Files @ r25874:8e2606e1b5e5
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/newgrf_commons.h

Patric Stout
Change: remove the ability to control "max spectators" (#9466)

Soon we will make "join game" join the game as spectator first,
so limiting the amount of spectators makes no sense anymore in
that context. Not sure it ever did make sense.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

 * @file newgrf_commons.h This file simplyfies and embeds a common mechanism of
 * loading/saving and mapping of grf entities.


#include "sprite.h"
#include "core/alloc_type.hpp"
#include "core/smallvec_type.hpp"
#include "command_type.h"
#include "direction_type.h"
#include "company_type.h"

/** Context for tile accesses */
enum TileContext {
	TCX_NORMAL,         ///< Nothing special.
	TCX_UPPER_HALFTILE, ///< Querying information about the upper part of a tile with halftile foundation.
	TCX_ON_BRIDGE,      ///< Querying information about stuff on the bridge (via some bridgehead).

 * Flags to enable register usage in sprite layouts.
enum TileLayoutFlags {
	TLF_NOTHING           = 0x00,

	TLF_DODRAW            = 0x01,   ///< Only draw sprite if value of register TileLayoutRegisters::dodraw is non-zero.
	TLF_SPRITE            = 0x02,   ///< Add signed offset to sprite from register TileLayoutRegisters::sprite.
	TLF_PALETTE           = 0x04,   ///< Add signed offset to palette from register TileLayoutRegisters::palette.
	TLF_CUSTOM_PALETTE    = 0x08,   ///< Palette is from Action 1 (moved to SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE in palette during loading).

	TLF_BB_XY_OFFSET      = 0x10,   ///< Add signed offset to bounding box X and Y positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta.parent[0..1].
	TLF_BB_Z_OFFSET       = 0x20,   ///< Add signed offset to bounding box Z positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta.parent[2].

	TLF_CHILD_X_OFFSET    = 0x10,   ///< Add signed offset to child sprite X positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta.child[0].
	TLF_CHILD_Y_OFFSET    = 0x20,   ///< Add signed offset to child sprite Y positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta.child[1].

	TLF_SPRITE_VAR10      = 0x40,   ///< Resolve sprite with a specific value in variable 10.
	TLF_PALETTE_VAR10     = 0x80,   ///< Resolve palette with a specific value in variable 10.

	TLF_KNOWN_FLAGS       = 0xFF,   ///< Known flags. Any unknown set flag will disable the GRF.

	/** Flags which are still required after loading the GRF. */

	/** Flags which do not work for the (first) ground sprite. */

	/** Flags which refer to using multiple action-1-2-3 chains. */

	/** Flags which require resolving the action-1-2-3 chain for the sprite, even if it is no action-1 sprite. */

	/** Flags which require resolving the action-1-2-3 chain for the palette, even if it is no action-1 palette. */

 * Determines which sprite to use from a spriteset for a specific construction stage.
 * @param construction_stage Construction stage 0 - 3.
 * @param num_sprites Number of available sprites to select stage from.
 * @return Sprite to use
static inline uint GetConstructionStageOffset(uint construction_stage, uint num_sprites)
	assert(num_sprites > 0);
	if (num_sprites > 4) num_sprites = 4;
	switch (construction_stage) {
		case 0: return 0;
		case 1: return num_sprites > 2 ? 1 : 0;
		case 2: return num_sprites > 2 ? num_sprites - 2 : 0;
		case 3: return num_sprites - 1;
		default: NOT_REACHED();

 * Additional modifiers for items in sprite layouts.
struct TileLayoutRegisters {
	TileLayoutFlags flags; ///< Flags defining which members are valid and to be used.
	uint8 dodraw;          ///< Register deciding whether the sprite shall be drawn at all. Non-zero means drawing.
	uint8 sprite;          ///< Register specifying a signed offset for the sprite.
	uint8 palette;         ///< Register specifying a signed offset for the palette.
	uint16 max_sprite_offset;  ///< Maximum offset to add to the sprite. (limited by size of the spriteset)
	uint16 max_palette_offset; ///< Maximum offset to add to the palette. (limited by size of the spriteset)
	union {
		uint8 parent[3];   ///< Registers for signed offsets for the bounding box position of parent sprites.
		uint8 child[2];    ///< Registers for signed offsets for the position of child sprites.
	} delta;
	uint8 sprite_var10;    ///< Value for variable 10 when resolving the sprite.
	uint8 palette_var10;   ///< Value for variable 10 when resolving the palette.

static const uint TLR_MAX_VAR10 = 7; ///< Maximum value for var 10.

 * NewGRF supplied spritelayout.
 * In contrast to #DrawTileSprites this struct is for allocated
 * layouts on the heap. It allocates data and frees them on destruction.
struct NewGRFSpriteLayout : ZeroedMemoryAllocator, DrawTileSprites {
	const TileLayoutRegisters *registers;

	 * Number of sprites in all referenced spritesets.
	 * If these numbers are inconsistent, then this is 0 and the real values are in \c registers.
	uint consistent_max_offset;

	void Allocate(uint num_sprites);
	void AllocateRegisters();
	void Clone(const DrawTileSeqStruct *source);
	void Clone(const NewGRFSpriteLayout *source);

	 * Clone a spritelayout.
	 * @param source The spritelayout to copy.
	void Clone(const DrawTileSprites *source)
		assert(source != nullptr && this != source);
		this->ground = source->ground;

	virtual ~NewGRFSpriteLayout()

	 * Tests whether this spritelayout needs preprocessing by
	 * #PrepareLayout() and #ProcessRegisters(), or whether it can be
	 * used directly.
	 * @return true if preprocessing is needed
	bool NeedsPreprocessing() const
		return this->registers != nullptr;

	uint32 PrepareLayout(uint32 orig_offset, uint32 newgrf_ground_offset, uint32 newgrf_offset, uint constr_stage, bool separate_ground) const;
	void ProcessRegisters(uint8 resolved_var10, uint32 resolved_sprite, bool separate_ground) const;

	 * Returns the result spritelayout after preprocessing.
	 * @pre #PrepareLayout() and #ProcessRegisters() need calling first.
	 * @return result spritelayout
	const DrawTileSeqStruct *GetLayout(PalSpriteID *ground) const
		DrawTileSeqStruct *front =;
		*ground = front->image;
		return front + 1;

	static std::vector<DrawTileSeqStruct> result_seq; ///< Temporary storage when preprocessing spritelayouts.

 * Maps an entity id stored on the map to a GRF file.
 * Entities are objects used ingame (houses, industries, industry tiles) for
 * which we need to correlate the ids from the grf files with the ones in the
 * the savegames themselves.
 * An array of EntityIDMapping structs is saved with the savegame so
 * that those GRFs can be loaded in a different order, or removed safely. The
 * index in the array is the entity's ID stored on the map.
 * The substitute ID is the ID of an original entity that should be used instead
 * if the GRF containing the new entity is not available.
struct EntityIDMapping {
	uint32 grfid;          ///< The GRF ID of the file the entity belongs to
	uint8  entity_id;      ///< The entity ID within the GRF file
	uint8  substitute_id;  ///< The (original) entity ID to use if this GRF is not available

class OverrideManagerBase {
	uint16 *entity_overrides;
	uint32 *grfid_overrides;

	uint16 max_offset;       ///< what is the length of the original entity's array of specs
	uint16 max_new_entities; ///< what is the amount of entities, old and new summed

	uint16 invalid_ID;       ///< ID used to detected invalid entities;
	virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return true; }

	EntityIDMapping *mapping_ID; ///< mapping of ids from grf files.  Public out of convenience

	OverrideManagerBase(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid);
	virtual ~OverrideManagerBase();

	void ResetOverride();
	void ResetMapping();

	void Add(uint8 local_id, uint32 grfid, uint entity_type);
	virtual uint16 AddEntityID(byte grf_local_id, uint32 grfid, byte substitute_id);

	uint32 GetGRFID(uint16 entity_id) const;
	uint16 GetSubstituteID(uint16 entity_id) const;
	virtual uint16 GetID(uint8 grf_local_id, uint32 grfid) const;

	inline uint16 GetMaxMapping() const { return max_new_entities; }
	inline uint16 GetMaxOffset() const { return max_offset; }

struct HouseSpec;
class HouseOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	HouseOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	void SetEntitySpec(const HouseSpec *hs);

struct IndustrySpec;
class IndustryOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	IndustryOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	uint16 AddEntityID(byte grf_local_id, uint32 grfid, byte substitute_id) override;
	uint16 GetID(uint8 grf_local_id, uint32 grfid) const override;

	void SetEntitySpec(IndustrySpec *inds);

struct IndustryTileSpec;
class IndustryTileOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return testid != 0xFF; }
	IndustryTileOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	void SetEntitySpec(const IndustryTileSpec *indts);

struct AirportSpec;
class AirportOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	AirportOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	void SetEntitySpec(AirportSpec *inds);

struct AirportTileSpec;
class AirportTileOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return testid != 0xFF; }
	AirportTileOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	void SetEntitySpec(const AirportTileSpec *ats);

struct ObjectSpec;
class ObjectOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return testid != 0xFF; }
	ObjectOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	void SetEntitySpec(ObjectSpec *spec);

extern HouseOverrideManager _house_mngr;
extern IndustryOverrideManager _industry_mngr;
extern IndustryTileOverrideManager _industile_mngr;
extern AirportOverrideManager _airport_mngr;
extern AirportTileOverrideManager _airporttile_mngr;
extern ObjectOverrideManager _object_mngr;

uint32 GetTerrainType(TileIndex tile, TileContext context = TCX_NORMAL);
TileIndex GetNearbyTile(byte parameter, TileIndex tile, bool signed_offsets = true, Axis axis = INVALID_AXIS);
uint32 GetNearbyTileInformation(TileIndex tile, bool grf_version8);
uint32 GetCompanyInfo(CompanyID owner, const struct Livery *l = nullptr);
CommandCost GetErrorMessageFromLocationCallbackResult(uint16 cb_res, const GRFFile *grffile, StringID default_error);

void ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(uint32 grfid, uint16 cbid, uint16 cb_res);
bool ConvertBooleanCallback(const struct GRFFile *grffile, uint16 cbid, uint16 cb_res);
bool Convert8bitBooleanCallback(const struct GRFFile *grffile, uint16 cbid, uint16 cb_res);

 * Data related to the handling of grf files.
 * @tparam Tcnt Number of spritegroups
template <size_t Tcnt>
struct GRFFilePropsBase {
	GRFFilePropsBase() : local_id(0), grffile(nullptr)
		/* The lack of some compilers to provide default constructors complying to the specs
		 * requires us to zero the stuff ourself. */
		memset(spritegroup, 0, sizeof(spritegroup));

	uint16 local_id;                             ///< id defined by the grf file for this entity
	const struct GRFFile *grffile;               ///< grf file that introduced this entity
	const struct SpriteGroup *spritegroup[Tcnt]; ///< pointer to the different sprites of the entity

/** Data related to the handling of grf files. */
struct GRFFileProps : GRFFilePropsBase<1> {
	/** Set all default data constructor for the props. */
	GRFFileProps(uint16 subst_id = 0) :
			GRFFilePropsBase<1>(), subst_id(subst_id), override(subst_id)

	uint16 subst_id;
	uint16 override;                      ///< id of the entity been replaced by

#endif /* NEWGRF_COMMONS_H */