Files @ r17613:a9b2554a5d79
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/3rdparty/squirrel/HISTORY

(svn r22387) -Fix-ish [FS#4601]: Windows' recv seems to return "graceful closed" before having passed the remaining buffer which causes OpenTTD to think all connections are "incorrectly" terminated, i.e. without the "I'm leaving" packet from the client. So let the client wait a tiny bit after sending the "I'm leaving" packet and before gracefully closing the connection
***version 2.2.4 stable***
-fixed bug in functions with default parameters

***2009-06-30          ***
***version 2.2.3 stable***
-added sq_getfunctioninfo
-added compile time flag SQUSEDOUBLE to use double precision floats
-added global slot _floatsize_ int the base lib to recognize single precision and double precision builds
-sq_wakeupvm can now resume the vm with an exception
-added sqstd_format
-generators can now be instantiated by calling sq_call() or
-fixed a bug in sqstd_printcallstack(thx takayuki_h)
-fixed modulo by zero(thx jup)
-fixed negative enums and constants
-fixed generator crash bug if invoked as tail call (thx Mr.Accident)
-fixed some minor bug

***2008-09-24          ***
***version 2.2.2 stable***
-fixed some behaviour inconsistencies in and thread.wakeup() (thx Mr.Accident)
-fixed coroutine error propagation
-fixed lingering return value from native function (thx Tom Leonard)
-fixed a bug if array.sort() is given a bad sort function (thx Tom Leonard)
-fixed some minor api bug
-added sq_arrayremove() and sq_arrayinsert()

***2008-05-16          ***
***version 2.2.1 stable***
-fixed a tailcall bug

***2008-02-17          ***
***version 2.2 stable  ***
-added _newslot metamethod in classes
-added enums added constants
-added sq_pushconsttable, sq_setconsttable
-added default param
-added octal literals(thx Dinosaur)
-fixed debug hook, 'calls' and 'returns' are properly notified in the same number.
-fixed a coroutine bug

***2007-07-29          ***
***version 2.1.2 stable***
-new behaviour for generators iteration using foreach
now when a generator is iterated by foreach the value returned by a 'return val' statement
will terminate the iteration but will not be returned as foreach iteration
-added sq_setclassudsize()
-added sq_clear()
-added table.clear(), array.clear()
-fixed sq_cmp() (thx jyuill)
-fixed minor bugs

***2006-08-21	     ***
***version 2.1.1 stable***
-vm refactoring
-optimized internal function memory layout
-new global symbol _version_ (is the version string)
-code size optimization for float literals(on 32bits float builts)
-now the raw ref API(sq_addref etc...) is fully reentrant.
-fixed a bug in sq_getdelegate() now pushes null if the object doesn't have a delegate(thx MatzeB)
-improved C reference performances in NO_GARBAGE_COLLECTOR builds
-sq_getlocal() now enumerates also outer values.
-fixed regexp library for GCC users.

***2006-03-19	     ***
***version 2.1 stable***
-added static class fields, new keyword static
-added 64bits architecture support
-added global slot _intsize_ int the base lib to recognize 32bits and 64bits builds
-added functions with fixed environment, closure.bindenv() built-in function
-all types except userdata and null implement the tostring() method
-string concatenation now invokes metamethod _tostring
-new metamethods for class objects _newmember and _inherited
-sq_call() sq_resume() sq_wakeupvm() have a new signature
-new C referencing implementation(scales more with the amount of references)
-refactored hash table
-new api functions sq_newslot(),sq_tobool(),sq_getbase(), sq_instanceof(), sq_bindenv()
-the api func sq_createslot was deprecated but still supported in form of C macro on top of sq_newslot
-sq_setreleasehook() now also works for classes
-stream.readstr() and stream.writestr() have been deprecated(this affects file and blob)
-fixed squirrel.h undeclared api calls
-fixed few minor bugs
-SQChar is now defined as wchar_t
-removed warning when building with -Wall -pedantic for GCC users
-added new std io function writeclosuretofile()
-added new std string functions strip(),rstrip(),lstrip() and split()
-regular expressions operators (+,*) now have more POSIX greedyness behaviour
-class constructors are now invoked as normal functions

***2005-10-02	       ***
***version 2.0.5 stable***
-fixed some 64bits incompatibilities (thx sarge)
-fixed minor bug in the stdlib format() function (thx Rick)
-fixed a bug in dofile() that was preventing to compile empty files
-added new API sq_poptop() & sq_getfreevariable()
-some performance improvements

***2005-08-14	       ***
***version 2.0.4 stable***
-weak references and related API calls
-added sq_objtobool()
-class instances memory policies improved(1 mem allocation for the whole instance)
-typetags are now declared as SQUserPointer instead of unsigned int
-first pass for 64bits compatibility
-fixed minor bug in the stdio stream
-fixed a bug in format()
-fixed bug in string.tointeger() and string.tofloat()

***2005-06-24	       ***
***version 2.0.3 stable***
-dofile() and loadfile() in the iolib now can decode ASCII, UTF8 files UCS2 big-endian and little-endian
-sq_setparamscheck() : now typemesk can check for null
-added string escape sequence \xhhhh
-fixed some C++ standard incompatibilities

***2005-05-15	       ***
***version 2.0.2 stable***
-performances improvements (expecially for GCC users)
-removed all dependencies from C++ exception handling
-various bugfixes

***2005-04-12		 ***
***version 2.0.1 stable***
-various bugfixes
-sq_setparamscheck() now allows spaces in the typemask

***2005-04-03		 ***
***version 2.0 stable***
-added API sq_gettypetag()
-added built-in function to the bool type(tointeger, tostring etc...)

***2005-02-27							***
***version 2.0 release candidate 1(RC 1)***
-added API sq_reseterror()
-modified sq_release()
-now class instances can be cloned
-various bufixes

***2005-01-26        ***
***version 2.0 beta 1***
-added bool type
-class properties can be redefined in a derived class
-added ops *= /= and %=
-new syntax for class attributes declaration </ and /> instead of ( and )
-increased the max number of literals per function from 65535 to 16777215
-now free variables have proper lexical scoping
-added API sq_createinstance(), sq_pushbool(), sq_getbool()
-added built-in function type()
-added built-in function obj.rawin(key) in table,class and instance
-sq_rawget() and sq_rawset() now work also on classes and instances
-the VM no longer uses C++ exception handling (more suitable for embedded devices)
-various bufixes

***2004-12-21         ***
***version 2.0 alpha 2***
-globals scoping changed, now if :: is omitted the VM automatically falls back on the root table
-various bufixes
-added class level attributes

***2004-12-12         ***
***version 2.0 alpha 1***
-codebase branch from version 1.x
-added classes
-added functions with variable number of parameters(vargc & vargv and the ...)
-0 and 0.0 are now considered 'false' by all conditional statements(if,while,for,?,do-while)
-added new api functions sq_newclass() sq_setinstanceup() sq_getinstanceup() sq_getattributes() sq_setattributes()
-modified api sq_settypetag()

***2004-11-01        ***
***version 1.0 stable***
-fixed some minor bug
-improoved operator 'delete' performances
-added scientific notation for float numbers( eg. 2.e16 or 2.e-2)

***2004-08-30        ***
***version 1.0 release candidate 2(RC 2)***
-fixed bug in the vm(thx Pierre Renaux)
-fixed bug in the optimizer(thx Pierre Renaux)
-fixed some bug in the documentation(thx JD)
-added new api functions for raw object handling
-removed nested multiline comments
-reduced memory footprint in C references

***2004-08-23        ***
***version 1.0 release candidate 1(RC 1)***
-fixed division by zero
-the 'in' operator and obj.rawget() do not query the default delegate anymore
-added function sq_getprintfunc()
-added new standard library 'auxlib'(implements default error handlers)

***2004-07-12        ***
***version 1.0 beta 4***
-fixed a bug in the integer.tochar() built-in method
-fixed unary minus operator
-fixed bug in dofile()
-fixed inconsistency between != and == operators(on float/integer comparison)
-added javascript style unsigned right shift operator '>>>'
-added array(size) constructor built-in function
-array.resize(size,[fill]) built-in function accepts an optional 'fill' value
-improved debug API, added sq_getclosureinfo() and sq_setnativeclosurename()

***2004-05-23        ***
***version 1.0 beta 3***
-minor vm bug fixes
-string allocation is now faster
-tables and array memory usage is now less conservative(they shrink)
-added regular expression routines in the standard library
-The 'c' expression now accepts only 1 character(thx irbrian)
-multiline strings <[ ]> have been substituted with C# style verbatim strings (eg. @"string")
-added new keyword 'parent' for accessing the delegate of tables and unserdata
-The metamethod '_clone' has been renamed '_cloned'
-the _delslot metamethod's behaviour and prototype have been changed
-new default function in the integer and float object 'tochar()'
-the built-in function chcode2string has been removed
-the default method [table].getdelegate() has been removed
-new api sq_rawdeleteslot()
-new table built-in method rawdelete(key)
-the dynamic mudule loading has been removed from the standard distribution
-some optimizations in the VM

***2004-04-21        ***
***version 1.0 beta 2***
-minor compiler/parser bug fixes
-sq_newclosure has a different prototype, the "paramscheck" of paramter has been moved to the new function sq_setparamscheck()
-sq_setparamscheck allows to add automatic parameters type checking in native closures
-sq_compile() lost the lineinfo parameter
-new api sq_enabledebuginfo() globally sets compiler's debug info generation
-added consistency check on bytecode serialization
-fixed += operator, now works on strings like +
-added global slot in the base lib _charsize_ to recognize unicode builds from ascii builds runtime
-added registry table
-new api call sq_pushregistrytable()
-added type tag to the userdata type sq_settypetag()
-sq_getuserdata now queries the userdata typetag
-the built in function collect_garbage() as been renamed collectgarbage() for consistency reasons
-new standard libraries(sqlibs are now obsolete)

***2004-02-20	     ***
***version 1.0 beta 1***
-fixed a bug in the compiler (thanks Martin Kofler)
-fixed bug in the switch case statement
-fixed the _unm metamethod
-fixed minor bugs in the API
-fixed automatic stack resizing
-first beta version
	first pass code clean up in the VM and base lib
	first pass code coverege test has been done on VM and built-in lib
-new VM creation API sq_open() sq_close() (sq_newvm and sq_releasevm are now obsolete)
-new api allows to specifiy a "print" function to output text(sq_printfunc)
-added some small optimizations
-new cooperative multi-threading capabilities in the base library(coroutines), VMs are now a built in type("thread")
-new built in functions have been added for manipulating the new "thread" type
-friend virtual machines share the same root table, error handler and debug hook by default
-new compile time options

***2004-01-19       ***
***version 0.9 alpha***
-fixed a garbage collection bug
-fixed some API bugs(thanks to Joshua Jensen)
-fixed tail calls (in the version 0.8 the tail call optimization was erroneously disabled)
-new function parameters semantic, now passing a wrong number of parameters generates an exception
-native closures have now a built in parameter number checking
-sq_rawget and sq_rawset now work also on arrays
-sq_getsize now woks also on userdata
-the userdata release hook prototype is changed(now passes the size of the userdata)
-the lexer reader function now returns an integer instead of a char that allows better error checking on the input(thx Joshua Jensen)
-faster compiler
-try/catch blocks do not cause any runtime memory allocation anymore

***2003-12-06       ***
***version 0.8 alpha***
-fixed a bug that was preventing to have callable userdata throught the metamethod _call
-fixed a garbage collection bug
-fixed == operator now can compare correctly different types
-new built in method getstackinfos(level)
-improoved line informations precision for the debug hook
-new api call sq_compilebuffer()
-new built-in api function compilestring()
-new syntactic sugar for function declarations inside tables
-the debug API has been finalized

***2003-11-17       ***
***version 0.7 alpha***
-fixed critical bug SQInteger the tail call system
-fixed bug in the continue statement code generation
-fixed func call param issue(thanks to Rewoonenco Andrew)
-added _delslot metamethod(thanks to Rewoonenco Andrew)
-new multiline string expression ( delimited by <[ and ]> )
-normal strings ("") do not allow embedded new line anymore
-reduced vm memory footprint(C refs are shared between friend VMs)
-new api method sq_deleteslot()
-new debug hook event 'r' is triggered when a function returns

***2003-11-04       ***
***version 0.6 alpha***
-fixed switch statement(was executing the default case after a break)
-sq_call() doesn't pop the closure (just the params)
-the vm execution can be suspended from the C API anytime (micro-threads)
-new api calls sq_suspendvm() sq_wakeupvm() sq_getvmstate() and sq_reservestack()

***2003-10-13       ***
***version 0.5 alpha***
-fixed some minor bug
-tested with non ASCII identifiers in unicode mode(I've tried chinese chars)
-added built-in function string.find()
-the built-in function array.sort() optionally accepts a cmp(a,b) function
-the debug hook function now has a new prototype debug_hook(event_type,sourcefile,line,functionname)
-fixed some debug info imprecision

***2003-10-01       ***
***version 0.4 alpha***
-faster VM
-sq_call will pop arguments and closure also in case of failure
-fixed a bug in sq_remove
-now the VM detects delegation cycles(and throws an exception)
-new operators ++ and --
-new operator ',' comma operator
-fixed some expression precedence issue
-fixed bug in sq_arraypop

***2003-09-15       ***
***version 0.3 alpha***
-fixed a bug in array::insert()
-optional Unicode core(define SQUNICODE or _UNICODE on Win32)
-sq_compiler uses a new reader function SQLEXREADFUNC
-the debug hook passes 'l' instead of 'line' for line callbacks
	and 'c' instead of 'call' for call callbacks
-new array.extend() bulit-in function
-new API sq_clone()

***2003-09-10           ***
***version 0.2 pre-alpha***
-new completely reentrant VM (sq_open and sq_close are now obsolete)
-sq_newvm() has a new prototype
-allocators are now global and linked in the VM
-_newslot meta method added
-rawset creates a slot if doesn't exists
-the compiler error callback pass the vm handle(thanks Pierre Renaux)
-sq_setforeignptr() sq_getforeingptr() are now public
-sq_resume() now is possible to resume generators from C
-sq_getlasterror() retrieve the last thrown error
-improved docs

***2003-09-06           ***
***version 0.1 pre-alpha***
first release