Files @ r25874:8e2606e1b5e5
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/gfx_type.h

Patric Stout
Change: remove the ability to control "max spectators" (#9466)

Soon we will make "join game" join the game as spectator first,
so limiting the amount of spectators makes no sense anymore in
that context. Not sure it ever did make sense.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file gfx_type.h Types related to the graphics and/or input devices. */

#ifndef GFX_TYPE_H
#define GFX_TYPE_H

#include "core/endian_type.hpp"
#include "core/geometry_type.hpp"
#include "zoom_type.h"

typedef uint32 SpriteID;  ///< The number of a sprite, without mapping bits and colourtables
typedef uint32 PaletteID; ///< The number of the palette
typedef uint32 CursorID;  ///< The number of the cursor (sprite)

/** Combination of a palette sprite and a 'real' sprite */
struct PalSpriteID {
	SpriteID sprite;  ///< The 'real' sprite
	PaletteID pal;    ///< The palette (use \c PAL_NONE) if not needed)

enum WindowKeyCodes {
	WKC_SHIFT = 0x8000,
	WKC_CTRL  = 0x4000,
	WKC_ALT   = 0x2000,
	WKC_META  = 0x1000,

	WKC_GLOBAL_HOTKEY = 0x0800, ///< Fake keycode bit to indicate global hotkeys


	/* Special ones */
	WKC_NONE        =  0,
	WKC_ESC         =  1,
	WKC_INSERT      =  3,
	WKC_DELETE      =  4,

	WKC_PAGEUP      =  5,
	WKC_PAGEDOWN    =  6,
	WKC_END         =  7,
	WKC_HOME        =  8,

	/* Arrow keys */
	WKC_LEFT        =  9,
	WKC_UP          = 10,
	WKC_RIGHT       = 11,
	WKC_DOWN        = 12,

	/* Return & tab */
	WKC_RETURN      = 13,
	WKC_TAB         = 14,

	/* Space */
	WKC_SPACE       = 32,

	/* Function keys */
	WKC_F1          = 33,
	WKC_F2          = 34,
	WKC_F3          = 35,
	WKC_F4          = 36,
	WKC_F5          = 37,
	WKC_F6          = 38,
	WKC_F7          = 39,
	WKC_F8          = 40,
	WKC_F9          = 41,
	WKC_F10         = 42,
	WKC_F11         = 43,
	WKC_F12         = 44,

	/* Backquote is the key left of "1"
	 * we only store this key here, no matter what character is really mapped to it
	 * on a particular keyboard. (US keyboard: ` and ~ ; German keyboard: ^ and °) */
	WKC_PAUSE       = 46,

	/* 0-9 are mapped to 48-57
	 * A-Z are mapped to 65-90
	 * a-z are mapped to 97-122 */

	/* Numerical keyboard */
	WKC_NUM_DIV     = 138,
	WKC_NUM_MUL     = 139,
	WKC_NUM_MINUS   = 140,
	WKC_NUM_PLUS    = 141,
	WKC_NUM_ENTER   = 142,

	/* Other keys */
	WKC_SLASH       = 144, ///< / Forward slash
	WKC_SEMICOLON   = 145, ///< ; Semicolon
	WKC_EQUALS      = 146, ///< = Equals
	WKC_L_BRACKET   = 147, ///< [ Left square bracket
	WKC_BACKSLASH   = 148, ///< \ Backslash
	WKC_R_BRACKET   = 149, ///< ] Right square bracket
	WKC_SINGLEQUOTE = 150, ///< ' Single quote
	WKC_COMMA       = 151, ///< , Comma
	WKC_PERIOD      = 152, ///< . Period
	WKC_MINUS       = 153, ///< - Minus

/** A single sprite of a list of animated cursors */
struct AnimCursor {
	static const CursorID LAST = MAX_UVALUE(CursorID);
	CursorID sprite;   ///< Must be set to LAST_ANIM when it is the last sprite of the loop
	byte display_time; ///< Amount of ticks this sprite will be shown

/** Collection of variables for cursor-display and -animation */
struct CursorVars {
	/* Logical mouse position */
	Point pos;                    ///< logical mouse position
	Point delta;                  ///< relative mouse movement in this tick
	int wheel;                    ///< mouse wheel movement
	bool fix_at;                  ///< mouse is moving, but cursor is not (used for scrolling)

	/* We need two different vars to keep track of how far the scrollwheel moved.
	 * OSX uses this for scrolling around the map. */
	int v_wheel;
	int h_wheel;

	/* Mouse appearance */
	PalSpriteID sprite_seq[16];   ///< current image of cursor
	Point sprite_pos[16];         ///< relative position of individual sprites
	uint sprite_count;            ///< number of sprites to draw
	Point total_offs, total_size; ///< union of sprite properties

	Point draw_pos, draw_size;    ///< position and size bounding-box for drawing

	const AnimCursor *animate_list; ///< in case of animated cursor, list of frames
	const AnimCursor *animate_cur;  ///< in case of animated cursor, current frame
	uint animate_timeout;           ///< in case of animated cursor, number of ticks to show the current cursor

	bool visible;                 ///< cursor is visible
	bool dirty;                   ///< the rect occupied by the mouse is dirty (redraw)
	bool in_window;               ///< mouse inside this window, determines drawing logic

	/* Drag data */
	bool vehchain;                ///< vehicle chain is dragged

	void UpdateCursorPositionRelative(int delta_x, int delta_y);
	bool UpdateCursorPosition(int x, int y, bool queued_warp);

	bool queued_warp;
	Point last_position;

/** Data about how and where to blit pixels. */
struct DrawPixelInfo {
	void *dst_ptr;
	int left, top, width, height;
	int pitch;
	ZoomLevel zoom;

/** Structure to access the alpha, red, green, and blue channels from a 32 bit number. */
union Colour {
	uint32 data; ///< Conversion of the channel information to a 32 bit number.
	struct {
#if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
		uint8 r, g, b, a;  ///< colour channels as used in browsers
		uint8 a, r, g, b; ///< colour channels in BE order
		uint8 b, g, r, a; ///< colour channels in LE order

	 * Create a new colour.
	 * @param r The channel for the red colour.
	 * @param g The channel for the green colour.
	 * @param b The channel for the blue colour.
	 * @param a The channel for the alpha/transparency.
	Colour(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a = 0xFF) :
#if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
		r(r), g(g), b(b), a(a)
		a(a), r(r), g(g), b(b)
		b(b), g(g), r(r), a(a)

	 * Create a new colour.
	 * @param data The colour in the correct packed format.
	Colour(uint data = 0) : data(data)

static_assert(sizeof(Colour) == sizeof(uint32));

/** Available font sizes */
enum FontSize {
	FS_NORMAL, ///< Index of the normal font in the font tables.
	FS_SMALL,  ///< Index of the small font in the font tables.
	FS_LARGE,  ///< Index of the large font in the font tables.
	FS_MONO,   ///< Index of the monospaced font in the font tables.

	FS_BEGIN = FS_NORMAL, ///< First font.

 * Used to only draw a part of the sprite.
 * Draw the subsprite in the rect (sprite_x_offset + left, sprite_y_offset + top) to (sprite_x_offset + right, sprite_y_offset + bottom).
 * Both corners are included in the drawing area.
struct SubSprite {
	int left, top, right, bottom;

enum Colours {
template <> struct EnumPropsT<Colours> : MakeEnumPropsT<Colours, byte, COLOUR_BEGIN, COLOUR_END, INVALID_COLOUR, 8> {};

/** Colour of the strings, see _string_colourmap in table/string_colours.h or docs/ottd-colourtext-palette.png */
enum TextColour {
	TC_BEGIN       = 0x00,
	TC_BLUE        = 0x00,
	TC_SILVER      = 0x01,
	TC_GOLD        = 0x02,
	TC_RED         = 0x03,
	TC_PURPLE      = 0x04,
	TC_ORANGE      = 0x06,
	TC_GREEN       = 0x07,
	TC_YELLOW      = 0x08,
	TC_DARK_GREEN  = 0x09,
	TC_CREAM       = 0x0A,
	TC_BROWN       = 0x0B,
	TC_WHITE       = 0x0C,
	TC_GREY        = 0x0E,
	TC_DARK_BLUE   = 0x0F,
	TC_BLACK       = 0x10,
	TC_INVALID     = 0xFF,

	TC_IS_PALETTE_COLOUR = 0x100, ///< Colour value is already a real palette colour index, not an index of a StringColour.
	TC_NO_SHADE          = 0x200, ///< Do not add shading to this text colour.
	TC_FORCED            = 0x400, ///< Ignore colour changes from strings.

/** Defines a few values that are related to animations using palette changes */
enum PaletteAnimationSizes {
	PALETTE_ANIM_SIZE  = 28,   ///< number of animated colours
	PALETTE_ANIM_START = 227,  ///< Index in  the _palettes array from which all animations are taking places (table/palettes.h)

/** Define the operation GfxFillRect performs */
enum FillRectMode {
	FILLRECT_OPAQUE,  ///< Fill rectangle with a single colour
	FILLRECT_CHECKER, ///< Draw only every second pixel, used for greying-out
	FILLRECT_RECOLOUR, ///< Apply a recolour sprite to the screen content

/** Palettes OpenTTD supports. */
enum PaletteType {
	PAL_DOS,        ///< Use the DOS palette.
	PAL_WINDOWS,    ///< Use the Windows palette.
	PAL_AUTODETECT, ///< Automatically detect the palette based on the graphics pack.
	MAX_PAL = 2,    ///< The number of palettes.

/** Types of sprites that might be loaded */
enum SpriteType : byte {
	ST_NORMAL   = 0,      ///< The most basic (normal) sprite
	ST_MAPGEN   = 1,      ///< Special sprite for the map generator
	ST_FONT     = 2,      ///< A sprite used for fonts
	ST_RECOLOUR = 3,      ///< Recolour sprite
	ST_INVALID  = 4,      ///< Pseudosprite or other unusable sprite, used only internally

/** The number of milliseconds per game tick. */
static const uint MILLISECONDS_PER_TICK = 30;

/** Information about the currently used palette. */
struct Palette {
	Colour palette[256]; ///< Current palette. Entry 0 has to be always fully transparent!
	int first_dirty;     ///< The first dirty element.
	int count_dirty;     ///< The number of dirty elements.

/** Modes for 8bpp support */
enum Support8bpp {
	S8BPP_NONE = 0, ///< No support for 8bpp by OS or hardware, force 32bpp blitters.
	S8BPP_SYSTEM,   ///< No 8bpp support by hardware, do not try to use 8bpp video modes or hardware palettes.
	S8BPP_HARDWARE, ///< Full 8bpp support by OS and hardware.

	/** How to align the to-be drawn text. */
enum StringAlignment {
	SA_LEFT        = 0 << 0, ///< Left align the text.
	SA_HOR_CENTER  = 1 << 0, ///< Horizontally center the text.
	SA_RIGHT       = 2 << 0, ///< Right align the text (must be a single bit).
	SA_HOR_MASK    = 3 << 0, ///< Mask for horizontal alignment.

	SA_TOP         = 0 << 2, ///< Top align the text.
	SA_VERT_CENTER = 1 << 2, ///< Vertically center the text.
	SA_BOTTOM      = 2 << 2, ///< Bottom align the text.
	SA_VERT_MASK   = 3 << 2, ///< Mask for vertical alignment.

	SA_CENTER      = SA_HOR_CENTER | SA_VERT_CENTER, ///< Center both horizontally and vertically.

	SA_FORCE       = 1 << 4, ///< Force the alignment, i.e. don't swap for RTL languages.

#endif /* GFX_TYPE_H */