Files @ r23407:8313083e9002
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/projects/determineversion.vbs

Patric Stout
Remove: BeOS support (deprecated by Haiku)

In 10 years there is no commit to change how BeOS works, and we
have no active maintainer for it. It is unlikely it works in its
current state (but not impossible).

With the arrival of SDL2 (and removal of SDL), BeOS is no longer
support. SDL2 suggests to use Haiku instead of BeOS.
Option Explicit

' $Id$
' This file is part of OpenTTD.
' OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
' OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
' See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Sub FindReplaceInFile(filename, to_find, replacement)
	Dim file, data
	Set file = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename, 1, 0, 0)
	data = file.ReadAll
	data = Replace(data, to_find, replacement)
	Set file = FSO.CreateTextFile(filename, -1, 0)
	file.Write data
End Sub

Sub UpdateFile(modified, isodate, version, cur_date, githash, istag, isstabletag, filename)
	FSO.CopyFile filename & ".in", filename
	FindReplaceInFile filename, "!!MODIFIED!!", modified
	FindReplaceInFile filename, "!!ISODATE!!", isodate
	FindReplaceInFile filename, "!!VERSION!!", version
	FindReplaceInFile filename, "!!DATE!!", cur_date
	FindReplaceInFile filename, "!!GITHASH!!", githash
	FindReplaceInFile filename, "!!ISTAG!!", istag
	FindReplaceInFile filename, "!!ISSTABLETAG!!", isstabletag
End Sub

Sub UpdateFiles(version)
	Dim modified, isodate, cur_date, githash, istag, isstabletag
	cur_date = DatePart("D", Date) & "." & DatePart("M", Date) & "." & DatePart("YYYY", Date)

	If InStr(version, Chr(9)) Then
		' Split string into field with tails
		isodate  = Mid(version, InStr(version, Chr(9)) + 1)
		modified = Mid(isodate, InStr(isodate, Chr(9)) + 1)
		githash  = Mid(modified, InStr(modified, Chr(9)) + 1)
		istag    = Mid(githash, InStr(githash, Chr(9)) + 1)
		isstabletag = Mid(istag, InStr(istag, Chr(9)) + 1)
		' Remove tails from fields
		version  = Mid(version, 1, InStr(version, Chr(9)) - 1)
		isodate  = Mid(isodate, 1, InStr(isodate, Chr(9)) - 1)
		modified = Mid(modified, 1, InStr(modified, Chr(9)) - 1)
		githash  = Mid(githash, 1, InStr(githash, Chr(9)) - 1)
		istag    = Mid(istag, 1, InStr(istag, Chr(9)) - 1)
		isodate = 0
		modified = 1
		githash = ""
		istag = 0
		isstabletag = 0
	End If

	UpdateFile modified, isodate, version, cur_date, githash, istag, isstabletag, "../src/rev.cpp"
	UpdateFile modified, isodate, version, cur_date, githash, istag, isstabletag, "../src/os/windows/ottdres.rc"
End Sub

Function DetermineVersion()
	Dim WshShell, branch, tag, modified, isodate, oExec, line, hash, shorthash
	Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	On Error Resume Next

	modified = 0
	hash = ""
	shorthash = ""
	branch = ""
	isodate = ""
	tag = ""

	' Set the environment to english
	WshShell.Environment("PROCESS")("LANG") = "en"

	Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("git rev-parse --verify HEAD")
	If Err.Number = 0 Then
		' Wait till the application is finished ...
		Do While oExec.Status = 0

		If oExec.ExitCode = 0 Then
			hash = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
			shorthash = Mid(hash, 1, 10)
			' Make sure index is in sync with disk
			Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("git update-index --refresh")
			If Err.Number = 0 Then
				' StdOut and StdErr share a 4kB buffer so prevent it from filling up as we don't care about the output
				' Wait till the application is finished ...
				Do While oExec.Status = 0
					WScript.Sleep 10
			End If
			Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("git diff-index --exit-code --quiet HEAD ../")
			If Err.Number = 0 Then
				' Wait till the application is finished ...
				Do While oExec.Status = 0

				If oExec.ExitCode = 1 Then
					modified = 2
				End If ' oExec.ExitCode = 1

				Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("git show -s --pretty=format:%ci")
				if Err.Number = 0 Then
					isodate = Mid(oExec.StdOut.ReadLine(), 1, 10)
					isodate = Replace(isodate, "-", "")
				End If ' Err.Number = 0

				' Check branch
				Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("git symbolic-ref HEAD")
				If Err.Number = 0 Then
					line = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
					branch = Mid(line, InStrRev(line, "/") + 1)
				End If ' Err.Number = 0

				' Check if a tag is currently checked out
				Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("git name-rev --name-only --tags --no-undefined HEAD")
				If Err.Number = 0 Then
					' Wait till the application is finished ...
					Do While oExec.Status = 0
					If oExec.ExitCode = 0 Then
						tag = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
						If Right(tag, 2) = "^0" Then
							tag = Left(tag, Len(tag) - 2)
						End If
					End If ' oExec.ExitCode = 0
				End If ' Err.Number = 0
			End If ' Err.Number = 0
		End If ' oExec.ExitCode = 0
	End If ' Err.Number = 0

	If hash = "" And FSO.FileExists("../.ottdrev") Then
		Dim rev_file
		Set rev_file = FSO.OpenTextFile("../.ottdrev", 1, True, 0)
		DetermineVersion = rev_file.ReadLine()
	ElseIf hash = "" Then
		DetermineVersion = "norev000"
		modified = 1
		Dim version, hashprefix, istag, isstabletag
		If modified = 0 Then
			hashprefix = "-g"
		ElseIf modified = 2 Then
			hashprefix = "-m"
			hashprefix = "-u"
		End If

		If tag <> "" Then
			version = tag
			istag = 1

			Set stable_regexp = New RegExp
			stable_regexp.Pattern = "^[0-9.]*$"
			If stable_regexp.Test(tag) Then
				isstabletag = 1
				isstabletag = 0
			End If
			version = isodate & "-" & branch & hashprefix & shorthash
			istag = 0
			isstabletag = 0
		End If

		DetermineVersion = version & Chr(9) & isodate & Chr(9) & modified & Chr(9) & hash & Chr(9) & istag & Chr(9) & isstabletag
	End If
End Function

Function IsCachedVersion(ByVal version)
	Dim cache_file, cached_version
	cached_version = ""
	Set cache_file = FSO.OpenTextFile("../config.cache.version", 1, True, 0)
	If Not cache_file.atEndOfStream Then
		cached_version = cache_file.ReadLine()
	End If

	If InStr(version, Chr(9)) Then
		version = Mid(version, 1, Instr(version, Chr(9)) - 1)
	End If

	If version <> cached_version Then
		Set cache_file = fso.CreateTextFile("../config.cache.version", True)
		IsCachedVersion = False
		IsCachedVersion = True
	End If
End Function

Function CheckFile(filename)
	CheckFile = FSO.FileExists(filename)
	If CheckFile Then CheckFile = (FSO.GetFile(filename).DateLastModified >= FSO.GetFile(filename & ".in").DateLastModified)
End Function

Dim version
version = DetermineVersion
If Not (IsCachedVersion(version) And CheckFile("../src/rev.cpp") And CheckFile("../src/os/windows/ottdres.rc")) Then
	UpdateFiles version
End If