Files @ r27888:73e8956ac824
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/gfx_layout_fallback.cpp

Michael Lutz
Feature: [NewGRF] Related Act2 objects for airports and airport tiles.

Airports are similar two stations and industries, both of which have the town as related object.
Airport tiles are similar to industry tiles, which have the industry as related object.
This seems a sensible structure, so let's make it Airport Tile -> Airport -> Town.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file gfx_layout_fallback.cpp Handling of laying out text as fallback. */

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "gfx_layout_fallback.h"
#include "string_func.h"
#include "zoom_func.h"

#include "table/control_codes.h"

#include "safeguards.h"

/*** Paragraph layout ***/
 * Class handling the splitting of a paragraph of text into lines and
 * visual runs.
 * One constructs this class with the text that needs to be split into
 * lines. Then nextLine is called with the maximum width until nullptr is
 * returned. Each nextLine call creates VisualRuns which contain the
 * length of text that are to be drawn with the same font. In other
 * words, the result of this class is a list of sub strings with their
 * font. The sub strings are then already fully laid out, and only
 * need actual drawing.
 * The positions in a visual run are sequential pairs of X,Y of the
 * begin of each of the glyphs plus an extra pair to mark the end.
 * @note This variant does not handle right-to-left properly.
class FallbackParagraphLayout : public ParagraphLayouter {
	/** Visual run contains data about the bit of text with the same font. */
	class FallbackVisualRun : public ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun {
		Font *font;       ///< The font used to layout these.
		GlyphID *glyphs;  ///< The glyphs we're drawing.
		float *positions; ///< The positions of the glyphs.
		int *glyph_to_char; ///< The char index of the glyphs.
		int glyph_count;  ///< The number of glyphs.

		FallbackVisualRun(Font *font, const char32_t *chars, int glyph_count, int char_offset, int x);
		FallbackVisualRun(FallbackVisualRun &&other) noexcept;
		~FallbackVisualRun() override;
		const Font *GetFont() const override;
		int GetGlyphCount() const override;
		const GlyphID *GetGlyphs() const override;
		const float *GetPositions() const override;
		int GetLeading() const override;
		const int *GetGlyphToCharMap() const override;

	/** A single line worth of VisualRuns. */
	class FallbackLine : public std::vector<FallbackVisualRun>, public ParagraphLayouter::Line {
		int GetLeading() const override;
		int GetWidth() const override;
		int CountRuns() const override;
		const ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun &GetVisualRun(int run) const override;

		int GetInternalCharLength(char32_t c) const override { return 1; }

	const char32_t *buffer_begin; ///< Begin of the buffer.
	const char32_t *buffer;       ///< The current location in the buffer.
	FontMap &runs;             ///< The fonts we have to use for this paragraph.

	FallbackParagraphLayout(char32_t *buffer, int length, FontMap &runs);
	void Reflow() override;
	std::unique_ptr<const Line> NextLine(int max_width) override;

 * Get the actual ParagraphLayout for the given buffer.
 * @param buff The begin of the buffer.
 * @param buff_end The location after the last element in the buffer.
 * @param fontMapping THe mapping of the fonts.
 * @return The ParagraphLayout instance.
/* static */ ParagraphLayouter *FallbackParagraphLayoutFactory::GetParagraphLayout(char32_t *buff, char32_t *buff_end, FontMap &fontMapping)
	return new FallbackParagraphLayout(buff, buff_end - buff, fontMapping);

 * Append a wide character to the internal buffer.
 * @param buff        The buffer to append to.
 * @param buffer_last The end of the buffer.
 * @param c           The character to add.
 * @return The number of buffer spaces that were used.
/* static */ size_t FallbackParagraphLayoutFactory::AppendToBuffer(char32_t *buff, const char32_t *buffer_last, char32_t c)
	*buff = c;
	return 1;

 * Create the visual run.
 * @param font        The font to use for this run.
 * @param chars       The characters to use for this run.
 * @param char_count  The number of characters in this run.
 * @param char_offset This run's offset from the start of the layout input string.
 * @param x           The initial x position for this run.
FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::FallbackVisualRun(Font *font, const char32_t *chars, int char_count, int char_offset, int x) :
		font(font), glyph_count(char_count)
	const bool isbuiltin = font->fc->IsBuiltInFont();

	this->glyphs = MallocT<GlyphID>(this->glyph_count);
	this->glyph_to_char = MallocT<int>(this->glyph_count);

	/* Positions contains the location of the begin of each of the glyphs, and the end of the last one. */
	this->positions = MallocT<float>(this->glyph_count * 2 + 2);
	this->positions[0] = x;

	for (int i = 0; i < this->glyph_count; i++) {
		this->glyphs[i] = font->fc->MapCharToGlyph(chars[i]);
		if (isbuiltin) {
			this->positions[2 * i + 1] = font->fc->GetAscender(); // Apply sprite font's ascender.
		} else if (chars[i] >= SCC_SPRITE_START && chars[i] <= SCC_SPRITE_END) {
			this->positions[2 * i + 1] = (font->fc->GetHeight() - ScaleSpriteTrad(FontCache::GetDefaultFontHeight(font->fc->GetSize()))) / 2; // Align sprite font to centre
		} else {
			this->positions[2 * i + 1] = 0;                       // No ascender adjustment.
		this->positions[2 * i + 2] = this->positions[2 * i] + font->fc->GetGlyphWidth(this->glyphs[i]);
		this->glyph_to_char[i] = char_offset + i;

/** Move constructor for visual runs.*/
FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::FallbackVisualRun(FallbackVisualRun &&other) noexcept : font(other.font), glyph_count(other.glyph_count)
	this->positions = other.positions;
	this->glyph_to_char = other.glyph_to_char;
	this->glyphs = other.glyphs;

	other.positions = nullptr;
	other.glyph_to_char = nullptr;
	other.glyphs = nullptr;

/** Free all data. */

 * Get the font associated with this run.
 * @return The font.
const Font *FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetFont() const
	return this->font;

 * Get the number of glyphs in this run.
 * @return The number of glyphs.
int FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetGlyphCount() const
	return this->glyph_count;

 * Get the glyphs of this run.
 * @return The glyphs.
const GlyphID *FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetGlyphs() const
	return this->glyphs;

 * Get the positions of this run.
 * @return The positions.
const float *FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetPositions() const
	return this->positions;

 * Get the glyph-to-character map for this visual run.
 * @return The glyph-to-character map.
const int *FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetGlyphToCharMap() const
	return this->glyph_to_char;

 * Get the height of this font.
 * @return The height of the font.
int FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackVisualRun::GetLeading() const
	return this->GetFont()->fc->GetHeight();

 * Get the height of the line.
 * @return The maximum height of the line.
int FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackLine::GetLeading() const
	int leading = 0;
	for (const auto &run : *this) {
		leading = std::max(leading, run.GetLeading());

	return leading;

 * Get the width of this line.
 * @return The width of the line.
int FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackLine::GetWidth() const
	if (this->size() == 0) return 0;

	 * The last X position of a run contains is the end of that run.
	 * Since there is no left-to-right support, taking this value of
	 * the last run gives us the end of the line and thus the width.
	const auto &run = this->GetVisualRun(this->CountRuns() - 1);
	return (int)run.GetPositions()[run.GetGlyphCount() * 2];

 * Get the number of runs in this line.
 * @return The number of runs.
int FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackLine::CountRuns() const
	return (uint)this->size();

 * Get a specific visual run.
 * @return The visual run.
const ParagraphLayouter::VisualRun &FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackLine::GetVisualRun(int run) const
	return this->at(run);

 * Create a new paragraph layouter.
 * @param buffer The characters of the paragraph.
 * @param length The length of the paragraph.
 * @param runs   The font mapping of this paragraph.
FallbackParagraphLayout::FallbackParagraphLayout(char32_t *buffer, int length, FontMap &runs) : buffer_begin(buffer), buffer(buffer), runs(runs)
	assert(runs.rbegin()->first == length);

 * Reset the position to the start of the paragraph.
void FallbackParagraphLayout::Reflow()
	this->buffer = this->buffer_begin;

 * Construct a new line with a maximum width.
 * @param max_width The maximum width of the string.
 * @return A Line, or nullptr when at the end of the paragraph.
std::unique_ptr<const ParagraphLayouter::Line> FallbackParagraphLayout::NextLine(int max_width)
	/* Simple idea:
	 *  - split a line at a newline character, or at a space where we can break a line.
	 *  - split for a visual run whenever a new line happens, or the font changes.
	if (this->buffer == nullptr) return nullptr;

	std::unique_ptr<FallbackLine> l(new FallbackLine());

	if (*this->buffer == '\0') {
		/* Only a newline. */
		this->buffer = nullptr;
		l->emplace_back(this->runs.begin()->second, this->buffer, 0, 0, 0);
		return l;

	int offset = this->buffer - this->buffer_begin;
	FontMap::iterator iter = this->runs.begin();
	while (iter->first <= offset) {
		assert(iter != this->runs.end());

	const FontCache *fc = iter->second->fc;
	const char32_t *next_run = this->buffer_begin + iter->first;

	const char32_t *begin = this->buffer;
	const char32_t *last_space = nullptr;
	const char32_t *last_char;
	int width = 0;
	for (;;) {
		char32_t c = *this->buffer;
		last_char = this->buffer;

		if (c == '\0') {
			this->buffer = nullptr;

		if (this->buffer == next_run) {
			int w = l->GetWidth();
			l->emplace_back(iter->second, begin, this->buffer - begin, begin - this->buffer_begin, w);
			assert(iter != this->runs.end());

			next_run = this->buffer_begin + iter->first;
			begin = this->buffer;

		if (IsWhitespace(c)) last_space = this->buffer;

		if (IsPrintable(c) && !IsTextDirectionChar(c)) {
			int char_width = GetCharacterWidth(fc->GetSize(), c);
			width += char_width;
			if (width > max_width) {
				/* The string is longer than maximum width so we need to decide
				 * what to do with it. */
				if (width == char_width) {
					/* The character is wider than allowed width; don't know
					 * what to do with this case... bail out! */
					this->buffer = nullptr;
					return l;

				if (last_space == nullptr) {
					/* No space has been found. Just terminate at our current
					 * location. This usually happens for languages that do not
					 * require spaces in strings, like Chinese, Japanese and
					 * Korean. For other languages terminating mid-word might
					 * not be the best, but terminating the whole string instead
					 * of continuing the word at the next line is worse. */
					last_char = this->buffer;
				} else {
					/* A space is found; perfect place to terminate */
					this->buffer = last_space + 1;
					last_char = last_space;


	if (l->size() == 0 || last_char - begin > 0) {
		int w = l->GetWidth();
		l->emplace_back(iter->second, begin, last_char - begin, begin - this->buffer_begin, w);
	return l;