Files @ r25874:8e2606e1b5e5
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/highscore_gui.cpp

Patric Stout
Change: remove the ability to control "max spectators" (#9466)

Soon we will make "join game" join the game as spectator first,
so limiting the amount of spectators makes no sense anymore in
that context. Not sure it ever did make sense.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file highscore_gui.cpp Definition of the HighScore and EndGame windows */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "highscore.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "gfx_func.h"
#include "table/sprites.h"
#include "window_gui.h"
#include "window_func.h"
#include "network/network.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "company_base.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "hotkeys.h"
#include "zoom_func.h"

#include "widgets/highscore_widget.h"

#include "safeguards.h"

struct EndGameHighScoreBaseWindow : Window {
	uint32 background_img;
	int8 rank;

	EndGameHighScoreBaseWindow(WindowDesc *desc) : Window(desc)
		CLRBITS(this->flags, WF_WHITE_BORDER);
		ResizeWindow(this, _screen.width - this->width, _screen.height - this->height);

	/* Always draw a maximized window and within it the centered background */
	void SetupHighScoreEndWindow()
		/* Resize window to "full-screen". */
		if (this->width != _screen.width || this->height != _screen.height) ResizeWindow(this, _screen.width - this->width, _screen.height - this->height);


		/* Standard background slices are 50 pixels high, but it's designed
		 * for 480 pixels total. 96% of 500 is 480. */
		Dimension dim = GetSpriteSize(this->background_img);
		Point pt = this->GetTopLeft(dim.width, dim.height * 96 / 10);
		/* Center Highscore/Endscreen background */
		for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // the image is split into 10 50px high parts
			DrawSprite(this->background_img + i, PAL_NONE, pt.x, pt.y + (i * dim.height));

	/** Return the coordinate of the screen such that a window of 640x480 is centered at the screen. */
	Point GetTopLeft(int x, int y)
		Point pt = {std::max(0, (_screen.width / 2) - (x / 2)), std::max(0, (_screen.height / 2) - (y / 2))};
		return pt;

	void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) override

	EventState OnKeyPress(WChar key, uint16 keycode) override
		/* All keys are 'handled' by this window but we want to make
		 * sure that 'quit' still works correctly. Not handling the
		 * quit key is enough so the main toolbar can handle it. */
		if (IsQuitKey(keycode)) return ES_NOT_HANDLED;

		switch (keycode) {
			/* Keys for telling we want to go on */
			case WKC_RETURN:
			case WKC_ESC:
			case WKC_SPACE:
				return ES_HANDLED;

				/* We want to handle all keys; we don't want windows in
				 * the background to open. Especially the ones that do
				 * locate themselves based on the status-/toolbars. */
				return ES_HANDLED;

/** End game window shown at the end of the game */
struct EndGameWindow : EndGameHighScoreBaseWindow {
	EndGameWindow(WindowDesc *desc) : EndGameHighScoreBaseWindow(desc)
		/* Pause in single-player to have a look at the highscore at your own leisure */
		if (!_networking) DoCommandP(0, PM_PAUSED_NORMAL, 1, CMD_PAUSE);

		this->background_img = SPR_TYCOON_IMG1_BEGIN;

		if (_local_company != COMPANY_SPECTATOR) {
			const Company *c = Company::Get(_local_company);
			if (c->old_economy[0].performance_history == SCORE_MAX) {
				this->background_img = SPR_TYCOON_IMG2_BEGIN;

		/* In a network game show the endscores of the custom difficulty 'network' which is
		 * a TOP5 of that game, and not an all-time TOP5. */
		if (_networking) {
			this->window_number = SP_MULTIPLAYER;
			this->rank = SaveHighScoreValueNetwork();
		} else {
			/* in singleplayer mode _local company is always valid */
			const Company *c = Company::Get(_local_company);
			this->window_number = SP_CUSTOM;
			this->rank = SaveHighScoreValue(c);


	void Close() override
		if (!_networking) DoCommandP(0, PM_PAUSED_NORMAL, 0, CMD_PAUSE); // unpause
		ShowHighscoreTable(this->window_number, this->rank);

	void OnPaint() override
		Point pt = this->GetTopLeft(ScaleGUITrad(640), ScaleGUITrad(480));

		const Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(_local_company);
		if (c == nullptr) return;

		/* We need to get performance from last year because the image is shown
		 * at the start of the new year when these things have already been copied */
		if (this->background_img == SPR_TYCOON_IMG2_BEGIN) { // Tycoon of the century \o/
			SetDParam(0, c->index);
			SetDParam(1, c->index);
			SetDParam(2, EndGameGetPerformanceTitleFromValue(c->old_economy[0].performance_history));
			DrawStringMultiLine(pt.x + ScaleGUITrad(15), pt.x + ScaleGUITrad(640) - ScaleGUITrad(25), pt.y + ScaleGUITrad(90), pt.y + ScaleGUITrad(160), STR_HIGHSCORE_PRESIDENT_OF_COMPANY_ACHIEVES_STATUS, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER);
		} else {
			SetDParam(0, c->index);
			SetDParam(1, EndGameGetPerformanceTitleFromValue(c->old_economy[0].performance_history));
			DrawStringMultiLine(pt.x + ScaleGUITrad(36), pt.x + ScaleGUITrad(640), pt.y + ScaleGUITrad(140), pt.y + ScaleGUITrad(206), STR_HIGHSCORE_COMPANY_ACHIEVES_STATUS, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER);

struct HighScoreWindow : EndGameHighScoreBaseWindow {
	bool game_paused_by_player; ///< True if the game was paused by the player when the highscore window was opened.

	HighScoreWindow(WindowDesc *desc, int difficulty, int8 ranking) : EndGameHighScoreBaseWindow(desc)
		/* pause game to show the chart */
		this->game_paused_by_player = _pause_mode == PM_PAUSED_NORMAL;
		if (!_networking && !this->game_paused_by_player) DoCommandP(0, PM_PAUSED_NORMAL, 1, CMD_PAUSE);

		/* Close all always on-top windows to get a clean screen */
		if (_game_mode != GM_MENU) HideVitalWindows();

		this->window_number = difficulty; // show highscore chart for difficulty...
		this->background_img = SPR_HIGHSCORE_CHART_BEGIN; // which background to show
		this->rank = ranking;

	void Close() override
		if (_game_mode != GM_MENU) ShowVitalWindows();

		if (!_networking && !this->game_paused_by_player) DoCommandP(0, PM_PAUSED_NORMAL, 0, CMD_PAUSE); // unpause


	void OnPaint() override
		const HighScore *hs = _highscore_table[this->window_number];

		Point pt = this->GetTopLeft(ScaleGUITrad(640), ScaleGUITrad(480));

		SetDParam(0, _settings_game.game_creation.ending_year);
		DrawStringMultiLine(pt.x + ScaleGUITrad(70), pt.x + ScaleGUITrad(570), pt.y, pt.y + ScaleGUITrad(140), !_networking ? STR_HIGHSCORE_TOP_COMPANIES_WHO_REACHED : STR_HIGHSCORE_TOP_COMPANIES_NETWORK_GAME, TC_FROMSTRING, SA_CENTER);

		/* Draw Highscore peepz */
		for (uint8 i = 0; i < lengthof(_highscore_table[0]); i++) {
			SetDParam(0, i + 1);
			DrawString(pt.x + ScaleGUITrad(40), pt.x + ScaleGUITrad(600), pt.y + ScaleGUITrad(140 + i * 55), STR_HIGHSCORE_POSITION);

			if (hs[i].company[0] != '\0') {
				TextColour colour = (this->rank == i) ? TC_RED : TC_BLACK; // draw new highscore in red

				SetDParamStr(0, hs[i].company);
				DrawString(pt.x + ScaleGUITrad(71), pt.x + ScaleGUITrad(569), pt.y + ScaleGUITrad(140 + i * 55), STR_JUST_BIG_RAW_STRING, colour);
				SetDParam(0, hs[i].title);
				SetDParam(1, hs[i].score);
				DrawString(pt.x + ScaleGUITrad(71), pt.x + ScaleGUITrad(569), pt.y + ScaleGUITrad(140) + FONT_HEIGHT_LARGE + ScaleGUITrad(i * 55), STR_HIGHSCORE_STATS, colour);

static const NWidgetPart _nested_highscore_widgets[] = {
	NWidget(WWT_PANEL, COLOUR_BROWN, WID_H_BACKGROUND), SetResize(1, 1), EndContainer(),

static WindowDesc _highscore_desc(
	WDP_MANUAL, nullptr, 0, 0,
	_nested_highscore_widgets, lengthof(_nested_highscore_widgets)

static WindowDesc _endgame_desc(
	WDP_MANUAL, nullptr, 0, 0,
	_nested_highscore_widgets, lengthof(_nested_highscore_widgets)

 * Show the highscore table for a given difficulty. When called from
 * endgame ranking is set to the top5 element that was newly added
 * and is thus highlighted
void ShowHighscoreTable(int difficulty, int8 ranking)
	new HighScoreWindow(&_highscore_desc, difficulty, ranking);

 * Show the endgame victory screen in 2050. Update the new highscore
 * if it was high enough
void ShowEndGameChart()
	/* Dedicated server doesn't need the highscore window and neither does -v null. */
	if (_network_dedicated || (!_networking && !Company::IsValidID(_local_company))) return;

	new EndGameWindow(&_endgame_desc);