Files @ r2188:6f92a4485e32
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/sound/null_s.c

(svn r2703) - Feature: [OSX] Added a native alert window to show whatever error() needs to print (Tobin made this, while I fixed some issued in it)
- As a bonus, we now have an objective C file (os/macosx/macos.m) to use the functions Apple made to interact with OS stuff
/* $Id$ */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "sound/null_s.h"

static const char *NullSoundStart(const char * const *parm) { return NULL; }
static void NullSoundStop(void) {}

const HalSoundDriver _null_sound_driver = {