Files @ r22926:82779a967ee2
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/tile_map.cpp

Niels Martin Hansen
Change: Modernise music control logic implementation (#6839)

Rewrite of almost the entire music control logic to a more modern style, hopefully also easier to understand. The old playlist handling made it look like arcane magic, which it doesn't have to be.

- Playlists are now stored in std::vector of objects instead of arrays of bytes with magic sentinel values, that need to be rotated around all the time. Position in playlist is stored as a simple index.
- The theme song is now reserved for the title screen, it doesn't play on any of the standard playlists, but is still available for use on custom playlists.
- When the player enters/leaves the game from the main menu, the music always restarts.
- Playback state (playing or not) is kept even if music becomes unavailable due to an empty playlist (or an empty music set), so it can restart immediately if music becomes available again.
- The shuffle algorithm was changed to a standard Fisher-Yates.
- Possibly better behavior when editing a custom playlist while it's playing.
- Custom playlists should be compatible.
- Framework for supporting custom playlists with songs from multiple music sets.
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file tile_map.cpp Global tile accessors. */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "tile_map.h"

#include "safeguards.h"

 * Returns the tile height for a coordinate outside map.  Such a height is
 * needed for painting the area outside map using completely black tiles.
 * The idea is descending to heightlevel 0 as fast as possible.
 * @param x The X-coordinate (same unit as TileX).
 * @param y The Y-coordinate (same unit as TileY).
 * @return The height in the same unit as TileHeight.
uint TileHeightOutsideMap(int x, int y)
	/* In all cases: Descend to heightlevel 0 as fast as possible.
	 * So: If we are at the 0-side of the map (x<0 or y<0), we must
	 * subtract the distance to coordinate 0 from the heightlevel at
	 * coordinate 0.
	 * In other words: Subtract e.g. -x. If we are at the MapMax
	 * side of the map, we also need to subtract the distance to
	 * the edge of map, e.g. MapMaxX - x.
	 * NOTE: Assuming constant heightlevel outside map would be
	 * simpler here. However, then we run into painting problems,
	 * since whenever a heightlevel change at the map border occurs,
	 * we would need to repaint anything outside map.
	 * In contrast, by doing it this way, we can localize this change,
	 * which means we may assume constant heightlevel for all tiles
	 * at more than <heightlevel at map border> distance from the
	 * map border.
	if (x < 0) {
		if (y < 0) {
			return max((int)TileHeight(TileXY(0, 0)) - (-x) - (-y), 0);
		} else if (y < (int)MapMaxY()) {
			return max((int)TileHeight(TileXY(0, y)) - (-x), 0);
		} else {
			return max((int)TileHeight(TileXY(0, (int)MapMaxY())) - (-x) - (y - (int)MapMaxY()), 0);
	} else if (x < (int)MapMaxX()) {
		if (y < 0) {
			return max((int)TileHeight(TileXY(x, 0)) - (-y), 0);
		} else if (y < (int)MapMaxY()) {
			return TileHeight(TileXY(x, y));
		} else {
			return max((int)TileHeight(TileXY(x, (int)MapMaxY())) - (y - (int)MapMaxY()), 0);
	} else {
		if (y < 0) {
			return max((int)TileHeight(TileXY((int)MapMaxX(), 0)) - (x - (int)MapMaxX()) - (-y), 0);
		} else if (y < (int)MapMaxY()) {
			return max((int)TileHeight(TileXY((int)MapMaxX(), y)) - (x - (int)MapMaxX()), 0);
		} else {
			return max((int)TileHeight(TileXY((int)MapMaxX(), (int)MapMaxY())) - (x - (int)MapMaxX()) - (y - (int)MapMaxY()), 0);

 * Get a tile's slope given the heigh of its four corners.
 * @param hnorth  The height at the northern corner in the same unit as TileHeight.
 * @param hwest   The height at the western corner in the same unit as TileHeight.
 * @param heast   The height at the eastern corner in the same unit as TileHeight.
 * @param hsouth  The height at the southern corner in the same unit as TileHeight.
 * @param [out] h The lowest height of the four corners.
 * @return The slope.
static Slope GetTileSlopeGivenHeight(int hnorth, int hwest, int heast, int hsouth, int *h)
	/* Due to the fact that tiles must connect with each other without leaving gaps, the
	 * biggest difference in height between any corner and 'min' is between 0, 1, or 2.
	 * Also, there is at most 1 corner with height difference of 2.
	int hminnw = min(hnorth, hwest);
	int hmines = min(heast, hsouth);
	int hmin = min(hminnw, hmines);

	if (h != NULL) *h = hmin;

	int hmaxnw = max(hnorth, hwest);
	int hmaxes = max(heast, hsouth);
	int hmax = max(hmaxnw, hmaxes);

	Slope r = SLOPE_FLAT;

	if (hnorth != hmin) r |= SLOPE_N;
	if (hwest  != hmin) r |= SLOPE_W;
	if (heast  != hmin) r |= SLOPE_E;
	if (hsouth != hmin) r |= SLOPE_S;

	if (hmax - hmin == 2) r |= SLOPE_STEEP;

	return r;

 * Return the slope of a given tile inside the map.
 * @param tile Tile to compute slope of
 * @param h    If not \c NULL, pointer to storage of z height
 * @return Slope of the tile, except for the HALFTILE part
Slope GetTileSlope(TileIndex tile, int *h)
	assert(tile < MapSize());

	uint x = TileX(tile);
	uint y = TileY(tile);
	if (x == MapMaxX() || y == MapMaxY()) {
		if (h != NULL) *h = TileHeight(tile);
		return SLOPE_FLAT;

	int hnorth = TileHeight(tile);                    // Height of the North corner.
	int hwest  = TileHeight(tile + TileDiffXY(1, 0)); // Height of the West corner.
	int heast  = TileHeight(tile + TileDiffXY(0, 1)); // Height of the East corner.
	int hsouth = TileHeight(tile + TileDiffXY(1, 1)); // Height of the South corner.

	return GetTileSlopeGivenHeight(hnorth, hwest, heast, hsouth, h);

 * Return the slope of a given tile outside the map.
 * @param tile Tile outside the map to compute slope of.
 * @param h    If not \c NULL, pointer to storage of z height.
 * @return Slope of the tile outside map, except for the HALFTILE part.
Slope GetTilePixelSlopeOutsideMap(int x, int y, int *h)
	int hnorth = TileHeightOutsideMap(x,     y);     // N corner.
	int hwest  = TileHeightOutsideMap(x + 1, y);     // W corner.
	int heast  = TileHeightOutsideMap(x,     y + 1); // E corner.
	int hsouth = TileHeightOutsideMap(x + 1, y + 1); // S corner.

	Slope s = GetTileSlopeGivenHeight(hnorth, hwest, heast, hsouth, h);
	if (h != NULL) *h *= TILE_HEIGHT;
	return s;

 * Check if a given tile is flat
 * @param tile Tile to check
 * @param h If not \c NULL, pointer to storage of z height (only if tile is flat)
 * @return Whether the tile is flat
bool IsTileFlat(TileIndex tile, int *h)
	assert(tile < MapSize());

	if (!IsInnerTile(tile)) {
		if (h != NULL) *h = TileHeight(tile);
		return true;

	uint z = TileHeight(tile);
	if (TileHeight(tile + TileDiffXY(1, 0)) != z) return false;
	if (TileHeight(tile + TileDiffXY(0, 1)) != z) return false;
	if (TileHeight(tile + TileDiffXY(1, 1)) != z) return false;

	if (h != NULL) *h = z;
	return true;

 * Get bottom height of the tile
 * @param tile Tile to compute height of
 * @return Minimum height of the tile
int GetTileZ(TileIndex tile)
	if (TileX(tile) == MapMaxX() || TileY(tile) == MapMaxY()) return 0;

	int h =    TileHeight(tile);                     // N corner
	h = min(h, TileHeight(tile + TileDiffXY(1, 0))); // W corner
	h = min(h, TileHeight(tile + TileDiffXY(0, 1))); // E corner
	h = min(h, TileHeight(tile + TileDiffXY(1, 1))); // S corner

	return h;

 * Get bottom height of the tile outside map.
 * @param tile Tile outside the map to compute height of.
 * @return Minimum height of the tile outside the map.
int GetTilePixelZOutsideMap(int x, int y)
	uint h =   TileHeightOutsideMap(x,     y);      // N corner.
	h = min(h, TileHeightOutsideMap(x + 1, y));     // W corner.
	h = min(h, TileHeightOutsideMap(x,     y + 1)); // E corner.
	h = min(h, TileHeightOutsideMap(x + 1, y + 1)); // S corner

	return h * TILE_HEIGHT;

 * Get top height of the tile inside the map.
 * @param t Tile to compute height of
 * @return Maximum height of the tile
int GetTileMaxZ(TileIndex t)
	if (TileX(t) == MapMaxX() || TileY(t) == MapMaxY()) return TileHeightOutsideMap(TileX(t), TileY(t));

	int h =         TileHeight(t);                     // N corner
	h = max<int>(h, TileHeight(t + TileDiffXY(1, 0))); // W corner
	h = max<int>(h, TileHeight(t + TileDiffXY(0, 1))); // E corner
	h = max<int>(h, TileHeight(t + TileDiffXY(1, 1))); // S corner

	return h;

 * Get top height of the tile outside the map.
 * @see Detailed description in header.
 * @param tile Tile outside to compute height of.
 * @return Maximum height of the tile.
int GetTileMaxPixelZOutsideMap(int x, int y)
	uint h =   TileHeightOutsideMap(x,     y);
	h = max(h, TileHeightOutsideMap(x + 1, y));
	h = max(h, TileHeightOutsideMap(x,     y + 1));
	h = max(h, TileHeightOutsideMap(x + 1, y + 1));

	return h * TILE_HEIGHT;