Files @ r17613:a9b2554a5d79
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/cargopacket.h

(svn r22387) -Fix-ish [FS#4601]: Windows' recv seems to return "graceful closed" before having passed the remaining buffer which causes OpenTTD to think all connections are "incorrectly" terminated, i.e. without the "I'm leaving" packet from the client. So let the client wait a tiny bit after sending the "I'm leaving" packet and before gracefully closing the connection
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file cargopacket.h Base class for cargo packets. */


#include "core/pool_type.hpp"
#include "economy_type.h"
#include "station_type.h"
#include "cargo_type.h"
#include "vehicle_type.h"
#include <list>

/** Unique identifier for a single cargo packet. */
typedef uint32 CargoPacketID;
struct CargoPacket;

/** Type of the pool for cargo packets for a little over 16 million packets. */
typedef Pool<CargoPacket, CargoPacketID, 1024, 0xFFF000, PT_NORMAL, true, false> CargoPacketPool;
/** The actual pool with cargo packets. */
extern CargoPacketPool _cargopacket_pool;

template <class Tinst> class CargoList;
extern const struct SaveLoad *GetCargoPacketDesc();

 * Container for cargo from the same location and time.
struct CargoPacket : CargoPacketPool::PoolItem<&_cargopacket_pool> {
	Money feeder_share;         ///< Value of feeder pickup to be paid for on delivery of cargo.
	uint16 count;               ///< The amount of cargo in this packet.
	byte days_in_transit;       ///< Amount of days this packet has been in transit.
	SourceTypeByte source_type; ///< Type of \c source_id.
	SourceID source_id;         ///< Index of source, INVALID_SOURCE if unknown/invalid.
	StationID source;           ///< The station where the cargo came from first.
	TileIndex source_xy;        ///< The origin of the cargo (first station in feeder chain).
	TileIndex loaded_at_xy;     ///< Location where this cargo has been loaded into the vehicle.

	/** The CargoList caches, thus needs to know about it. */
	template <class Tinst> friend class CargoList;
	friend class VehicleCargoList;
	friend class StationCargoList;
	/** We want this to be saved, right? */
	friend const struct SaveLoad *GetCargoPacketDesc();
	/** Maximum number of items in a single cargo packet. */
	static const uint16 MAX_COUNT = UINT16_MAX;

	CargoPacket(StationID source, TileIndex source_xy, uint16 count, SourceType source_type, SourceID source_id);
	CargoPacket(uint16 count, byte days_in_transit, StationID source, TileIndex source_xy, TileIndex loaded_at_xy, Money feeder_share = 0, SourceType source_type = ST_INDUSTRY, SourceID source_id = INVALID_SOURCE);

	/** Destroy the packet. */
	~CargoPacket() { }

	CargoPacket *Split(uint new_size);
	void Merge(CargoPacket *cp);

	 * Gets the number of 'items' in this packet.
	 * @return Item count.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 Count() const
		return this->count;

	 * Gets the amount of money already paid to earlier vehicles in
	 * the feeder chain.
	 * @return Feeder share.
	FORCEINLINE Money FeederShare() const
		return this->feeder_share;

	 * Gets the number of days this cargo has been in transit.
	 * This number isn't really in days, but in 2.5 days (185 ticks) and
	 * it is capped at 255.
	 * @return Length this cargo has been in transit.
	FORCEINLINE byte DaysInTransit() const
		return this->days_in_transit;

	 * Gets the type of the cargo's source. industry, town or head quarter.
	 * @return Source type.
	FORCEINLINE SourceType SourceSubsidyType() const
		return this->source_type;

	 * Gets the ID of the cargo's source. An IndustryID, TownID or CompanyID.
	 * @return Source ID.
	FORCEINLINE SourceID SourceSubsidyID() const
		return this->source_id;

	 * Gets the ID of the station where the cargo was loaded for the first time.
	 * @return StationID.
	FORCEINLINE SourceID SourceStation() const
		return this->source;

	 * Gets the coordinates of the cargo's source station.
	 * @return Source station's coordinates.
	FORCEINLINE TileIndex SourceStationXY() const
		return this->source_xy;

	 * Gets the coordinates of the cargo's last loading station.
	 * @return Last loading station's coordinates.
	FORCEINLINE TileIndex LoadedAtXY() const
		return this->loaded_at_xy;

	static void InvalidateAllFrom(SourceType src_type, SourceID src);
	static void InvalidateAllFrom(StationID sid);
	static void AfterLoad();

 * Iterate over all _valid_ cargo packets from the given start.
 * @param var   Variable used as "iterator".
 * @param start Cargo packet ID of the first packet to iterate over.
#define FOR_ALL_CARGOPACKETS_FROM(var, start) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(CargoPacket, cargopacket_index, var, start)

 * Iterate over all _valid_ cargo packets from the begin of the pool.
 * @param var   Variable used as "iterator".

 * Simple collection class for a list of cargo packets.
 * @tparam Tinst Actual instantation of this cargo list.
template <class Tinst>
class CargoList {
	/** Container with cargo packets. */
	typedef std::list<CargoPacket *> List;
	/** The iterator for our container. */
	typedef List::iterator Iterator;
	/** The const iterator for our container. */
	typedef List::const_iterator ConstIterator;

	/** Kind of actions that could be done with packets on move. */
	enum MoveToAction {
		MTA_FINAL_DELIVERY, ///< "Deliver" the packet to the final destination, i.e. destroy the packet.
		MTA_CARGO_LOAD,     ///< Load the packet onto a vehicle, i.e. set the last loaded station ID.
		MTA_TRANSFER,       ///< The cargo is moved as part of a transfer.
		MTA_UNLOAD,         ///< The cargo is moved as part of a forced unload.

	uint count;                 ///< Cache for the number of cargo entities.
	uint cargo_days_in_transit; ///< Cache for the sum of number of days in transit of each entity; comparable to man-hours.

	List packets;               ///< The cargo packets in this list.

	void AddToCache(const CargoPacket *cp);

	void RemoveFromCache(const CargoPacket *cp);

	/** Create the cargo list. */
	CargoList() {}


	void OnCleanPool();

	 * Returns a pointer to the cargo packet list (so you can iterate over it etc).
	 * @return Pointer to the packet list.
	FORCEINLINE const List *Packets() const
		return &this->packets;

	 * Checks whether this list is empty.
	 * @return True if and only if the list is empty.
	FORCEINLINE bool Empty() const
		return this->count == 0;

	 * Returns the number of cargo entities in this list.
	 * @return The before mentioned number.
	FORCEINLINE uint Count() const
		return this->count;

	 * Returns source of the first cargo packet in this list.
	 * @return The before mentioned source.
	FORCEINLINE StationID Source() const
		return this->Empty() ? INVALID_STATION : this->packets.front()->source;

	 * Returns average number of days in transit for a cargo entity.
	 * @return The before mentioned number.
	FORCEINLINE uint DaysInTransit() const
		return this->count == 0 ? 0 : this->cargo_days_in_transit / this->count;

	void Append(CargoPacket *cp);
	void Truncate(uint max_remaining);

	template <class Tother_inst>
	bool MoveTo(Tother_inst *dest, uint count, MoveToAction mta, CargoPayment *payment, uint data = 0);

	void InvalidateCache();

 * CargoList that is used for vehicles.
class VehicleCargoList : public CargoList<VehicleCargoList> {
	/** The (direct) parent of this class. */
	typedef CargoList<VehicleCargoList> Parent;

	Money feeder_share; ///< Cache for the feeder share.

	void AddToCache(const CargoPacket *cp);
	void RemoveFromCache(const CargoPacket *cp);

	/** The super class ought to know what it's doing. */
	friend class CargoList<VehicleCargoList>;
	/** The vehicles have a cargo list (and we want that saved). */
	friend const struct SaveLoad *GetVehicleDescription(VehicleType vt);

	 * Returns total sum of the feeder share for all packets.
	 * @return The before mentioned number.
	FORCEINLINE Money FeederShare() const
		return this->feeder_share;

	void AgeCargo();

	void InvalidateCache();

	 * Are two the two CargoPackets mergeable in the context of
	 * a list of CargoPackets for a Vehicle?
	 * @param cp1 First CargoPacket.
	 * @param cp2 Second CargoPacket.
	 * @return True if they are mergeable.
	static bool AreMergable(const CargoPacket *cp1, const CargoPacket *cp2)
		return cp1->source_xy    == cp2->source_xy &&
				cp1->days_in_transit == cp2->days_in_transit &&
				cp1->source_type     == cp2->source_type &&
				cp1->source_id       == cp2->source_id &&
				cp1->loaded_at_xy    == cp2->loaded_at_xy;

 * CargoList that is used for stations.
class StationCargoList : public CargoList<StationCargoList> {
	/** The super class ought to know what it's doing. */
	friend class CargoList<StationCargoList>;
	/** The stations, via GoodsEntry, have a CargoList. */
	friend const struct SaveLoad *GetGoodsDesc();

	 * Are two the two CargoPackets mergeable in the context of
	 * a list of CargoPackets for a Vehicle?
	 * @param cp1 First CargoPacket.
	 * @param cp2 Second CargoPacket.
	 * @return True if they are mergeable.
	static bool AreMergable(const CargoPacket *cp1, const CargoPacket *cp2)
		return cp1->source_xy    == cp2->source_xy &&
				cp1->days_in_transit == cp2->days_in_transit &&
				cp1->source_type     == cp2->source_type &&
				cp1->source_id       == cp2->source_id;

#endif /* CARGOPACKET_H */