "	template <> "       name " &GetParam(ForceType<"       name " &>, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQUserPointer instance; sq_getinstanceup(vm, index, &instance, 0); return *(" name " *)instance; }"
	print "	template <> const " name " *GetParam(ForceType<const " name " *>, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQUserPointer instance; sq_getinstanceup(vm, index, &instance, 0); return  (" name " *)instance; }"
	print "	template <> const " name " &GetParam(ForceType<const " name " &>, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQUserPointer instance; sq_getinstanceup(vm, index, &instance, 0); return *(" name " *)instance; }"
	if (name == "AIEvent") {
		print " template <> int Return<" name " *>(HSQUIRRELVM vm, " name " *res) { if (res == NULL) { sq_pushnull(vm); return 1; } Squirrel::CreateClassInstanceVM(vm, \"" name "\", res, NULL, DefSQDestructorCallback<" name ">); return 1; }"
	} else {
		print "	template <> int Return<" name " *>(HSQUIRRELVM vm, " name " *res) { if (res == NULL) { sq_pushnull(vm); return 1; } res->AddRef(); Squirrel::CreateClassInstanceVM(vm, \"" name "\", res, NULL, DefSQDestructorCallback<" name ">); return 1; }"

	enum_size = 0
	enum_value_size = 0
	enum_string_to_error_size = 0
	enum_error_to_string_size = 0
	struct_size = 0
	method_size = 0
	static_method_size = 0
	virtual_class = "false"
	super_cls = ""
	cls = ""
	start_squirrel_define_on_next_line = "false"
	cls_level = 0
	RS = "\r|\n"

/@file/ {
	# Break it in two lines, so SVN doesn't replace it
	printf "/* $I"
	print "d$ */"
	print ""
	print "#include \"" $3 "\""

# Remove the old squirrel stuff
/#ifdef DEFINE_SQUIRREL_CLASS/ { squirrel_stuff = "true";  next; }
/^#endif \/\* DEFINE_SQUIRREL_CLASS \*\// { if (squirrel_stuff == "true") { squirrel_stuff = "false"; next; } }
{ if (squirrel_stuff == "true") next; }

# Ignore forward declarations of classes
/^(	*)class(.*);/ { next; }
# We only want to have public functions exported for now
/^(	*)class/     {
	if (cls_level == 0) {
		public = "false"
		cls_param[0] = ""
		cls_param[1] = 1
		cls_param[2] = "x"
		cls = $2
		if (match($4, "public") || match($4, "protected") || match($4, "private")) {
			super_cls = $5
		} else {
			super_cls = $4
	} else if (cls_level == 1) {
		structs[struct_size] = cls "::" $2
/^(	*)public/    { if (cls_level == 1) public = "true";  next; }
/^(	*)protected/ { if (cls_level == 1) public = "false"; next; }
/^(	*)private/   { if (cls_level == 1) public = "false"; next; }

# Ignore special doxygen blocks
/^#ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP/ { doxygen_skip = "next"; next; }
/^#ifdef DOXYGEN_SKIP/  { doxygen_skip = "true"; next; }
/^#endif/               { doxygen_skip = "false"; next; }
/^#else/                {
	if (doxygen_skip == "next") {
		doxygen_skip = "true";
	} else {
		doxygen_skip = "false";
{ if (doxygen_skip == "true") next }

# Ignore the comments
/^#/             { next; }
/\/\*.*\*\//     { comment = "false"; next; }
/\/\*/           { comment = "true";  next; }
/\*\//           { comment = "false"; next; }
{ if (comment == "true") next }

# We need to make specialized conversions for structs
/^(	*)struct/ {
	if (public == "false") next
	if (cls_level != 1) next
	structs[struct_size] = cls "::" $2

# We need to make specialized conversions for enums
/^(	*)enum/ {
	if (public == "false") next;
	in_enum = "true"
	enums[enum_size] = cls "::" $2

# Maybe the end of the class, if so we can start with the Squirrel export pretty soon
/};/ {
	if (cls_level != 0) {
		in_enum = "false";
	if (cls == "") {
	start_squirrel_define_on_next_line = "true"

# Empty/white lines. When we may do the Squirrel export, do that export.
/^([ 	]*)$/ {
	if (start_squirrel_define_on_next_line == "false") next
	spaces = "                                                               ";
	public = "false"
	namespace_opened = "false"

	print ""

	# First check whether we have enums to print
	if (enum_size != 0) {
		if (namespace_opened == "false") {
			print "namespace SQConvert {"
			namespace_opened = "true"
		print "	/* Allow enums to be used as Squirrel parameters */"
		for (i = 1; i <= enum_size; i++) {
			print "	template <> " enums[i] " GetParam(ForceType<" enums[i] ">, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQInteger tmp; sq_getinteger(vm, index, &tmp); return (" enums[i] ")tmp; }"
			print "	template <> int Return<" enums[i] ">(HSQUIRRELVM vm, " enums[i] " res) { sq_pushinteger(vm, (int32)res); return 1; }"
			delete enums[i]

	# Then check whether we have structs/classes to print
	if (struct_size != 0) {
		if (namespace_opened == "false") {
			print "namespace SQConvert {"
			namespace_opened = "true"
		print "	/* Allow inner classes/structs to be used as Squirrel parameters */"
		for (i = 1; i <= struct_size; i++) {
			delete structs[i]

	if (namespace_opened == "false") {
		print "namespace SQConvert {"
		namespace_opened = "true"
	} else {
		print ""
	print "	/* Allow " cls " to be used as Squirrel parameter */"

	print "}; // namespace SQConvert"

	print "";
	# Then do the registration functions of the class. */
	print "void SQ" cls "_Register(Squirrel *engine) {"
	print "	DefSQClass <" cls "> SQ" cls "(\"" cls "\");"
	if (super_cls == "AIObject" || super_cls == "AIAbstractList::Valuator") {
		print "	SQ" cls ".PreRegister(engine);"
	} else {
		print "	SQ" cls ".PreRegister(engine, \"" super_cls "\");"
	if (virtual_class == "false" && super_cls != "AIEvent") {
		print "	SQ" cls ".AddConstructor<void (" cls "::*)(" cls_param[0] "), " cls_param[1]">(engine, \"" cls_param[2] "\");"
	print ""

	# Enum values
	mlen = 0
	for (i = 1; i <= enum_value_size; i++) {
		if (mlen <= length(enum_value[i])) mlen = length(enum_value[i])
	for (i = 1; i <= enum_value_size; i++) {
		print "	SQ" cls ".DefSQConst(engine, " cls "::" enum_value[i] ", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(enum_value[i])) "\""  enum_value[i] "\");"
		delete enum_value[i]
	if (enum_value_size != 0) print ""

	# Mapping of OTTD strings to errors
	mlen = 0
	for (i = 1; i <= enum_string_to_error_size; i++) {
		if (mlen <= length(enum_string_to_error_mapping_string[i])) mlen = length(enum_string_to_error_mapping_string[i])
	for (i = 1; i <= enum_string_to_error_size; i++) {
		print "	AIError::RegisterErrorMap(" enum_string_to_error_mapping_string[i] ", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(enum_string_to_error_mapping_string[i]))  cls "::" enum_string_to_error_mapping_error[i] ");"

		delete enum_string_to_error_mapping_string[i]
	if (enum_string_to_error_size != 0) print ""

	# Mapping of errors to human 'readable' strings.
	mlen = 0
	for (i = 1; i <= enum_error_to_string_size; i++) {
		if (mlen <= length(enum_error_to_string_mapping[i])) mlen = length(enum_error_to_string_mapping[i])
	for (i = 1; i <= enum_error_to_string_size; i++) {
		print "	AIError::RegisterErrorMapString(" cls "::" enum_error_to_string_mapping[i] ", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(enum_error_to_string_mapping[i])) "\"" enum_error_to_string_mapping[i] "\");"
		delete enum_error_to_string_mapping[i]
	if (enum_error_to_string_size != 0) print ""

	# Static methods
	mlen = 0
	for (i = 1; i <= static_method_size; i++) {
		if (mlen <= length(static_methods[i, 0])) mlen = length(static_methods[i, 0])
	for (i = 1; i <= static_method_size; i++) {
		print "	SQ" cls ".DefSQStaticMethod(engine, &" cls "::" static_methods[i, 0] ", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(static_methods[i, 0])) "\""  static_methods[i, 0] "\", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(static_methods[i, 0])) "" static_methods[i, 1] ", \"" static_methods[i, 2] "\");"
		delete static_methods[i]
	if (static_method_size != 0) print ""

	if (virtual_class == "false") {
		# Non-static methods
		mlen = 0
		for (i = 1; i <= method_size; i++) {
			if (mlen <= length(methods[i, 0])) mlen = length(methods[i, 0])
		for (i = 1; i <= method_size; i++) {
			if (methods[i, 2] == "v") {
				print "	SQ" cls ".DefSQAdvancedMethod(engine, &" cls "::" methods[i, 0] ", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(methods[i, 0]) - 8) "\""  methods[i, 0] "\");"
			} else {
				print "	SQ" cls ".DefSQMethod(engine, &" cls "::" methods[i, 0] ", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(methods[i, 0])) "\""  methods[i, 0] "\", " substr(spaces, 1, mlen - length(methods[i, 0])) "" methods[i, 1] ", \"" methods[i, 2] "\");"
			delete methods[i]
		if (method_size != 0) print ""
	print "	SQ" cls ".PostRegister(engine);"
	print "}"

	enum_size = 0
	enum_value_size = 0
	enum_string_to_error_size = 0
	enum_error_to_string_size = 0
	struct_size = 0
	method_size = 0
	static_method_size = 0
	virtual_class = "false"
	cls = ""
	start_squirrel_define_on_next_line = "false"
	cls_level = 0

# Skip non-public functions
{ if (public == "false") next }

# Add enums
	if (in_enum == "true") {
		sub(",", "", $1)
		enum_value[enum_value_size] = $1

		# Check if this a special error enum
		if (match(enums[enum_size], ".*::ErrorMessages") != 0) {
			# syntax:
			# enum ErrorMessages {
			# }

			# Set the mappings
			if (match($0, "\\[.*\\]") != 0) {
				mappings = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH);
				gsub("([\\[[:space:]\\]])", "", mappings);

				split(mappings, mapitems, ",");
				for (i = 1; i <= length(mapitems); i++) {
					enum_string_to_error_mapping_string[enum_string_to_error_size] = mapitems[i]
					enum_string_to_error_mapping_error[enum_string_to_error_size] = $1

				enum_error_to_string_mapping[enum_error_to_string_size] = $1

# Add a method to the list
/^.*\(.*\).*$/ {
	if (cls_level != 1) next
	if (match($0, "~")) next

	is_static = match($0, "static")
	if (match($0, "virtual")) {
		virtual_class = "true"
	gsub("virtual", "", $0)
	gsub("static", "", $0)
	gsub("const", "", $0)
	gsub("{.*", "", $0)
	param_s = $0
	gsub("\\*", "", $0)
	gsub("\\(.*", "", $0)

	sub(".*\\(", "", param_s)
	sub("\\).*", "", param_s)

	funcname = $2
	if ($1 == cls && funcname == "") {
		cls_param[0] = param_s
		if (param_s == "") next
	} else if (funcname == "") next

	split(param_s, params, ",")
	types = "x"
	for (len = 1; params[len] != ""; len++) {
		sub("^[ 	]*", "", params[len])
		if (match(params[len], "\\*") || match(params[len], "&")) {
			if (match(params[len], "^char")) {
				types = types "s"
			} else if (match(params[len], "^void")) {
				types = types "p"
			} else if (match(params[len], "^Array")) {
				types = types "a"
			} else if (match(params[len], "^struct Array")) {
				types = types "a"
			} else {
				types = types "x"
		} else if (match(params[len], "^bool")) {
			types = types "b"
		} else if (match(params[len], "^HSQUIRRELVM")) {
			types = "v"
		} else {
			types = types "i"

	if ($1 == cls && funcname == "") {
		cls_param[1] = len;
		cls_param[2] = types;
	} else if (substr(funcname, 0, 1) == "_" && types != "v") {
	} else if (is_static) {
		static_methods[static_method_size, 0] = funcname
		static_methods[static_method_size, 1] = len
		static_methods[static_method_size, 2] = types
	} else {
		methods[method_size, 0] = funcname
		methods[method_size, 1] = len
		methods[method_size, 2] = types