Files @ r17613:a9b2554a5d79
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/ai/ai_info_dummy.cpp

(svn r22387) -Fix-ish [FS#4601]: Windows' recv seems to return "graceful closed" before having passed the remaining buffer which causes OpenTTD to think all connections are "incorrectly" terminated, i.e. without the "I'm leaving" packet from the client. So let the client wait a tiny bit after sending the "I'm leaving" packet and before gracefully closing the connection
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file ai_info_dummy.cpp Implementation of a dummy AI. */

#include <squirrel.h>
#include "../stdafx.h"

#include "../string_func.h"
#include "../strings_func.h"
#include "table/strings.h"

/* The reason this exists in C++, is that a user can trash his ai/ dir,
 *  leaving no AIs available. The complexity to solve this is insane, and
 *  therefor the alternative is used, and make sure there is always an AI
 *  available, no matter what the situation is. By defining it in C++, there
 *  is simply now way a user can delete it, and therefor safe to use. It has
 *  to be noted that this AI is complete invisible for the user, and impossible
 *  to select manual. It is a fail-over in case no AIs are available.

/** info.nut for the dummy AI. */
const SQChar _dummy_script_info[] = _SC("                                                       \n\
class DummyAI extends AIInfo {                                                                  \n\
  function GetAuthor()      { return \"OpenTTD NoAI Developers Team\"; }                        \n\
  function GetName()        { return \"DummyAI\"; }                                             \n\
  function GetShortName()   { return \"DUMM\"; }                                                \n\
  function GetDescription() { return \"A Dummy AI that is loaded when your ai/ dir is empty\"; }\n\
  function GetVersion()     { return 1; }                                                       \n\
  function GetDate()        { return \"2008-07-26\"; }                                          \n\
  function CreateInstance() { return \"DummyAI\"; }                                             \n\
}                                                                                               \n\
RegisterDummyAI(DummyAI());                                                                     \n\

/** Run the dummy info.nut. */
void AI_CreateAIInfoDummy(HSQUIRRELVM vm)

	/* Load and run the script */
	if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_compilebuffer(vm, _dummy_script_info, scstrlen(_dummy_script_info), _SC("dummy"), SQTrue))) {
		sq_push(vm, -2);
		if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_call(vm, 1, SQFalse, SQTrue))) {
			sq_pop(vm, 1);

/** Run the dummy AI and let it generate an error message. */
void AI_CreateAIDummy(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
	/* We want to translate the error message.
	 * We do this in three steps:
	 * 1) We get the error message
	char error_message[1024];
	GetString(error_message, STR_ERROR_AI_NO_AI_FOUND, lastof(error_message));

	/* Make escapes for all quotes and slashes. */
	char safe_error_message[1024];
	char *q = safe_error_message;
	for (const char *p = error_message; *p != '\0' && q < lastof(safe_error_message) - 2; p++, q++) {
		if (*p == '"' || *p == '\\') *q++ = '\\';
		*q = *p;
	*q = '\0';

	/* 2) We construct the AI's code. This is done by merging a header, body and footer */
	char dummy_script[4096];
	char *dp = dummy_script;
	dp = strecpy(dp, "class DummyAI extends AIController {\n  function Start()\n  {\n", lastof(dummy_script));

	/* As special trick we need to split the error message on newlines and
	 * emit each newline as a separate error printing string. */
	char *newline;
	char *p = safe_error_message;
	do {
		newline = strchr(p, '\n');
		if (newline != NULL) *newline = '\0';

		dp += seprintf(dp, lastof(dummy_script), "    AILog.Error(\"%s\");\n", p);
		p = newline + 1;
	} while (newline != NULL);

	dp = strecpy(dp, "  }\n}\n", lastof(dummy_script));

	/* 3) We translate the error message in the character format that Squirrel wants.
	 *    We can use the fact that the wchar string printing also uses %s to print
	 *    old style char strings, which is what was generated during the script generation. */
	const SQChar *sq_dummy_script = OTTD2SQ(dummy_script);

	/* And finally we load and run the script */
	if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_compilebuffer(vm, sq_dummy_script, scstrlen(sq_dummy_script), _SC("dummy"), SQTrue))) {
		sq_push(vm, -2);
		if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_call(vm, 1, SQFalse, SQTrue))) {
			sq_pop(vm, 1);