Files @ r28423:a991b75e9b00
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/cargo_type.h

Peter Nelson
Codechange: Redefine some cargo-related values in terms of CargoID instead of CargoType.

Values used as special filter types are now defined as offsets from NUM_CARGO instead of confusingly reusing CARGO_NO_REFIT/CARGO_AUTO_REFIT types.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file cargo_type.h Types related to cargoes... */

#ifndef CARGO_TYPE_H
#define CARGO_TYPE_H

#include "core/enum_type.hpp"

 * Cargo slots to indicate a cargo type within a game.
 * Numbers are re-used between different climates.
 * @see CargoTypes
typedef byte CargoID;

/** Available types of cargo */
enum CargoType {
	/* Temperate */
	CT_COAL         =  1,
	CT_MAIL         =  2,
	CT_OIL          =  3,
	CT_LIVESTOCK    =  4,
	CT_GOODS        =  5,
	CT_GRAIN        =  6,
	CT_WOOD         =  7,
	CT_IRON_ORE     =  8,
	CT_STEEL        =  9,
	CT_VALUABLES    = 10,

	/* Arctic */
	CT_WHEAT        =  6,
	CT_PAPER        =  9,
	CT_GOLD         = 10,
	CT_FOOD         = 11,

	/* Tropic */
	CT_RUBBER       =  1,
	CT_FRUIT        =  4,
	CT_MAIZE        =  6,
	CT_COPPER_ORE   =  8,
	CT_WATER        =  9,
	CT_DIAMONDS     = 10,

	/* Toyland */
	CT_SUGAR        =  1,
	CT_TOYS         =  3,
	CT_BATTERIES    =  4,
	CT_CANDY        =  5,
	CT_TOFFEE       =  6,
	CT_COLA         =  7,
	CT_BUBBLES      =  9,
	CT_PLASTIC      = 10,

	CT_INVALID      = 0xFF, ///< Invalid cargo type.

static const CargoID NUM_ORIGINAL_CARGO = 12; ///< Original number of cargo types.
static const CargoID NUM_CARGO = 64; ///< Maximum number of cargo types in a game.

/* CARGO_AUTO_REFIT and CARGO_NO_REFIT are stored in save-games for refit-orders, so should not be changed. */
static const CargoID CARGO_AUTO_REFIT = 0xFD; ///< Automatically choose cargo type when doing auto refitting.
static const CargoID CARGO_NO_REFIT = 0xFE; ///< Do not refit cargo of a vehicle (used in vehicle orders and auto-replace/auto-renew).

static const CargoID INVALID_CARGO = UINT8_MAX;

 * Special cargo filter criteria.
 * These are used by user interface code only and must not be assigned to any entity. Not all values are valid for every UI filter.
namespace CargoFilterCriteria {
	static constexpr CargoID CF_ANY     = NUM_CARGO;     ///< Show all items independent of carried cargo (i.e. no filtering)
	static constexpr CargoID CF_NONE    = NUM_CARGO + 1; ///< Show only items which do not carry cargo (e.g. train engines)
	static constexpr CargoID CF_ENGINES = NUM_CARGO + 2; ///< Show only engines (for rail vehicles only)
	static constexpr CargoID CF_FREIGHT = NUM_CARGO + 3; ///< Show only vehicles which carry any freight (non-passenger) cargo

/** Test whether cargo type is not CT_INVALID */
inline bool IsValidCargoType(CargoType t) { return t != CT_INVALID; }
/** Test whether cargo type is not INVALID_CARGO */
inline bool IsValidCargoID(CargoID t) { return t != INVALID_CARGO; }

typedef uint64_t CargoTypes;

static const CargoTypes ALL_CARGOTYPES = (CargoTypes)UINT64_MAX;

/** Class for storing amounts of cargo */
struct CargoArray : std::array<uint, NUM_CARGO> {
	 * Get the sum of all cargo amounts.
	 * @return The sum.
	template <typename T>
	inline const T GetSum() const
		return std::reduce(this->begin(), this->end(), T{});

	 * Get the amount of cargos that have an amount.
	 * @return The amount.
	inline uint GetCount() const
		return std::count_if(this->begin(), this->end(), [](uint amount) { return amount != 0; });

/** Types of cargo source and destination */
enum class SourceType : byte {
	Industry,     ///< Source/destination is an industry
	Town,         ///< Source/destination is a town
	Headquarters, ///< Source/destination are company headquarters

typedef uint16_t SourceID; ///< Contains either industry ID, town ID or company ID (or INVALID_SOURCE)
static const SourceID INVALID_SOURCE = 0xFFFF; ///< Invalid/unknown index of source

#endif /* CARGO_TYPE_H */