Files @ r23420:9c4e5ff5cf11
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/roadstop.cpp

Feature: Industries with neutral stations (e.g. Oil Rig) only supply/accept cargo to/from their neutral station. (#7234)

This change is a controlled by a game setting, located under Environment ->
Industries which allows toggling the behaviour. It defaults to enabled.

"Company stations can serve industries with attached neutral stations"

When enabled, industries with attached neutral station (such as Oil Rigs) may
also be served by company-owned stations built nearby. This is the traditional

When disabled, these industries may only be served by their neutral station.
Any nearby company-owned stations won't be able to serve them, nor will the
neutral station serve anything else other than the industry.
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file roadstop.cpp Implementation of the roadstop base class. */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "roadveh.h"
#include "core/pool_func.hpp"
#include "roadstop_base.h"
#include "station_base.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"

#include "safeguards.h"

/** The pool of roadstops. */
RoadStopPool _roadstop_pool("RoadStop");

 * De-Initializes RoadStops.
	/* When we are the head we need to free the entries */
	if (HasBit(this->status, RSSFB_BASE_ENTRY)) {
		delete this->east;
		delete this->west;

	if (CleaningPool()) return;

 * Get the next road stop accessible by this vehicle.
 * @param v the vehicle to get the next road stop for.
 * @return the next road stop accessible.
RoadStop *RoadStop::GetNextRoadStop(const RoadVehicle *v) const
	for (RoadStop *rs = this->next; rs != NULL; rs = rs->next) {
		/* The vehicle cannot go to this roadstop (different roadtype) */
		if ((GetRoadTypes(rs->xy) & v->compatible_roadtypes) == ROADTYPES_NONE) continue;
		/* The vehicle is articulated and can therefore not go to a standard road stop. */
		if (IsStandardRoadStopTile(rs->xy) && v->HasArticulatedPart()) continue;

		/* The vehicle can actually go to this road stop. So, return it! */
		return rs;

	return NULL;

 * Join this road stop to another 'base' road stop if possible;
 * fill all necessary data to become an actual drive through road stop.
 * Also update the length etc.
void RoadStop::MakeDriveThrough()
	assert(this->east == NULL && this->west == NULL);

	RoadStopType rst = GetRoadStopType(this->xy);
	DiagDirection dir = GetRoadStopDir(this->xy);
	/* Use absolute so we always go towards the northern tile */
	TileIndexDiff offset = abs(TileOffsByDiagDir(dir));

	/* Information about the tile north of us */
	TileIndex north_tile = this->xy - offset;
	bool north = IsDriveThroughRoadStopContinuation(this->xy, north_tile);
	RoadStop *rs_north = north ? RoadStop::GetByTile(north_tile, rst) : NULL;

	/* Information about the tile south of us */
	TileIndex south_tile = this->xy + offset;
	bool south = IsDriveThroughRoadStopContinuation(this->xy, south_tile);
	RoadStop *rs_south = south ? RoadStop::GetByTile(south_tile, rst) : NULL;

	/* Amount of road stops that will be added to the 'northern' head */
	int added = 1;
	if (north && rs_north->east != NULL) { // (east != NULL) == (west != NULL)
		/* There is a more northern one, so this can join them */
		this->east = rs_north->east;
		this->west = rs_north->west;

		if (south && rs_south->east != NULL) { // (east != NULL) == (west != NULL)
			/* There more southern tiles too, they must 'join' us too */
			ClrBit(rs_south->status, RSSFB_BASE_ENTRY);
			this->east->occupied += rs_south->east->occupied;
			this->west->occupied += rs_south->west->occupied;

			/* Free the now unneeded entry structs */
			delete rs_south->east;
			delete rs_south->west;

			/* Make all 'children' of the southern tile take the new master */
			for (; IsDriveThroughRoadStopContinuation(this->xy, south_tile); south_tile += offset) {
				rs_south = RoadStop::GetByTile(south_tile, rst);
				if (rs_south->east == NULL) break;
				rs_south->east = rs_north->east;
				rs_south->west = rs_north->west;
	} else if (south && rs_south->east != NULL) { // (east != NULL) == (west != NULL)
		/* There is one to the south, but not to the north... so we become 'parent' */
		this->east = rs_south->east;
		this->west = rs_south->west;
		SetBit(this->status, RSSFB_BASE_ENTRY);
		ClrBit(rs_south->status, RSSFB_BASE_ENTRY);
	} else {
		/* We are the only... so we are automatically the master */
		this->east = new Entry();
		this->west = new Entry();
		SetBit(this->status, RSSFB_BASE_ENTRY);

	/* Now update the lengths */
	added *= TILE_SIZE;
	this->east->length += added;
	this->west->length += added;

 * Prepare for removal of this stop; update other neighbouring stops
 * if needed. Also update the length etc.
void RoadStop::ClearDriveThrough()
	assert(this->east != NULL && this->west != NULL);

	RoadStopType rst = GetRoadStopType(this->xy);
	DiagDirection dir = GetRoadStopDir(this->xy);
	/* Use absolute so we always go towards the northern tile */
	TileIndexDiff offset = abs(TileOffsByDiagDir(dir));

	/* Information about the tile north of us */
	TileIndex north_tile = this->xy - offset;
	bool north = IsDriveThroughRoadStopContinuation(this->xy, north_tile);
	RoadStop *rs_north = north ? RoadStop::GetByTile(north_tile, rst) : NULL;

	/* Information about the tile south of us */
	TileIndex south_tile = this->xy + offset;
	bool south = IsDriveThroughRoadStopContinuation(this->xy, south_tile);
	RoadStop *rs_south = south ? RoadStop::GetByTile(south_tile, rst) : NULL;

	/* Must only be cleared after we determined which neighbours are
	 * part of our little entry 'queue' */

	if (north) {
		/* There is a tile to the north, so we can't clear ourselves. */
		if (south) {
			/* There are more southern tiles too, they must be split;
			 * first make the new southern 'base' */
			SetBit(rs_south->status, RSSFB_BASE_ENTRY);
			rs_south->east = new Entry();
			rs_south->west = new Entry();

			/* Keep track of the base because we need it later on */
			RoadStop *rs_south_base = rs_south;
			TileIndex base_tile = south_tile;

			/* Make all (even more) southern stops part of the new entry queue */
			for (south_tile += offset; IsDriveThroughRoadStopContinuation(base_tile, south_tile); south_tile += offset) {
				rs_south = RoadStop::GetByTile(south_tile, rst);
				rs_south->east = rs_south_base->east;
				rs_south->west = rs_south_base->west;

			/* Find the other end; the northern most tile */
			for (; IsDriveThroughRoadStopContinuation(base_tile, north_tile); north_tile -= offset) {
				rs_north = RoadStop::GetByTile(north_tile, rst);

			/* We have to rebuild the entries because we cannot easily determine
			 * how full each part is. So instead of keeping and maintaining a list
			 * of vehicles and using that to 'rebuild' the occupied state we just
			 * rebuild it from scratch as that removes lots of maintenance code
			 * for the vehicle list and it's faster in real games as long as you
			 * do not keep split and merge road stop every tick by the millions. */

			assert(HasBit(rs_north->status, RSSFB_BASE_ENTRY));
		} else {
			/* Only we left, so simple update the length. */
			rs_north->east->length -= TILE_SIZE;
			rs_north->west->length -= TILE_SIZE;
	} else if (south) {
		/* There is only something to the south. Hand over the base entry */
		SetBit(rs_south->status, RSSFB_BASE_ENTRY);
		rs_south->east->length -= TILE_SIZE;
		rs_south->west->length -= TILE_SIZE;
	} else {
		/* We were the last */
		delete this->east;
		delete this->west;

	/* Make sure we don't get used for something 'incorrect' */
	ClrBit(this->status, RSSFB_BASE_ENTRY);
	this->east = NULL;
	this->west = NULL;

 * Leave the road stop
 * @param rv the vehicle that leaves the stop
void RoadStop::Leave(RoadVehicle *rv)
	if (IsStandardRoadStopTile(rv->tile)) {
		/* Vehicle is leaving a road stop tile, mark bay as free */
		this->FreeBay(HasBit(rv->state, RVS_USING_SECOND_BAY));
	} else {
		/* Otherwise just leave the drive through's entry cache. */

 * Enter the road stop
 * @param rv   the vehicle that enters the stop
 * @return whether the road stop could actually be entered
bool RoadStop::Enter(RoadVehicle *rv)
	if (IsStandardRoadStopTile(this->xy)) {
		/* For normal (non drive-through) road stops
		 * Check if station is busy or if there are no free bays or whether it is a articulated vehicle. */
		if (this->IsEntranceBusy() || !this->HasFreeBay() || rv->HasArticulatedPart()) return false;

		SetBit(rv->state, RVS_IN_ROAD_STOP);

		/* Allocate a bay and update the road state */
		uint bay_nr = this->AllocateBay();
		SB(rv->state, RVS_USING_SECOND_BAY, 1, bay_nr);

		/* Mark the station entrance as busy */
		return true;

	/* Vehicles entering a drive-through stop from the 'normal' side use first bay (bay 0). */

	/* Indicate a drive-through stop */
	SetBit(rv->state, RVS_IN_DT_ROAD_STOP);
	return true;

 * Find a roadstop at given tile
 * @param tile tile with roadstop
 * @param type roadstop type
 * @return pointer to RoadStop
 * @pre there has to be roadstop of given type there!
/* static */ RoadStop *RoadStop::GetByTile(TileIndex tile, RoadStopType type)
	const Station *st = Station::GetByTile(tile);

	for (RoadStop *rs = st->GetPrimaryRoadStop(type);; rs = rs->next) {
		if (rs->xy == tile) return rs;
		assert(rs->next != NULL);

 * Leave the road stop
 * @param rv the vehicle that leaves the stop
void RoadStop::Entry::Leave(const RoadVehicle *rv)
	this->occupied -= rv->gcache.cached_total_length;
	assert(this->occupied >= 0);

 * Enter the road stop
 * @param rv the vehicle that enters the stop
void RoadStop::Entry::Enter(const RoadVehicle *rv)
	/* we cannot assert on this->occupied < this->length because of the
	 * remote possibility that RVs are running through each other when
	 * trying to prevention an infinite jam. */
	this->occupied += rv->gcache.cached_total_length;

 * Checks whether the 'next' tile is still part of the road same drive through
 * stop 'rs' in the same direction for the same vehicle.
 * @param rs   the road stop tile to check against
 * @param next the 'next' tile to check
 * @return true if the 'next' tile is part of the road stop at 'next'.
/* static */ bool RoadStop::IsDriveThroughRoadStopContinuation(TileIndex rs, TileIndex next)
	return IsTileType(next, MP_STATION) &&
			GetStationIndex(next) == GetStationIndex(rs) &&
			GetStationType(next) == GetStationType(rs) &&
			GetRoadStopDir(next) == GetRoadStopDir(rs) &&

typedef std::list<const RoadVehicle *> RVList; ///< A list of road vehicles

/** Helper for finding RVs in a road stop. */
struct RoadStopEntryRebuilderHelper {
	RVList vehicles;   ///< The list of vehicles to possibly add to.
	DiagDirection dir; ///< The direction the vehicle has to face to be added.

 * Add road vehicles to the station's list if needed.
 * @param v the found vehicle
 * @param data the extra data used to make our decision
 * @return always NULL
Vehicle *FindVehiclesInRoadStop(Vehicle *v, void *data)
	RoadStopEntryRebuilderHelper *rserh = (RoadStopEntryRebuilderHelper*)data;
	/* Not a RV or not in the right direction or crashed :( */
	if (v->type != VEH_ROAD || DirToDiagDir(v->direction) != rserh->dir || !v->IsPrimaryVehicle() || (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) != 0) return NULL;

	RoadVehicle *rv = RoadVehicle::From(v);
	/* Don't add ones not in a road stop */
	if (rv->state < RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP) return NULL;

	/* Do not add duplicates! */
	for (RVList::iterator it = rserh->vehicles.begin(); it != rserh->vehicles.end(); it++) {
		if (rv == *it) return NULL;

	return NULL;

 * Rebuild, from scratch, the vehicles and other metadata on this stop.
 * @param rs   the roadstop this entry is part of
 * @param side the side of the road stop to look at
void RoadStop::Entry::Rebuild(const RoadStop *rs, int side)
	assert(HasBit(rs->status, RSSFB_BASE_ENTRY));

	DiagDirection dir = GetRoadStopDir(rs->xy);
	if (side == -1) side = (rs->east == this);

	RoadStopEntryRebuilderHelper rserh;
	rserh.dir = side ? dir : ReverseDiagDir(dir);

	this->length = 0;
	TileIndexDiff offset = abs(TileOffsByDiagDir(dir));
	for (TileIndex tile = rs->xy; IsDriveThroughRoadStopContinuation(rs->xy, tile); tile += offset) {
		this->length += TILE_SIZE;
		FindVehicleOnPos(tile, &rserh, FindVehiclesInRoadStop);

	this->occupied = 0;
	for (RVList::iterator it = rserh.vehicles.begin(); it != rserh.vehicles.end(); it++) {
		this->occupied += (*it)->gcache.cached_total_length;

 * Check the integrity of the data in this struct.
 * @param rs the roadstop this entry is part of
void RoadStop::Entry::CheckIntegrity(const RoadStop *rs) const
	if (!HasBit(rs->status, RSSFB_BASE_ENTRY)) return;

	/* The tile 'before' the road stop must not be part of this 'line' */
	assert(!IsDriveThroughRoadStopContinuation(rs->xy, rs->xy - abs(TileOffsByDiagDir(GetRoadStopDir(rs->xy)))));

	Entry temp;
	temp.Rebuild(rs, rs->east == this);
	if (temp.length != this->length || temp.occupied != this->occupied) NOT_REACHED();