Files @ r25874:8e2606e1b5e5
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/industrytype.h

Patric Stout
Change: remove the ability to control "max spectators" (#9466)

Soon we will make "join game" join the game as spectator first,
so limiting the amount of spectators makes no sense anymore in
that context. Not sure it ever did make sense.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file industrytype.h %Industry type specs. */


#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include "map_type.h"
#include "slope_type.h"
#include "industry_type.h"
#include "landscape_type.h"
#include "cargo_type.h"
#include "newgrf_animation_type.h"
#include "newgrf_commons.h"

enum IndustryCleanupType {
	CLEAN_RANDOMSOUNDS,    ///< Free the dynamically allocated sounds table

/** Available types of industry lifetimes. */
enum IndustryLifeType {
	INDUSTRYLIFE_BLACK_HOLE =      0, ///< Like power plants and banks
	INDUSTRYLIFE_EXTRACTIVE = 1 << 0, ///< Like mines
	INDUSTRYLIFE_ORGANIC    = 1 << 1, ///< Like forests
	INDUSTRYLIFE_PROCESSING = 1 << 2, ///< Like factories

 * Available procedures to check whether an industry may build at a given location.
 * @see CheckNewIndustryProc, _check_new_industry_procs[]
enum CheckProc {
	CHECK_NOTHING,    ///< Always succeeds.
	CHECK_FOREST,     ///< %Industry should be build above snow-line in arctic climate.
	CHECK_REFINERY,   ///< %Industry should be positioned near edge of the map.
	CHECK_FARM,       ///< %Industry should be below snow-line in arctic.
	CHECK_PLANTATION, ///< %Industry should NOT be in the desert.
	CHECK_WATER,      ///< %Industry should be in the desert.
	CHECK_LUMBERMILL, ///< %Industry should be in the rain forest.
	CHECK_BUBBLEGEN,  ///< %Industry should be in low land.
	CHECK_OIL_RIG,    ///< Industries at sea should be positioned near edge of the map.
	CHECK_END,        ///< End marker of the industry check procedures.

/** How was the industry created */
enum IndustryConstructionType {
	ICT_UNKNOWN,          ///< in previous game version or without newindustries activated
	ICT_NORMAL_GAMEPLAY,  ///< either by user or random creation process
	ICT_MAP_GENERATION,   ///< during random map creation
	ICT_SCENARIO_EDITOR,  ///< while editing a scenario

/** Various industry behaviours mostly to represent original TTD specialities */
enum IndustryBehaviour {
	INDUSTRYBEH_NONE                  =      0,
	INDUSTRYBEH_PLANT_FIELDS          = 1 << 0,  ///< periodically plants fields around itself (temp and arctic farms)
	INDUSTRYBEH_CUT_TREES             = 1 << 1,  ///< cuts trees and produce first output cargo from them (lumber mill)
	INDUSTRYBEH_BUILT_ONWATER         = 1 << 2,  ///< is built on water (oil rig)
	INDUSTRYBEH_TOWN1200_MORE         = 1 << 3,  ///< can only be built in towns larger than 1200 inhabitants (temperate bank)
	INDUSTRYBEH_ONLY_INTOWN           = 1 << 4,  ///< can only be built in towns (arctic/tropic banks, water tower)
	INDUSTRYBEH_ONLY_NEARTOWN         = 1 << 5,  ///< is always built near towns (toy shop)
	INDUSTRYBEH_PLANT_ON_BUILT        = 1 << 6,  ///< Fields are planted around when built (all farms)
	INDUSTRYBEH_DONT_INCR_PROD        = 1 << 7,  ///< do not increase production (oil wells) in the temperate climate
	INDUSTRYBEH_BEFORE_1950           = 1 << 8,  ///< can only be built before 1950 (oil wells)
	INDUSTRYBEH_AFTER_1960            = 1 << 9,  ///< can only be built after 1960 (oil rigs)
	INDUSTRYBEH_AI_AIRSHIP_ROUTES     = 1 << 10, ///< ai will attempt to establish air/ship routes to this industry (oil rig)
	INDUSTRYBEH_AIRPLANE_ATTACKS      = 1 << 11, ///< can be exploded by a military airplane (oil refinery)
	INDUSTRYBEH_CHOPPER_ATTACKS       = 1 << 12, ///< can be exploded by a military helicopter (factory)
	INDUSTRYBEH_CAN_SUBSIDENCE        = 1 << 13, ///< can cause a subsidence (coal mine, shaft that collapses)
	/* The following flags are only used for newindustries and do no represent any normal behaviour */
	INDUSTRYBEH_PROD_MULTI_HNDLING    = 1 << 14, ///< Automatic production multiplier handling
	INDUSTRYBEH_PRODCALLBACK_RANDOM   = 1 << 15, ///< Production callback needs random bits in var 10
	INDUSTRYBEH_NOBUILT_MAPCREATION   = 1 << 16, ///< Do not force one instance of this type to appear on map generation
	INDUSTRYBEH_CANCLOSE_LASTINSTANCE = 1 << 17, ///< Allow closing down the last instance of this type
	INDUSTRYBEH_CARGOTYPES_UNLIMITED  = 1 << 18, ///< Allow produced/accepted cargoes callbacks to supply more than 2 and 3 types
	INDUSTRYBEH_NO_PAX_PROD_CLAMP     = 1 << 19, ///< Do not clamp production of passengers. (smooth economy only)

/** Flags for miscellaneous industry tile specialities */
enum IndustryTileSpecialFlags {
	INDTILE_SPECIAL_NONE                  = 0,
	INDTILE_SPECIAL_NEXTFRAME_RANDOMBITS  = 1 << 0, ///< Callback 0x26 needs random bits
	INDTILE_SPECIAL_ACCEPTS_ALL_CARGO     = 1 << 1, ///< Tile always accepts all cargoes the associated industry accepts

/** Definition of one tile in an industry tile layout */
struct IndustryTileLayoutTile {
	TileIndexDiffC ti;
	IndustryGfx gfx;

/** A complete tile layout for an industry is a list of tiles */
using IndustryTileLayout = std::vector<IndustryTileLayoutTile>;

 * Defines the data structure for constructing industry.
struct IndustrySpec {
	std::vector<IndustryTileLayout> layouts;    ///< List of possible tile layouts for the industry
	uint8 cost_multiplier;                      ///< Base construction cost multiplier.
	uint32 removal_cost_multiplier;             ///< Base removal cost multiplier.
	uint32 prospecting_chance;                  ///< Chance prospecting succeeds
	IndustryType conflicting[3];                ///< Industries this industry cannot be close to
	byte check_proc;                            ///< Index to a procedure to check for conflicting circumstances
	CargoID produced_cargo[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
	byte production_rate[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
	 * minimum amount of cargo transported to the stations.
	 * If the waiting cargo is less than this number, no cargo is moved to it.
	byte minimal_cargo;
	CargoID accepts_cargo[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS]; ///< 16 accepted cargoes.
	uint16 input_cargo_multiplier[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS][INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS]; ///< Input cargo multipliers (multiply amount of incoming cargo for the produced cargoes)
	IndustryLifeType life_type;                 ///< This is also known as Industry production flag, in newgrf specs
	byte climate_availability;                  ///< Bitmask, giving landscape enums as bit position
	IndustryBehaviour behaviour;                ///< How this industry will behave, and how others entities can use it
	byte map_colour;                            ///< colour used for the small map
	StringID name;                              ///< Displayed name of the industry
	StringID new_industry_text;                 ///< Message appearing when the industry is built
	StringID closure_text;                      ///< Message appearing when the industry closes
	StringID production_up_text;                ///< Message appearing when the industry's production is increasing
	StringID production_down_text;              ///< Message appearing when the industry's production is decreasing
	StringID station_name;                      ///< Default name for nearby station
	byte appear_ingame[NUM_LANDSCAPE];          ///< Probability of appearance in game
	byte appear_creation[NUM_LANDSCAPE];        ///< Probability of appearance during map creation
	uint8 number_of_sounds;                     ///< Number of sounds available in the sounds array
	const uint8 *random_sounds;                 ///< array of random sounds.
	/* Newgrf data */
	uint16 callback_mask;                       ///< Bitmask of industry callbacks that have to be called
	uint8 cleanup_flag;                         ///< flags indicating which data should be freed upon cleaning up
	bool enabled;                               ///< entity still available (by default true).newgrf can disable it, though
	GRFFileProps grf_prop;                      ///< properties related to the grf file

	bool IsRawIndustry() const;
	bool IsProcessingIndustry() const;
	Money GetConstructionCost() const;
	Money GetRemovalCost() const;
	bool UsesOriginalEconomy() const;


 * Defines the data structure of each individual tile of an industry.
 * @note A tile can at most accept 3 types of cargo, even if an industry as a whole can accept more types.
struct IndustryTileSpec {
	CargoID accepts_cargo[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS]; ///< Cargo accepted by this tile
	int8 acceptance[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS]; ///< Level of acceptance per cargo type (signed, may be negative!)
	Slope slopes_refused;                 ///< slope pattern on which this tile cannot be built
	byte anim_production;                 ///< Animation frame to start when goods are produced
	byte anim_next;                       ///< Next frame in an animation
	 * When true, the tile has to be drawn using the animation
	 * state instead of the construction state
	bool anim_state;
	/* Newgrf data */
	uint8 callback_mask;                  ///< Bitmask of industry tile callbacks that have to be called
	AnimationInfo animation;              ///< Information about the animation (is it looping, how many loops etc)
	IndustryTileSpecialFlags special_flags; ///< Bitmask of extra flags used by the tile
	bool enabled;                         ///< entity still available (by default true).newgrf can disable it, though
	GRFFileProps grf_prop;                ///< properties related to the grf file

/* industry_cmd.cpp*/
const IndustrySpec *GetIndustrySpec(IndustryType thistype);    ///< Array of industries data
const IndustryTileSpec *GetIndustryTileSpec(IndustryGfx gfx);  ///< Array of industry tiles data
void ResetIndustries();

/* writable arrays of specs */
extern IndustrySpec _industry_specs[NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES];
extern IndustryTileSpec _industry_tile_specs[NUM_INDUSTRYTILES];

/* industry_gui.cpp */
void SortIndustryTypes();
/* Industry types sorted alphabetically by name. */
extern std::array<IndustryType, NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES> _sorted_industry_types;

 * Do industry gfx ID translation for NewGRFs.
 * @param gfx the type to get the override for.
 * @return the gfx to actually work with.
static inline IndustryGfx GetTranslatedIndustryTileID(IndustryGfx gfx)
	/* the 0xFF should be GFX_WATERTILE_SPECIALCHECK but for reasons of include mess,
	 * we'll simplify the writing.
	 * Basically, the first test is required since the GFX_WATERTILE_SPECIALCHECK value
	 * will never be assigned as a tile index and is only required in order to do some
	 * tests while building the industry (as in WATER REQUIRED */
	if (gfx != 0xFF) {
		const IndustryTileSpec *it = &_industry_tile_specs[gfx];
		return it->grf_prop.override == INVALID_INDUSTRYTILE ? gfx : it->grf_prop.override;
	} else {
		return gfx;

static const uint8 IT_INVALID = 255;

#endif /* INDUSTRYTYPE_H */