Files @ r23420:9c4e5ff5cf11
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/linkgraph/linkgraph_gui.h

Feature: Industries with neutral stations (e.g. Oil Rig) only supply/accept cargo to/from their neutral station. (#7234)

This change is a controlled by a game setting, located under Environment ->
Industries which allows toggling the behaviour. It defaults to enabled.

"Company stations can serve industries with attached neutral stations"

When enabled, industries with attached neutral station (such as Oil Rigs) may
also be served by company-owned stations built nearby. This is the traditional

When disabled, these industries may only be served by their neutral station.
Any nearby company-owned stations won't be able to serve them, nor will the
neutral station serve anything else other than the industry.
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file linkgraph_gui.h Declaration of linkgraph overlay GUI. */


#include "../company_func.h"
#include "../station_base.h"
#include "../widget_type.h"
#include "../window_gui.h"
#include "linkgraph_base.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>

 * Properties of a link between two stations.
struct LinkProperties {
	LinkProperties() : capacity(0), usage(0), planned(0), shared(false) {}

	uint capacity; ///< Capacity of the link.
	uint usage;    ///< Actual usage of the link.
	uint planned;  ///< Planned usage of the link.
	bool shared;   ///< If this is a shared link to be drawn dashed.

 * Handles drawing of links into some window.
 * The window must either be a smallmap or have a valid viewport.
class LinkGraphOverlay {
	typedef std::map<StationID, LinkProperties> StationLinkMap;
	typedef std::map<StationID, StationLinkMap> LinkMap;
	typedef std::vector<std::pair<StationID, uint> > StationSupplyList;

	static const uint8 LINK_COLOURS[];

	 * Create a link graph overlay for the specified window.
	 * @param w Window to be drawn into.
	 * @param wid ID of the widget to draw into.
	 * @param cargo_mask Bitmask of cargoes to be shown.
	 * @param company_mask Bitmask of companies to be shown.
	 * @param scale Desired thickness of lines and size of station dots.
	LinkGraphOverlay(const Window *w, uint wid, CargoTypes cargo_mask, uint32 company_mask, uint scale) :
			window(w), widget_id(wid), cargo_mask(cargo_mask), company_mask(company_mask), scale(scale)

	void Draw(const DrawPixelInfo *dpi);
	void SetCargoMask(CargoTypes cargo_mask);
	void SetCompanyMask(uint32 company_mask);

	/** Mark the linkgraph dirty to be rebuilt next time Draw() is called. */
	void SetDirty() { this->dirty = true; }

	/** Get a bitmask of the currently shown cargoes. */
	CargoTypes GetCargoMask() { return this->cargo_mask; }

	/** Get a bitmask of the currently shown companies. */
	uint32 GetCompanyMask() { return this->company_mask; }

	const Window *window;              ///< Window to be drawn into.
	const uint widget_id;              ///< ID of Widget in Window to be drawn to.
	CargoTypes cargo_mask;             ///< Bitmask of cargos to be displayed.
	uint32 company_mask;               ///< Bitmask of companies to be displayed.
	LinkMap cached_links;              ///< Cache for links to reduce recalculation.
	StationSupplyList cached_stations; ///< Cache for stations to be drawn.
	uint scale;                        ///< Width of link lines.
	bool dirty;                        ///< Set if overlay should be rebuilt.

	Point GetStationMiddle(const Station *st) const;

	void AddLinks(const Station *sta, const Station *stb);
	void DrawLinks(const DrawPixelInfo *dpi) const;
	void DrawStationDots(const DrawPixelInfo *dpi) const;
	void DrawContent(Point pta, Point ptb, const LinkProperties &cargo) const;
	bool IsLinkVisible(Point pta, Point ptb, const DrawPixelInfo *dpi, int padding = 0) const;
	bool IsPointVisible(Point pt, const DrawPixelInfo *dpi, int padding = 0) const;
	void GetWidgetDpi(DrawPixelInfo *dpi) const;
	void RebuildCache();

	static void AddStats(uint new_cap, uint new_usg, uint new_flow, bool new_shared, LinkProperties &cargo);
	static void DrawVertex(int x, int y, int size, int colour, int border_colour);

void ShowLinkGraphLegend();

 * Menu window to select cargoes and companies to show in a link graph overlay.
struct LinkGraphLegendWindow : Window {
	LinkGraphLegendWindow(WindowDesc *desc, int window_number);
	void SetOverlay(LinkGraphOverlay *overlay);

	virtual void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *fill, Dimension *resize);
	virtual void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const;
	virtual void OnHover(Point pt, int widget);
	virtual bool OnRightClick(Point pt, int widget);
	virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count);
	virtual void OnInvalidateData(int data = 0, bool gui_scope = true);

	LinkGraphOverlay *overlay;

	void UpdateOverlayCompanies();
	void UpdateOverlayCargoes();
	bool OnHoverCommon(Point pt, int widget, TooltipCloseCondition close_cond);

#endif /* LINKGRAPH_GUI_H */