/* $Id$ */
/** @file station_gui.h Contains enums and function declarations connected with stations GUI */
#include "command_type.h"
/** Enum for CompanyStations, referring to _company_stations_widgets */
enum StationListWidgets {
SLW_CLOSEBOX = 0, ///< Close 'X' button
SLW_LIST = 3, ///< The main panel, list of stations
SLW_TRAIN = 6, ///< 'TRAIN' button - list only facilities where is a railroad station
SLW_FACILALL, ///< 'ALL' button - list all facilities
SLW_PAN_BETWEEN = 12, ///< Small panel between list of types of ficilities and list of cargo types
SLW_NOCARGOWAITING = 13, ///< 'NO' button - list stations where no cargo is waiting
SLW_CARGOALL = 14, ///< 'ALL' button - list all stations
SLW_PAN_RIGHT = 15, ///< Panel right of list of cargo types
SLW_SORTBY = 16, ///< 'Sort by' button - reverse sort direction
SLW_SORTDROPBTN = 17, ///< Dropdown button
SLW_PAN_SORT_RIGHT = 18, ///< Panel right of sorting options
SLW_CARGOSTART = 19, ///< Widget numbers used for list of cargo types (not present in _company_stations_widgets)
/** Enum for StationView, referring to _station_view_widgets and _station_view_expanded_widgets */
enum StationViewWidgets {
SVW_CLOSEBOX = 0, ///< Close 'X' button
SVW_CAPTION = 1, ///< Caption of the window
SVW_WAITING = 3, ///< List of waiting cargo
SVW_ACCEPTLIST = 5, ///< List of accepted cargos
SVW_RATINGLIST = 5, ///< Ratings of cargos
SVW_LOCATION = 6, ///< 'Location' button
SVW_RATINGS = 7, ///< 'Ratings' button
SVW_ACCEPTS = 7, ///< 'Accepts' button
SVW_RENAME = 8, ///< 'Rename' button
SVW_TRAINS = 9, ///< List of scheduled trains button
SVW_ROADVEHS, ///< List of scheduled road vehs button
SVW_PLANES, ///< List of scheduled planes button
SVW_SHIPS, ///< List of scheduled ships button
SVW_RESIZE, ///< Resize button
enum StationCoverageType {
int DrawStationCoverageAreaText(int sx, int sy, StationCoverageType sct, int rad, bool supplies);
void CheckRedrawStationCoverage(const Window *w);
void ShowSelectStationIfNeeded(CommandContainer cmd, int w, int h);
#endif /* STATION_GUI_H */