Files @ r25553:92872b4fd6f6
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/settings_internal.h

Patric Stout
Fix #9281: acquire a company uses special bookkeeping to make you rich (#9300)

When you buy-out a company, you got your shares back. This is
based on company-value, which includes values for the vehicles etc.
In other words, you not only got the vehicles, but you also got
paid to get them back.

Additionally, you also got the loan of the company, but not the
money for the loan (as that is subtracted from the company-value).

Solve this by changing the rules of a buy-out: don't sell your
shares, get the loan AND the balance and get the infrastructure.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file settings_internal.h Functions and types used internally for the settings configurations. */


#include "saveload/saveload.h"

enum SettingGuiFlag : uint16 {
	/* 2 bytes allocated for a maximum of 16 flags. */
	SGF_NONE = 0,
	SGF_0ISDISABLED   = 1 << 0, ///< a value of zero means the feature is disabled
	SGF_DISPLAY_ABS   = 1 << 1, ///< display absolute value of the setting
	SGF_MULTISTRING   = 1 << 2, ///< the value represents a limited number of string-options (internally integer)
	SGF_NETWORK_ONLY  = 1 << 3, ///< this setting only applies to network games
	SGF_CURRENCY      = 1 << 4, ///< the number represents money, so when reading value multiply by exchange rate
	SGF_NO_NETWORK    = 1 << 5, ///< this setting does not apply to network games; it may not be changed during the game
	SGF_NEWGAME_ONLY  = 1 << 6, ///< this setting cannot be changed in a game
	SGF_SCENEDIT_TOO  = 1 << 7, ///< this setting can be changed in the scenario editor (only makes sense when SGF_NEWGAME_ONLY is set)
	SGF_PER_COMPANY   = 1 << 8, ///< this setting can be different for each company (saved in company struct)
	SGF_SCENEDIT_ONLY = 1 << 9, ///< this setting can only be changed in the scenario editor

 * A SettingCategory defines a grouping of the settings.
 * The group #SC_BASIC is intended for settings which also a novice player would like to change and is able to understand.
 * The group #SC_ADVANCED is intended for settings which an experienced player would like to use. This is the case for most settings.
 * Finally #SC_EXPERT settings only few people want to see in rare cases.
 * The grouping is meant to be inclusive, i.e. all settings in #SC_BASIC also will be included
 * in the set of settings in #SC_ADVANCED. The group #SC_EXPERT contains all settings.
enum SettingCategory {
	SC_NONE = 0,

	/* Filters for the list */
	SC_BASIC_LIST      = 1 << 0,    ///< Settings displayed in the list of basic settings.
	SC_ADVANCED_LIST   = 1 << 1,    ///< Settings displayed in the list of advanced settings.
	SC_EXPERT_LIST     = 1 << 2,    ///< Settings displayed in the list of expert settings.

	/* Setting classification */
	SC_BASIC           = SC_BASIC_LIST | SC_ADVANCED_LIST | SC_EXPERT_LIST,  ///< Basic settings are part of all lists.
	SC_ADVANCED        = SC_ADVANCED_LIST | SC_EXPERT_LIST,                  ///< Advanced settings are part of advanced and expert list.
	SC_EXPERT          = SC_EXPERT_LIST,                                     ///< Expert settings can only be seen in the expert list.


 * Type of settings for filtering.
enum SettingType {
	ST_GAME,      ///< Game setting.
	ST_COMPANY,   ///< Company setting.
	ST_CLIENT,    ///< Client setting.

	ST_ALL,       ///< Used in setting filter to match all types.

struct IniItem;

/** Properties of config file settings. */
struct SettingDesc {
	SettingDesc(SaveLoad save, const char *name, SettingGuiFlag flags, bool startup) :
		name(name), flags(flags), startup(startup), save(save) {}
	virtual ~SettingDesc() {}

	const char *name;       ///< name of the setting. Used in configuration file and for console
	SettingGuiFlag flags;   ///< handles how a setting would show up in the GUI (text/currency, etc.)
	bool startup;           ///< setting has to be loaded directly at startup?
	SaveLoad save;          ///< Internal structure (going to savegame, parts to config)

	bool IsEditable(bool do_command = false) const;
	SettingType GetType() const;

	 * Check whether this setting is an integer type setting.
	 * @return True when the underlying type is an integer.
	virtual bool IsIntSetting() const { return false; }

	 * Check whether this setting is an string type setting.
	 * @return True when the underlying type is a string.
	virtual bool IsStringSetting() const { return false; }

	const struct IntSettingDesc *AsIntSetting() const;
	const struct StringSettingDesc *AsStringSetting() const;

	 * Format the value of the setting associated with this object.
	 * @param buf The before of the buffer to format into.
	 * @param last The end of the buffer to format into.
	 * @param object The object the setting is in.
	virtual void FormatValue(char *buf, const char *last, const void *object) const = 0;

	 * Parse/read the value from the Ini item into the setting associated with this object.
	 * @param item The Ini item with the content of this setting.
	 * @param object The object the setting is in.
	virtual void ParseValue(const IniItem *item, void *object) const = 0;

	 * Check whether the value in the Ini item is the same as is saved in this setting in the object.
	 * It might be that determining whether the value is the same is way more expensive than just
	 * writing the value. In those cases this function may unconditionally return false even though
	 * the value might be the same as in the Ini item.
	 * @param item The Ini item with the content of this setting.
	 * @param object The object the setting is in.
	 * @return True if the value is definitely the same (might be false when the same).
	virtual bool IsSameValue(const IniItem *item, void *object) const = 0;

/** Base integer type, including boolean, settings. Only these are shown in the settings UI. */
struct IntSettingDesc : SettingDesc {
	 * A check to be performed before the setting gets changed. The passed integer may be
	 * changed by the check if that is important, for example to remove some unwanted bit.
	 * The return value denotes whether the value, potentially after the changes,
	 * is allowed to be used/set in the configuration.
	 * @param value The prospective new value for the setting.
	 * @return True when the setting is accepted.
	typedef bool PreChangeCheck(int32 &value);
	 * A callback to denote that a setting has been changed.
	 * @param The new value for the setting.
	typedef void PostChangeCallback(int32 value);

	IntSettingDesc(SaveLoad save, const char *name, SettingGuiFlag flags, bool startup, int32 def,
			int32 min, uint32 max, int32 interval, StringID str, StringID str_help, StringID str_val,
			SettingCategory cat, PreChangeCheck pre_check, PostChangeCallback post_callback) :
		SettingDesc(save, name, flags, startup), def(def), min(min), max(max), interval(interval),
			str(str), str_help(str_help), str_val(str_val), cat(cat), pre_check(pre_check),
			post_callback(post_callback) {}
	virtual ~IntSettingDesc() {}

	int32 def;              ///< default value given when none is present
	int32 min;              ///< minimum values
	uint32 max;             ///< maximum values
	int32 interval;         ///< the interval to use between settings in the 'settings' window. If interval is '0' the interval is dynamically determined
	StringID str;           ///< (translated) string with descriptive text; gui and console
	StringID str_help;      ///< (Translated) string with help text; gui only.
	StringID str_val;       ///< (Translated) first string describing the value.
	SettingCategory cat;    ///< assigned categories of the setting
	PreChangeCheck *pre_check;         ///< Callback to check for the validity of the setting.
	PostChangeCallback *post_callback; ///< Callback when the setting has been changed.

	 * Check whether this setting is a boolean type setting.
	 * @return True when the underlying type is an integer.
	virtual bool IsBoolSetting() const { return false; }
	bool IsIntSetting() const override { return true; }

	void ChangeValue(const void *object, int32 newvalue) const;
	void MakeValueValidAndWrite(const void *object, int32 value) const;

	virtual size_t ParseValue(const char *str) const;
	void FormatValue(char *buf, const char *last, const void *object) const override;
	void ParseValue(const IniItem *item, void *object) const override;
	bool IsSameValue(const IniItem *item, void *object) const override;
	int32 Read(const void *object) const;

	void MakeValueValid(int32 &value) const;
	void Write(const void *object, int32 value) const;

/** Boolean setting. */
struct BoolSettingDesc : IntSettingDesc {
	BoolSettingDesc(SaveLoad save, const char *name, SettingGuiFlag flags, bool startup, bool def,
			StringID str, StringID str_help, StringID str_val, SettingCategory cat,
			PreChangeCheck pre_check, PostChangeCallback post_callback) :
		IntSettingDesc(save, name, flags, startup, def, 0, 1, 0, str, str_help, str_val, cat,
			pre_check, post_callback) {}
	virtual ~BoolSettingDesc() {}

	bool IsBoolSetting() const override { return true; }
	size_t ParseValue(const char *str) const override;
	void FormatValue(char *buf, const char *last, const void *object) const override;

/** One of many setting. */
struct OneOfManySettingDesc : IntSettingDesc {
	typedef size_t OnConvert(const char *value); ///< callback prototype for conversion error

	OneOfManySettingDesc(SaveLoad save, const char *name, SettingGuiFlag flags, bool startup, int32 def,
			int32 max, StringID str, StringID str_help, StringID str_val, SettingCategory cat,
			PreChangeCheck pre_check, PostChangeCallback post_callback,
			std::initializer_list<const char *> many, OnConvert *many_cnvt) :
		IntSettingDesc(save, name, flags, startup, def, 0, max, 0, str, str_help, str_val, cat,
			pre_check, post_callback), many_cnvt(many_cnvt)
		for (auto one : many) this->many.push_back(one);

	virtual ~OneOfManySettingDesc() {}

	std::vector<std::string> many; ///< possible values for this type
	OnConvert *many_cnvt;          ///< callback procedure when loading value mechanism fails

	static size_t ParseSingleValue(const char *str, size_t len, const std::vector<std::string> &many);
	char *FormatSingleValue(char *buf, const char *last, uint id) const;

	size_t ParseValue(const char *str) const override;
	void FormatValue(char *buf, const char *last, const void *object) const override;

/** Many of many setting. */
struct ManyOfManySettingDesc : OneOfManySettingDesc {
	ManyOfManySettingDesc(SaveLoad save, const char *name, SettingGuiFlag flags, bool startup,
		int32 def, StringID str, StringID str_help, StringID str_val, SettingCategory cat,
		PreChangeCheck pre_check, PostChangeCallback post_callback,
		std::initializer_list<const char *> many, OnConvert *many_cnvt) :
		OneOfManySettingDesc(save, name, flags, startup, def, (1 << many.size()) - 1, str, str_help,
			str_val, cat, pre_check, post_callback, many, many_cnvt) {}
	virtual ~ManyOfManySettingDesc() {}

	size_t ParseValue(const char *str) const override;
	void FormatValue(char *buf, const char *last, const void *object) const override;

/** String settings. */
struct StringSettingDesc : SettingDesc {
	 * A check to be performed before the setting gets changed. The passed string may be
	 * changed by the check if that is important, for example to remove unwanted white
	 * space. The return value denotes whether the value, potentially after the changes,
	 * is allowed to be used/set in the configuration.
	 * @param value The prospective new value for the setting.
	 * @return True when the setting is accepted.
	typedef bool PreChangeCheck(std::string &value);
	 * A callback to denote that a setting has been changed.
	 * @param The new value for the setting.
	typedef void PostChangeCallback(const std::string &value);

	StringSettingDesc(SaveLoad save, const char *name, SettingGuiFlag flags, bool startup, const char *def,
			uint32 max_length, PreChangeCheck pre_check, PostChangeCallback post_callback) :
		SettingDesc(save, name, flags, startup), def(def == nullptr ? "" : def), max_length(max_length),
			pre_check(pre_check), post_callback(post_callback) {}
	virtual ~StringSettingDesc() {}

	std::string def;                   ///< Default value given when none is present
	uint32 max_length;                 ///< Maximum length of the string, 0 means no maximum length
	PreChangeCheck *pre_check;         ///< Callback to check for the validity of the setting.
	PostChangeCallback *post_callback; ///< Callback when the setting has been changed.

	bool IsStringSetting() const override { return true; }
	void ChangeValue(const void *object, std::string &newval) const;

	void FormatValue(char *buf, const char *last, const void *object) const override;
	void ParseValue(const IniItem *item, void *object) const override;
	bool IsSameValue(const IniItem *item, void *object) const override;
	const std::string &Read(const void *object) const;

	void MakeValueValid(std::string &str) const;
	void Write(const void *object, const std::string &str) const;

/** List/array settings. */
struct ListSettingDesc : SettingDesc {
	ListSettingDesc(SaveLoad save, const char *name, SettingGuiFlag flags, bool startup, const char *def) :
		SettingDesc(save, name, flags, startup), def(def) {}
	virtual ~ListSettingDesc() {}

	const char *def;        ///< default value given when none is present

	void FormatValue(char *buf, const char *last, const void *object) const override;
	void ParseValue(const IniItem *item, void *object) const override;
	bool IsSameValue(const IniItem *item, void *object) const override;

/** Placeholder for settings that have been removed, but might still linger in the savegame. */
struct NullSettingDesc : SettingDesc {
	NullSettingDesc(SaveLoad save) :
		SettingDesc(save, "", SGF_NONE, false) {}
	virtual ~NullSettingDesc() {}

	void FormatValue(char *buf, const char *last, const void *object) const override { NOT_REACHED(); }
	void ParseValue(const IniItem *item, void *object) const override { NOT_REACHED(); }
	bool IsSameValue(const IniItem *item, void *object) const override { NOT_REACHED(); }

typedef std::initializer_list<std::unique_ptr<const SettingDesc>> SettingTable;

const SettingDesc *GetSettingFromName(const char *name);
bool SetSettingValue(const IntSettingDesc *sd, int32 value, bool force_newgame = false);
bool SetSettingValue(const StringSettingDesc *sd, const std::string value, bool force_newgame = false);
uint GetSettingIndex(const SettingDesc *sd);