Files @ r10696:8dfe83e30d01
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/ai/api/ai_vehicle.cpp

(svn r15027) -Merge: tomatos and bananas left to be, here is NoAI for all to see.
NoAI is an API (a framework) to build your own AIs in. See:
With many thanks to:
- glx and Rubidium for their syncing, feedback and hard work
- Yexo for his feedback, patches, and AIs which tested the system very deep
- Morloth for his feedback and patches
- TJIP for hosting a challenge which kept NoAI on track
- All AI authors for testing our AI API, and all other people who helped in one way or another
-Remove: all old AIs and their cheats/hacks
/* $Id$ */

/** @file ai_vehicle.cpp Implementation of AIVehicle. */

#include "ai_vehicle.hpp"
#include "ai_engine.hpp"
#include "ai_cargo.hpp"
#include "ai_order.hpp"
#include "ai_gamesettings.hpp"
#include "../ai_instance.hpp"
#include "../../openttd.h"
#include "../../company_func.h"
#include "../../aircraft.h"
#include "../../string_func.h"
#include "../../strings_func.h"
#include "../../core/alloc_func.hpp"
#include "../../command_func.h"
#include "../../roadveh.h"
#include "../../train.h"
#include "../../vehicle_func.h"
#include "table/strings.h"

/* static */ bool AIVehicle::IsValidVehicle(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!::IsValidVehicleID(vehicle_id)) return false;
	const Vehicle *v = ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id);
	return v->owner == _current_company && (v->IsPrimaryVehicle() || (v->type == VEH_TRAIN && ::IsFreeWagon(v)));

/* static */ int32 AIVehicle::GetNumWagons(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;

	int num = 1;
	if (::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->type == VEH_TRAIN) {
		const Vehicle *v = ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id);
		while ((v = GetNextUnit(v)) != NULL) num++;

	return num;

/* static */ int AIVehicle::GetLength(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;

	const Vehicle *v = ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id);
	switch (v->type) {
		case VEH_ROAD: return v->u.road.cached_veh_length;
		case VEH_TRAIN: return v->u.rail.cached_total_length;
		default: return -1;

/* static */ VehicleID AIVehicle::BuildVehicle(TileIndex depot, EngineID engine_id)
	EnforcePrecondition(INVALID_VEHICLE, AIEngine::IsValidEngine(engine_id));

	::VehicleType type = ::GetEngine(engine_id)->type;

	EnforcePreconditionCustomError(INVALID_VEHICLE, !AIGameSettings::IsDisabledVehicleType((AIVehicle::VehicleType)type), AIVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_BUILD_DISABLED);

	if (!AIObject::DoCommand(depot, engine_id, 0, ::GetCmdBuildVeh(type), NULL, &AIInstance::DoCommandReturnVehicleID)) return INVALID_VEHICLE;

	/* In case of test-mode, we return VehicleID 0 */
	return 0;

/* static */ VehicleID AIVehicle::CloneVehicle(TileIndex depot, VehicleID vehicle_id, bool share_orders)
	EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id));

	if (!AIObject::DoCommand(depot, vehicle_id, share_orders, CMD_CLONE_VEHICLE, NULL, &AIInstance::DoCommandReturnVehicleID)) return INVALID_VEHICLE;

	/* In case of test-mode, we return VehicleID 0 */
	return 0;

/* static */ bool AIVehicle::MoveWagon(VehicleID source_vehicle_id, int source_wagon, bool move_attached_wagons, int dest_vehicle_id, int dest_wagon)
	EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicle(source_vehicle_id) && source_wagon < GetNumWagons(source_vehicle_id));
	EnforcePrecondition(false, dest_vehicle_id == -1 || (IsValidVehicle(dest_vehicle_id) && dest_wagon < GetNumWagons(dest_vehicle_id)));
	EnforcePrecondition(false, ::GetVehicle(source_vehicle_id)->type == VEH_TRAIN);
	EnforcePrecondition(false, dest_vehicle_id == -1 || ::GetVehicle(dest_vehicle_id)->type == VEH_TRAIN);

	const Vehicle *v = ::GetVehicle(source_vehicle_id);
	while (source_wagon-- > 0) v = GetNextUnit(v);
	const Vehicle *w = NULL;
	if (dest_vehicle_id != -1) {
		w = ::GetVehicle(dest_vehicle_id);
		while (dest_wagon-- > 0) w = GetNextUnit(w);

	return AIObject::DoCommand(0, v->index | ((w == NULL ? INVALID_VEHICLE : w->index) << 16), move_attached_wagons ? 1 : 0, CMD_MOVE_RAIL_VEHICLE);

/* static */ int AIVehicle::GetRefitCapacity(VehicleID vehicle_id, CargoID cargo)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;
	if (!AICargo::IsValidCargo(cargo)) return -1;

	CommandCost res = ::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id, cargo, DC_QUERY_COST, GetCmdRefitVeh(::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)));
	return CmdSucceeded(res) ? _returned_refit_capacity : -1;

/* static */ bool AIVehicle::RefitVehicle(VehicleID vehicle_id, CargoID cargo)
	EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id) && AICargo::IsValidCargo(cargo));

	return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id, cargo, GetCmdRefitVeh(::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)));

/* static */ bool AIVehicle::SellVehicle(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id));

	const Vehicle *v = ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id);
	return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id, v->type == VEH_TRAIN ? 1 : 0, GetCmdSellVeh(v));

/* static */ bool AIVehicle::SellWagon(VehicleID vehicle_id, int wagon, bool sell_attached_wagons)
	EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id) && wagon < GetNumWagons(vehicle_id));
	EnforcePrecondition(false, ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->type == VEH_TRAIN);

	const Vehicle *v = ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id);
	while (wagon-- > 0) v = GetNextUnit(v);

	return AIObject::DoCommand(0, v->index, sell_attached_wagons ? 1 : 0, CMD_SELL_RAIL_WAGON);

/* static */ bool AIVehicle::SendVehicleToDepot(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id));

	return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id, 0, GetCmdSendToDepot(::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)));

/* static */ bool AIVehicle::IsInDepot(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return false;
	return ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->IsInDepot();

/* static */ bool AIVehicle::IsStoppedInDepot(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return false;
	return ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->IsStoppedInDepot();

/* static */ bool AIVehicle::StartStopVehicle(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id));

	return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id, 0, CMD_START_STOP_VEHICLE);

/* static */ bool AIVehicle::SkipToVehicleOrder(VehicleID vehicle_id, AIOrder::OrderPosition order_position)
	order_position = AIOrder::ResolveOrderPosition(vehicle_id, order_position);

	EnforcePrecondition(false, AIOrder::IsValidVehicleOrder(vehicle_id, order_position));

	return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id, order_position, CMD_SKIP_TO_ORDER);

/* static */ bool AIVehicle::ReverseVehicle(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id));
	EnforcePrecondition(false, ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->type == VEH_ROAD || ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->type == VEH_TRAIN);

	switch (::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->type) {
		case VEH_ROAD: return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id, 0, CMD_TURN_ROADVEH);
		case VEH_TRAIN: return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id, 0, CMD_REVERSE_TRAIN_DIRECTION);
		default: NOT_REACHED();

/* static */ bool AIVehicle::SetName(VehicleID vehicle_id, const char *name)
	EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id));
	EnforcePrecondition(false, !::StrEmpty(name));
	EnforcePreconditionCustomError(false, ::strlen(name) < MAX_LENGTH_VEHICLE_NAME_BYTES, AIError::ERR_PRECONDITION_STRING_TOO_LONG);

	return AIObject::DoCommand(0, vehicle_id, 0, CMD_RENAME_VEHICLE, name);

/* static */ TileIndex AIVehicle::GetLocation(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return INVALID_TILE;

	const Vehicle *v = ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id);
	if (v->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT) {
		uint x = Clamp(v->x_pos / TILE_SIZE, 0, ::MapSizeX() - 2);
		uint y = Clamp(v->y_pos / TILE_SIZE, 0, ::MapSizeY() - 2);
		return ::TileXY(x, y);

	return v->tile;

/* static */ EngineID AIVehicle::GetEngineType(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return INVALID_ENGINE;

	return ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->engine_type;

/* static */ EngineID AIVehicle::GetWagonEngineType(VehicleID vehicle_id, int wagon)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return INVALID_ENGINE;
	if (wagon >= GetNumWagons(vehicle_id)) return INVALID_ENGINE;

	const Vehicle *v = ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id);
	if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) {
		while (wagon-- > 0) v = GetNextUnit(v);
	return v->engine_type;

/* static */ int32 AIVehicle::GetUnitNumber(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;

	return ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->unitnumber;

/* static */ const char *AIVehicle::GetName(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return NULL;

	static const int len = 64;
	char *vehicle_name = MallocT<char>(len);

	::SetDParam(0, vehicle_id);
	::GetString(vehicle_name, STR_VEHICLE_NAME, &vehicle_name[len - 1]);
	return vehicle_name;

/* static */ int32 AIVehicle::GetAge(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;

	return ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->age;

/* static */ int32 AIVehicle::GetWagonAge(VehicleID vehicle_id, int wagon)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;
	if (wagon >= GetNumWagons(vehicle_id)) return -1;

	const Vehicle *v = ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id);
	if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) {
		while (wagon-- > 0) v = GetNextUnit(v);
	return v->age;

/* static */ int32 AIVehicle::GetMaxAge(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;

	return ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->max_age;

/* static */ int32 AIVehicle::GetAgeLeft(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;

	return ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->max_age - ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->age;

/* static */ int32 AIVehicle::GetCurrentSpeed(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;

	return ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->GetDisplaySpeed();

/* static */ AIVehicle::VehicleState AIVehicle::GetState(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return AIVehicle::VS_INVALID;

	const Vehicle *v = ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id);
	byte vehstatus = v->vehstatus;

	if (vehstatus & ::VS_CRASHED) return AIVehicle::VS_CRASHED;
	if (v->breakdown_ctr != 0) return AIVehicle::VS_BROKEN;
	if (v->IsStoppedInDepot()) return AIVehicle::VS_IN_DEPOT;
	if (vehstatus & ::VS_STOPPED) return AIVehicle::VS_STOPPED;
	if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING)) return AIVehicle::VS_AT_STATION;
	return AIVehicle::VS_RUNNING;

/* static */ Money AIVehicle::GetRunningCost(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;

	return ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->GetRunningCost() >> 8;

/* static */ Money AIVehicle::GetProfitThisYear(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;

	return ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->GetDisplayProfitThisYear();

/* static */ Money AIVehicle::GetProfitLastYear(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;

	return ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->GetDisplayProfitLastYear();

/* static */ Money AIVehicle::GetCurrentValue(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;

	return ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->value;

/* static */ AIVehicle::VehicleType AIVehicle::GetVehicleType(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return VEHICLE_INVALID;

	switch (::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->type) {
		case VEH_ROAD:     return VEHICLE_ROAD;
		case VEH_TRAIN:    return VEHICLE_RAIL;
		case VEH_SHIP:     return VEHICLE_WATER;
		default:           return VEHICLE_INVALID;

/* static */ AIRoad::RoadType AIVehicle::GetRoadType(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return AIRoad::ROADTYPE_INVALID;
	if (GetVehicleType(vehicle_id) != VEHICLE_ROAD) return AIRoad::ROADTYPE_INVALID;

	return (AIRoad::RoadType)::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->u.road.roadtype;

/* static */ int32 AIVehicle::GetCapacity(VehicleID vehicle_id, CargoID cargo)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;
	if (!AICargo::IsValidCargo(cargo)) return -1;

	uint32 amount = 0;
	for (const Vehicle *v = ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id); v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
		if (v->cargo_type == cargo) amount += v->cargo_cap;

	return amount;

/* static */ int32 AIVehicle::GetCargoLoad(VehicleID vehicle_id, CargoID cargo)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return -1;
	if (!AICargo::IsValidCargo(cargo)) return -1;

	uint32 amount = 0;
	for (const Vehicle *v = ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id); v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
		if (v->cargo_type == cargo) amount += v->cargo.Count();

	return amount;

/* static */ GroupID AIVehicle::GetGroupID(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return ::INVALID_GROUP;

	return ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id)->group_id;

/* static */ bool AIVehicle::IsArticulated(VehicleID vehicle_id)
	if (!IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id)) return false;
	if (GetVehicleType(vehicle_id) != VEHICLE_ROAD && GetVehicleType(vehicle_id) != VEHICLE_RAIL) return false;

	const Vehicle *v = ::GetVehicle(vehicle_id);
	switch (v->type) {
		case VEH_ROAD: return RoadVehHasArticPart(v);
		case VEH_TRAIN: return EngineHasArticPart(v);
		default: NOT_REACHED();