Files @ r1648:720d51a7e71e
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/gui.h

(svn r2152) - Fix: Chatbar in MP games is now on-top of the news window.
- CodeChange: Introduction of SendWindowMessage() where a window can send another window a message (ala windows style msg, wparam, lparam). Messages can be sent by windowclass and by windowpointer.
- CodeChange: IsVitalWindow() simplifies a lot of checks for window handling that need to know what windows it can close, or be on top of, etc.
#ifndef GUI_H
#define GUI_H

#include "window.h"

/* main_gui.c */
void SetupColorsAndInitialWindow(void);
void CcPlaySound10(bool success, uint tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2);
void CcBuildCanal(bool success, uint tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2);
void CcTerraform(bool success, uint tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2);

/* settings_gui.c */
void ShowGameOptions(void);
void ShowGameDifficulty(void);
void ShowPatchesSelection(void);
void ShowNewgrf(void);
void ShowCustCurrency(void);

/* graph_gui.c */
void ShowOperatingProfitGraph(void);
void ShowIncomeGraph(void);
void ShowDeliveredCargoGraph(void);
void ShowPerformanceHistoryGraph(void);
void ShowCompanyValueGraph(void);
void ShowCargoPaymentRates(void);
void ShowCompanyLeagueTable(void);
void ShowPerformanceRatingDetail(void);

/* news_gui.c */
void ShowLastNewsMessage(void);
void ShowMessageOptions(void);
void ShowMessageHistory(void);

/* traintoolb_gui.c */
void ShowBuildRailToolbar(int index, int button);
void PlaceProc_BuyLand(uint tile);

/* train_gui.c */
void ShowPlayerTrains(int player, int station);
void ShowTrainViewWindow(Vehicle *v);
void ShowTrainDetailsWindow(Vehicle *v);
void ShowOrdersWindow(Vehicle *v);

void ShowRoadVehViewWindow(Vehicle *v);

/* road_gui.c */
void ShowBuildRoadToolbar(void);
void ShowBuildRoadScenToolbar(void);
void ShowPlayerRoadVehicles(int player, int station);

/* dock_gui.c */
void ShowBuildDocksToolbar(void);
void ShowPlayerShips(int player, int station);

void ShowShipViewWindow(Vehicle *v);

/* aircraft_gui.c */
void ShowBuildAirToolbar(void);
void ShowPlayerAircraft(int player, int station);

/* terraform_gui.c */
void ShowTerraformToolbar(void);

void PlaceProc_DemolishArea(uint tile);
void PlaceProc_LowerLand(uint tile);
void PlaceProc_RaiseLand(uint tile);
void PlaceProc_LevelLand(uint tile);
bool GUIPlaceProcDragXY(const WindowEvent *we);

enum { // max 32 - 4 = 28 types
	GUI_PlaceProc_DemolishArea    = 0 << 4,
	GUI_PlaceProc_LevelArea       = 1 << 4,
	GUI_PlaceProc_DesertArea      = 2 << 4,
	GUI_PlaceProc_WaterArea       = 3 << 4,
	GUI_PlaceProc_ConvertRailArea = 4 << 4

/* misc_gui.c */
void PlaceLandBlockInfo(void);
void ShowAboutWindow(void);
void ShowBuildTreesToolbar(void);
void ShowBuildTreesScenToolbar(void);
void ShowTownDirectory(void);
void ShowIndustryDirectory(void);
void ShowSubsidiesList(void);
void ShowPlayerStations(int player);
void ShowPlayerFinances(int player);
void ShowPlayerCompany(int player);
void ShowSignList(void);

void ShowEstimatedCostOrIncome(int32 cost, int x, int y);
void ShowErrorMessage(StringID msg_1, StringID msg_2, int x, int y);

void DrawStationCoverageAreaText(int sx, int sy, uint mask,int rad);
void CheckRedrawStationCoverage(Window *w);

void ShowSmallMap(void);
void ShowExtraViewPortWindow(void);
void SetVScrollCount(Window *w, int num);
void SetVScroll2Count(Window *w, int num);
void SetHScrollCount(Window *w, int num);

void ShowCheatWindow(void);
void AskForNewGameToStart(void);

void DrawEditBox(Window *w, int wid);
void HandleEditBox(Window *w, int wid);
int HandleEditBoxKey(Window *w, int wid, WindowEvent *we);
bool HandleCaret(Textbuf *tb);

bool DeleteTextBufferChar(Textbuf *tb, int delmode);
bool InsertTextBufferChar(Textbuf *tb, byte key);
bool InsertTextBufferClipboard(Textbuf *tb);
bool MoveTextBufferPos(Textbuf *tb, int navmode);
void UpdateTextBufferSize(Textbuf *tb);
/* IS_INT_INSIDE = filter for ascii-function codes like BELL and so on [we need an special filter here later] */
static inline bool IsValidAsciiChar(byte key) {return IS_INT_INSIDE(key, ' ', 256);}

void BuildFileList(void);
void SetFiosType(const byte fiostype);

/*	FIOS_TYPE_FILE, FIOS_TYPE_OLDFILE etc. different colours */
static const byte _fios_colors[] = {13, 9, 9, 6, 5, 6, 5};

/* network gui */
void ShowNetworkGameWindow(void);
void ShowChatWindow(StringID str, StringID caption, int maxlen, int maxwidth, byte window_class, uint16 window_number);

/* bridge_gui.c */
void ShowBuildBridgeWindow(uint start, uint end, byte type);

enum {
	ZOOM_IN = 0,
	ZOOM_OUT = 1,
	ZOOM_NONE = 2, // hack, used to update the button status

bool DoZoomInOutWindow(int how, Window * w);
void ShowBuildIndustryWindow(void);
void ShowQueryString(StringID str, StringID caption, uint maxlen, uint maxwidth, WindowClass window_class, WindowNumber window_number);
void ShowMusicWindow(void);

/* main_gui.c */
VARDEF byte _newspaper_flag;
VARDEF byte _construct_mode;
VARDEF byte _station_show_coverage;
VARDEF PlaceProc *_place_proc;
VARDEF bool _no_button_sound;

/* vehicle_gui.c */
void InitializeGUI(void);

#endif /* GUI_H */