Files @ r25874:8e2606e1b5e5
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/tilearea_type.h

Patric Stout
Change: remove the ability to control "max spectators" (#9466)

Soon we will make "join game" join the game as spectator first,
so limiting the amount of spectators makes no sense anymore in
that context. Not sure it ever did make sense.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file tilearea_type.h Type for storing the 'area' of something uses on the map. */


#include "map_func.h"

class OrthogonalTileIterator;

/** Represents the covered area of e.g. a rail station */
struct OrthogonalTileArea {
	TileIndex tile; ///< The base tile of the area
	uint16 w;       ///< The width of the area
	uint16 h;       ///< The height of the area

	 * Construct this tile area with some set values
	 * @param tile the base tile
	 * @param w the width
	 * @param h the height
	OrthogonalTileArea(TileIndex tile = INVALID_TILE, uint8 w = 0, uint8 h = 0) : tile(tile), w(w), h(h)

	OrthogonalTileArea(TileIndex start, TileIndex end);

	void Add(TileIndex to_add);

	 * Clears the 'tile area', i.e. make the tile invalid.
	void Clear()
		this->tile = INVALID_TILE;
		this->w    = 0;
		this->h    = 0;

	bool Intersects(const OrthogonalTileArea &ta) const;

	bool Contains(TileIndex tile) const;

	OrthogonalTileArea &Expand(int rad);

	void ClampToMap();

	 * Get the center tile.
	 * @return The tile at the center, or just north of it.
	TileIndex GetCenterTile() const
		return TILE_ADDXY(this->tile, this->w / 2, this->h / 2);

	OrthogonalTileIterator begin() const;

	OrthogonalTileIterator end() const;

/** Represents a diagonal tile area. */
struct DiagonalTileArea {

	TileIndex tile; ///< Base tile of the area
	int16 a;        ///< Extent in diagonal "x" direction (may be negative to signify the area stretches to the left)
	int16 b;        ///< Extent in diagonal "y" direction (may be negative to signify the area stretches upwards)

	 * Construct this tile area with some set values.
	 * @param tile The base tile.
	 * @param a The "x" extent.
	 * @param b The "y" estent.
	DiagonalTileArea(TileIndex tile = INVALID_TILE, int8 a = 0, int8 b = 0) : tile(tile), a(a), b(b)

	DiagonalTileArea(TileIndex start, TileIndex end);

	 * Clears the TileArea by making the tile invalid and setting a and b to 0.
	void Clear()
		this->tile = INVALID_TILE;
		this->a    = 0;
		this->b    = 0;

	bool Contains(TileIndex tile) const;

/** Shorthand for the much more common orthogonal tile area. */
typedef OrthogonalTileArea TileArea;

/** Base class for tile iterators. */
class TileIterator {
	TileIndex tile; ///< The current tile we are at.

	 * Initialise the iterator starting at this tile.
	 * @param tile The tile we start iterating from.
	TileIterator(TileIndex tile = INVALID_TILE) : tile(tile)

	/** Some compilers really like this. */
	virtual ~TileIterator()

	 * Get the tile we are currently at.
	 * @return The tile we are at, or INVALID_TILE when we're done.
	inline operator TileIndex () const
		return this->tile;

	 * Get the tile we are currently at.
	 * @return The tile we are at, or INVALID_TILE when we're done.
	inline TileIndex operator *() const
		return this->tile;

	 * Move ourselves to the next tile in the rectangle on the map.
	virtual TileIterator& operator ++() = 0;

	 * Allocate a new iterator that is a copy of this one.
	virtual TileIterator *Clone() const = 0;

/** Iterator to iterate over a tile area (rectangle) of the map. */
class OrthogonalTileIterator : public TileIterator {
	int w;          ///< The width of the iterated area.
	int x;          ///< The current 'x' position in the rectangle.
	int y;          ///< The current 'y' position in the rectangle.

	 * Construct the iterator.
	 * @param ta Area, i.e. begin point and width/height of to-be-iterated area.
	OrthogonalTileIterator(const OrthogonalTileArea &ta) : TileIterator(ta.w == 0 || ta.h == 0 ? INVALID_TILE : ta.tile), w(ta.w), x(ta.w), y(ta.h)

	 * Construct the iterator.
	 * @param corner1 Tile from where to begin iterating.
	 * @param corner2 Tile where to end the iterating.
	OrthogonalTileIterator(TileIndex corner1, TileIndex corner2)
		*this = OrthogonalTileIterator(OrthogonalTileArea(corner1, corner2));

	 * Move ourselves to the next tile in the rectangle on the map.
	inline TileIterator& operator ++()
		assert(this->tile != INVALID_TILE);

		if (--this->x > 0) {
		} else if (--this->y > 0) {
			this->x = this->w;
			this->tile += TileDiffXY(1, 1) - this->w;
		} else {
			this->tile = INVALID_TILE;
		return *this;

	virtual TileIterator *Clone() const
		return new OrthogonalTileIterator(*this);

/** Iterator to iterate over a diagonal area of the map. */
class DiagonalTileIterator : public TileIterator {
	uint base_x; ///< The base tile x coordinate from where the iterating happens.
	uint base_y; ///< The base tile y coordinate from where the iterating happens.
	int a_cur;   ///< The current (rotated) x coordinate of the iteration.
	int b_cur;   ///< The current (rotated) y coordinate of the iteration.
	int a_max;   ///< The (rotated) x coordinate of the end of the iteration.
	int b_max;   ///< The (rotated) y coordinate of the end of the iteration.


	 * Construct the iterator.
	 * @param ta Area, i.e. begin point and (diagonal) width/height of to-be-iterated area.
	DiagonalTileIterator(const DiagonalTileArea &ta) :
		TileIterator(ta.tile), base_x(TileX(ta.tile)), base_y(TileY(ta.tile)), a_cur(0), b_cur(0), a_max(ta.a), b_max(ta.b)

	 * Construct the iterator.
	 * @param corner1 Tile from where to begin iterating.
	 * @param corner2 Tile where to end the iterating.
	DiagonalTileIterator(TileIndex corner1, TileIndex corner2)
		*this = DiagonalTileIterator(DiagonalTileArea(corner1, corner2));

	TileIterator& operator ++();

	virtual TileIterator *Clone() const
		return new DiagonalTileIterator(*this);

#endif /* TILEAREA_TYPE_H */