Files @ r17613:a9b2554a5d79
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/order_base.h

(svn r22387) -Fix-ish [FS#4601]: Windows' recv seems to return "graceful closed" before having passed the remaining buffer which causes OpenTTD to think all connections are "incorrectly" terminated, i.e. without the "I'm leaving" packet from the client. So let the client wait a tiny bit after sending the "I'm leaving" packet and before gracefully closing the connection
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file order_base.h Base class for orders. */

#ifndef ORDER_BASE_H
#define ORDER_BASE_H

#include "order_type.h"
#include "core/pool_type.hpp"
#include "core/bitmath_func.hpp"
#include "cargo_type.h"
#include "depot_type.h"
#include "station_type.h"
#include "vehicle_type.h"
#include "date_type.h"

typedef Pool<Order, OrderID, 256, 64000> OrderPool;
typedef Pool<OrderList, OrderListID, 128, 64000> OrderListPool;
extern OrderPool _order_pool;
extern OrderListPool _orderlist_pool;

/* If you change this, keep in mind that it is saved on 3 places:
 * - Load_ORDR, all the global orders
 * - Vehicle -> current_order
 * - REF_ORDER (all REFs are currently limited to 16 bits!!)
struct Order : OrderPool::PoolItem<&_order_pool> {
	friend const struct SaveLoad *GetVehicleDescription(VehicleType vt); ///< Saving and loading the current order of vehicles.
	friend void Load_VEHS();                                             ///< Loading of ancient vehicles.
	friend const struct SaveLoad *GetOrderDescription();                 ///< Saving and loading of orders.

	uint8 type;           ///< The type of order + non-stop flags
	uint8 flags;          ///< Load/unload types, depot order/action types.
	DestinationID dest;   ///< The destination of the order.

	CargoID refit_cargo;  ///< Refit CargoID
	byte refit_subtype;   ///< Refit subtype

	Order *next;          ///< Pointer to next order. If NULL, end of list

	uint16 wait_time;    ///< How long in ticks to wait at the destination.
	uint16 travel_time;  ///< How long in ticks the journey to this destination should take.

	Order() : refit_cargo(CT_NO_REFIT) {}
	~Order() {}

	Order(uint32 packed);

	 * Check whether this order is of the given type.
	 * @param type the type to check against.
	 * @return true if the order matches.
	inline bool IsType(OrderType type) const { return this->GetType() == type; }

	 * Get the type of order of this order.
	 * @return the order type.
	inline OrderType GetType() const { return (OrderType)GB(this->type, 0, 4); }

	void Free();

	void MakeGoToStation(StationID destination);
	void MakeGoToDepot(DepotID destination, OrderDepotTypeFlags order, OrderNonStopFlags non_stop_type = ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_INTERMEDIATE_STATIONS, OrderDepotActionFlags action = ODATF_SERVICE_ONLY, CargoID cargo = CT_NO_REFIT, byte subtype = 0);
	void MakeGoToWaypoint(StationID destination);
	void MakeLoading(bool ordered);
	void MakeLeaveStation();
	void MakeDummy();
	void MakeConditional(VehicleOrderID order);
	void MakeAutomatic(StationID destination);

	 * Gets the destination of this order.
	 * @return the destination of the order.
	inline DestinationID GetDestination() const { return this->dest; }

	 * Sets the destination of this order.
	 * @param destination the new destination of the order.
	inline void SetDestination(DestinationID destination) { this->dest = destination; }

	 * Is this order a refit order.
	 * @pre IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT)
	 * @return true if a refit should happen.
	inline bool IsRefit() const { return this->refit_cargo < NUM_CARGO; }

	 * Get the cargo to to refit to.
	 * @pre IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT)
	 * @return the cargo type.
	inline CargoID GetRefitCargo() const { return this->refit_cargo; }

	 * Get the cargo subtype to to refit to.
	 * @pre IsType(OT_GOTO_DEPOT)
	 * @return the cargo subtype.
	inline byte GetRefitSubtype() const { return this->refit_subtype; }

	void SetRefit(CargoID cargo, byte subtype = 0);

	/** How must the consist be loaded? */
	inline OrderLoadFlags GetLoadType() const { return (OrderLoadFlags)GB(this->flags, 4, 4); }
	/** How must the consist be unloaded? */
	inline OrderUnloadFlags GetUnloadType() const { return (OrderUnloadFlags)GB(this->flags, 0, 4); }
	/** At which stations must we stop? */
	inline OrderNonStopFlags GetNonStopType() const { return (OrderNonStopFlags)GB(this->type, 6, 2); }
	/** Where must we stop at the platform? */
	inline OrderStopLocation GetStopLocation() const { return (OrderStopLocation)GB(this->type, 4, 2); }
	/** What caused us going to the depot? */
	inline OrderDepotTypeFlags GetDepotOrderType() const { return (OrderDepotTypeFlags)GB(this->flags, 0, 4); }
	/** What are we going to do when in the depot. */
	inline OrderDepotActionFlags GetDepotActionType() const { return (OrderDepotActionFlags)GB(this->flags, 4, 4); }
	/** What variable do we have to compare? */
	inline OrderConditionVariable GetConditionVariable() const { return (OrderConditionVariable)GB(this->dest, 11, 5); }
	/** What is the comparator to use? */
	inline OrderConditionComparator GetConditionComparator() const { return (OrderConditionComparator)GB(this->type, 5, 3); }
	/** Get the order to skip to. */
	inline VehicleOrderID GetConditionSkipToOrder() const { return this->flags; }
	/** Get the value to base the skip on. */
	inline uint16 GetConditionValue() const { return GB(this->dest, 0, 11); }

	/** Set how the consist must be loaded. */
	inline void SetLoadType(OrderLoadFlags load_type) { SB(this->flags, 4, 4, load_type); }
	/** Set how the consist must be unloaded. */
	inline void SetUnloadType(OrderUnloadFlags unload_type) { SB(this->flags, 0, 4, unload_type); }
	/** Set whether we must stop at stations or not. */
	inline void SetNonStopType(OrderNonStopFlags non_stop_type) { SB(this->type, 6, 2, non_stop_type); }
	/** Set where we must stop at the platform. */
	inline void SetStopLocation(OrderStopLocation stop_location) { SB(this->type, 4, 2, stop_location); }
	/** Set the cause to go to the depot. */
	inline void SetDepotOrderType(OrderDepotTypeFlags depot_order_type) { SB(this->flags, 0, 4, depot_order_type); }
	/** Set what we are going to do in the depot. */
	inline void SetDepotActionType(OrderDepotActionFlags depot_service_type) { SB(this->flags, 4, 4, depot_service_type); }
	/** Set variable we have to compare. */
	inline void SetConditionVariable(OrderConditionVariable condition_variable) { SB(this->dest, 11, 5, condition_variable); }
	/** Set the comparator to use. */
	inline void SetConditionComparator(OrderConditionComparator condition_comparator) { SB(this->type, 5, 3, condition_comparator); }
	/** Get the order to skip to. */
	inline void SetConditionSkipToOrder(VehicleOrderID order_id) { this->flags = order_id; }
	/** Set the value to base the skip on. */
	inline void SetConditionValue(uint16 value) { SB(this->dest, 0, 11, value); }

	bool ShouldStopAtStation(const Vehicle *v, StationID station) const;
	TileIndex GetLocation(const Vehicle *v) const;

	/** Checks if this order has travel_time and if needed wait_time set. */
	inline bool IsCompletelyTimetabled() const
		if (this->travel_time == 0 && !this->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL)) return false;
		if (this->wait_time == 0 && this->IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) && !(this->GetNonStopType() & ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_DESTINATION_STATION)) return false;
		return true;

	void AssignOrder(const Order &other);
	bool Equals(const Order &other) const;

	uint32 Pack() const;
	uint16 MapOldOrder() const;
	void ConvertFromOldSavegame();

void InsertOrder(Vehicle *v, Order *new_o, VehicleOrderID sel_ord);
void DeleteOrder(Vehicle *v, VehicleOrderID sel_ord);

 * Shared order list linking together the linked list of orders and the list
 *  of vehicles sharing this order list.
struct OrderList : OrderListPool::PoolItem<&_orderlist_pool> {
	friend void AfterLoadVehicles(bool part_of_load); ///< For instantiating the shared vehicle chain
	friend const struct SaveLoad *GetOrderListDescription(); ///< Saving and loading of order lists.

	Order *first;                     ///< First order of the order list.
	VehicleOrderID num_orders;        ///< NOSAVE: How many orders there are in the list.
	VehicleOrderID num_manual_orders; ///< NOSAVE: How many manually added orders are there in the list.
	uint num_vehicles;                ///< NOSAVE: Number of vehicles that share this order list.
	Vehicle *first_shared;            ///< NOSAVE: pointer to the first vehicle in the shared order chain.

	Ticks timetable_duration;         ///< NOSAVE: Total duration of the order list

	/** Default constructor producing an invalid order list. */
	OrderList(VehicleOrderID num_orders = INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID)
		: first(NULL), num_orders(num_orders), num_manual_orders(0), num_vehicles(0), first_shared(NULL),
		  timetable_duration(0) { }

	 * Create an order list with the given order chain for the given vehicle.
	 *  @param chain pointer to the first order of the order chain
	 *  @param v any vehicle using this orderlist
	OrderList(Order *chain, Vehicle *v) { this->Initialize(chain, v); }

	/** Destructor. Invalidates OrderList for re-usage by the pool. */
	~OrderList() {}

	void Initialize(Order *chain, Vehicle *v);

	 * Get the first order of the order chain.
	 * @return the first order of the chain.
	inline Order *GetFirstOrder() const { return this->first; }

	Order *GetOrderAt(int index) const;

	 * Get the last order of the order chain.
	 * @return the last order of the chain.
	inline Order *GetLastOrder() const { return this->GetOrderAt(this->num_orders - 1); }

	 * Get number of orders in the order list.
	 * @return number of orders in the chain.
	inline VehicleOrderID GetNumOrders() const { return this->num_orders; }

	 * Get number of manually added orders in the order list.
	 * @return number of manual orders in the chain.
	inline VehicleOrderID GetNumManualOrders() const { return this->num_manual_orders; }

	void InsertOrderAt(Order *new_order, int index);
	void DeleteOrderAt(int index);
	void MoveOrder(int from, int to);

	 * Is this a shared order list?
	 * @return whether this order list is shared among multiple vehicles
	inline bool IsShared() const { return this->num_vehicles > 1; };

	 * Get the first vehicle of this vehicle chain.
	 * @return the first vehicle of the chain.
	inline Vehicle *GetFirstSharedVehicle() const { return this->first_shared; }

	 * Return the number of vehicles that share this orders list
	 * @return the count of vehicles that use this shared orders list
	inline uint GetNumVehicles() const { return this->num_vehicles; }

	bool IsVehicleInSharedOrdersList(const Vehicle *v) const;
	int GetPositionInSharedOrderList(const Vehicle *v) const;

	 * Adds the given vehicle to this shared order list.
	 * @note This is supposed to be called after the vehicle has been inserted
	 *       into the shared vehicle chain.
	 * @param v vehicle to add to the list
	inline void AddVehicle(Vehicle *v) { ++this->num_vehicles; }

	void RemoveVehicle(Vehicle *v);

	bool IsCompleteTimetable() const;

	 * Gets the total duration of the vehicles timetable or INVALID_TICKS is the timetable is not complete.
	 * @return total timetable duration or INVALID_TICKS for incomplete timetables
	inline Ticks GetTimetableTotalDuration() const { return this->IsCompleteTimetable() ? this->timetable_duration : INVALID_TICKS; }

	 * Gets the known duration of the vehicles timetable even if the timetable is not complete.
	 * @return known timetable duration
	inline Ticks GetTimetableDurationIncomplete() const { return this->timetable_duration; }

	 * Must be called if an order's timetable is changed to update internal book keeping.
	 * @param delta By how many ticks has the timetable duration changed
	void UpdateOrderTimetable(Ticks delta) { this->timetable_duration += delta; }

	void FreeChain(bool keep_orderlist = false);

	void DebugCheckSanity() const;

#define FOR_ALL_ORDERS_FROM(var, start) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(Order, order_index, var, start)

#define FOR_VEHICLE_ORDERS(v, order) for (order = (v->orders.list == NULL) ? NULL : v->orders.list->GetFirstOrder(); order != NULL; order = order->next)

#define FOR_ALL_ORDER_LISTS_FROM(var, start) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(OrderList, orderlist_index, var, start)

#endif /* ORDER_BASE_H */