@ r28491:779a44bc4e9e
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/direction_func.h
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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file direction_func.h Different functions related to conversions between directions. */
#include "direction_type.h"
* Checks if an integer value is a valid DiagDirection
* @param d The value to check
* @return True if the value belongs to a DiagDirection, else false
inline bool IsValidDiagDirection(DiagDirection d)
return d < DIAGDIR_END;
* Checks if an integer value is a valid Direction
* @param d The value to check
* @return True if the value belongs to a Direction, else false
inline bool IsValidDirection(Direction d)
return d < DIR_END;
* Checks if an integer value is a valid Axis
* @param d The value to check
* @return True if the value belongs to an Axis, else false
inline bool IsValidAxis(Axis d)
return d < AXIS_END;
* Return the reverse of a direction
* @param d The direction to get the reverse from
* @return The reverse Direction
inline Direction ReverseDir(Direction d)
return (Direction)(4 ^ d);
* Calculate the difference between two directions
* @param d0 The first direction as the base
* @param d1 The second direction as the offset from the base
* @return The difference how the second direction drifts of the first one.
inline DirDiff DirDifference(Direction d0, Direction d1)
/* Cast to uint so compiler can use bitmask. If the difference is negative
* and we used int instead of uint, further "+ 8" would have to be added. */
return static_cast<DirDiff>(static_cast<uint>(d0) - static_cast<uint>(d1) % 8);
* Applies two differences together
* This function adds two differences together and returns the resulting
* difference. So adding two DIRDIFF_REVERSE together results in the
* DIRDIFF_SAME difference.
* @param d The first difference
* @param delta The second difference to add on
* @return The resulting difference
inline DirDiff ChangeDirDiff(DirDiff d, DirDiff delta)
/* Cast to uint so compiler can use bitmask. Result can never be negative. */
return static_cast<DirDiff>((static_cast<uint>(d) + static_cast<uint>(delta)) % 8);
* Change a direction by a given difference
* This functions returns a new direction of the given direction
* which is rotated by the given difference.
* @param d The direction to get a new direction from
* @param delta The offset/drift applied to the direction
* @return The new direction
inline Direction ChangeDir(Direction d, DirDiff delta)
/* Cast to uint so compiler can use bitmask. Result can never be negative. */
return static_cast<Direction>((static_cast<uint>(d) + static_cast<uint>(delta)) % 8);
* Returns the reverse direction of the given DiagDirection
* @param d The DiagDirection to get the reverse from
* @return The reverse direction
inline DiagDirection ReverseDiagDir(DiagDirection d)
return (DiagDirection)(2 ^ d);
* Calculate the difference between two DiagDirection values
* @param d0 The first direction as the base
* @param d1 The second direction as the offset from the base
* @return The difference how the second direction drifts of the first one.
inline DiagDirDiff DiagDirDifference(DiagDirection d0, DiagDirection d1)
/* Cast to uint so compiler can use bitmask. Result can never be negative. */
return (DiagDirDiff)((uint)(d0 - d1) % 4);
* Applies a difference on a DiagDirection
* This function applies a difference on a DiagDirection and returns
* the new DiagDirection.
* @param d The DiagDirection
* @param delta The difference to apply on
* @return The new direction which was calculated
inline DiagDirection ChangeDiagDir(DiagDirection d, DiagDirDiff delta)
/* Cast to uint so compiler can use bitmask. Result can never be negative. */
return static_cast<DiagDirection>((static_cast<uint>(d) + static_cast<uint>(delta)) % 4);
* Convert a Direction to a DiagDirection.
* This function can be used to convert the 8-way Direction to
* the 4-way DiagDirection. If the direction cannot be mapped its
* "rounded clockwise". So DIR_N becomes DIAGDIR_NE.
* @param dir The direction to convert
* @return The resulting DiagDirection, maybe "rounded clockwise".
inline DiagDirection DirToDiagDir(Direction dir)
return (DiagDirection)(dir >> 1);
* Convert a DiagDirection to a Direction.
* This function can be used to convert the 4-way DiagDirection
* to the 8-way Direction. As 4-way are less than 8-way not all
* possible directions can be calculated.
* @param dir The direction to convert
* @return The resulting Direction
inline Direction DiagDirToDir(DiagDirection dir)
return (Direction)(dir * 2 + 1);
* Select the other axis as provided.
* This is basically the not-operator for the axis.
* @param a The given axis
* @return The other axis
inline Axis OtherAxis(Axis a)
return (Axis)(a ^ 1);
* Convert a DiagDirection to the axis.
* This function returns the axis which belongs to the given
* DiagDirection. The axis X belongs to the DiagDirection
* north-east and south-west.
* @param d The DiagDirection
* @return The axis which belongs to the direction
inline Axis DiagDirToAxis(DiagDirection d)
return (Axis)(d & 1);
* Converts an Axis to a DiagDirection
* This function returns the DiagDirection which
* belongs to the axis. As 2 directions are mapped to an axis
* this function returns the one which points to south,
* either south-west (on X axis) or south-east (on Y axis)
* @param a The axis
* @return The direction pointed to south
inline DiagDirection AxisToDiagDir(Axis a)
return (DiagDirection)(2 - a);
* Converts an Axis to a Direction
* This function returns the Direction which
* belongs to the axis. As 2 directions are mapped to an axis
* this function returns the one which points to south,
* either south-west (on X axis) or south-east (on Y axis)
* @param a The axis
* @return The direction pointed to south
inline Direction AxisToDirection(Axis a)
return (Direction)(5 - 2 * a);
* Convert an axis and a flag for north/south into a DiagDirection
* @param xy axis to convert
* @param ns north -> 0, south -> 1
* @return the desired DiagDirection
inline DiagDirection XYNSToDiagDir(Axis xy, uint ns)
return (DiagDirection)(xy * 3 ^ ns * 2);
* Checks if a given Direction is diagonal.
* @param dir The given direction.
* @return True if the direction is diagonal.
inline bool IsDiagonalDirection(Direction dir)
return (dir & 1) != 0;
#endif /* DIRECTION_FUNC_H */