Files @ r24874:b9bdc5d49a71
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/engine_type.h

Patric Stout
Fix #6319: [Win32] don't use clipping; draw whole screen every frame (#8726)

When we clip the region that is only been redrawn, something
weird happens on Windows. When pushing 60 frames per second on a
60Hz monitor, it appears that the clipped region is often shown
of another frame, instead of the current.

Examples of this are:
- pause the game, move your mouse to the left, and at the right
speed it totally disappears.
- fast aircrafts seem to be in several places at once, weirdly
lagging behind.
- in title screen, moving your mouse gives you the idea it is
jumping places, instead of smooth movements.

In the end, if you do nothing, everything is correct, so it is
eventually consistent. Just when we are firing many BitBlt in
a clipped region, the in-between is not.

What goes wrong exactly, I honestly do not know. On every frame
that we push to the DC is a mouse painted, but visually it
sometimes appears like it is not. Recording with external software
shows it really is there.
It is also not our eyes playing tricks on us, as the first example
makes it really clear the mouse pointer really is not painted.

And to be clear, with the mouse this is easiest reproduceable,
as high-speed objects are influences by this most. But this happens
for all movement that redraws small regions.

Either way, not using clipped regions resolves the issue completely,
and there appears to be little to no penalty (I failed to measure
any impact of drawing the full screen). So better have a good game
than fast code, I guess?
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/** @file engine_type.h Types related to engines. */


#include "economy_type.h"
#include "rail_type.h"
#include "road_type.h"
#include "cargo_type.h"
#include "date_type.h"
#include "sound_type.h"
#include "strings_type.h"

typedef uint16 EngineID; ///< Unique identification number of an engine.

struct Engine;

/** Available types of rail vehicles. */
enum RailVehicleTypes {
	RAILVEH_SINGLEHEAD,  ///< indicates a "standalone" locomotive
	RAILVEH_MULTIHEAD,   ///< indicates a combination of two locomotives
	RAILVEH_WAGON,       ///< simple wagon, not motorized

/** Type of rail engine. */
enum EngineClass {
	EC_STEAM,    ///< Steam rail engine.
	EC_DIESEL,   ///< Diesel rail engine.
	EC_ELECTRIC, ///< Electric rail engine.
	EC_MONORAIL, ///< Mono rail engine.
	EC_MAGLEV,   ///< Maglev engine.

/** Information about a rail vehicle. */
struct RailVehicleInfo {
	byte image_index;
	RailVehicleTypes railveh_type;
	byte cost_factor;               ///< Purchase cost factor;      For multiheaded engines the sum of both engine prices.
	RailType railtype;
	uint16 max_speed;               ///< Maximum speed (1 unit = 1/1.6 mph = 1 km-ish/h)
	uint16 power;                   ///< Power of engine (hp);      For multiheaded engines the sum of both engine powers.
	uint16 weight;                  ///< Weight of vehicle (tons);  For multiheaded engines the weight of each single engine.
	byte running_cost;              ///< Running cost of engine;    For multiheaded engines the sum of both running costs.
	Price running_cost_class;
	EngineClass engclass;           ///< Class of engine for this vehicle
	byte capacity;                  ///< Cargo capacity of vehicle; For multiheaded engines the capacity of each single engine.
	byte ai_passenger_only;         ///< Bit value to tell AI that this engine is for passenger use only
	uint16 pow_wag_power;           ///< Extra power applied to consist if wagon should be powered
	byte pow_wag_weight;            ///< Extra weight applied to consist if wagon should be powered
	byte visual_effect;             ///< Bitstuffed NewGRF visual effect data
	byte shorten_factor;            ///< length on main map for this type is 8 - shorten_factor
	byte tractive_effort;           ///< Tractive effort coefficient
	byte air_drag;                  ///< Coefficient of air drag
	byte user_def_data;             ///< Property 0x25: "User-defined bit mask" Used only for (very few) NewGRF vehicles

/** Information about a ship vehicle. */
struct ShipVehicleInfo {
	byte image_index;
	byte cost_factor;
	uint16 max_speed;      ///< Maximum speed (1 unit = 1/3.2 mph = 0.5 km-ish/h)
	uint16 capacity;
	byte running_cost;
	SoundID sfx;
	bool old_refittable;   ///< Is ship refittable; only used during initialisation. Later use EngineInfo::refit_mask.
	byte visual_effect;    ///< Bitstuffed NewGRF visual effect data
	byte ocean_speed_frac; ///< Fraction of maximum speed for ocean tiles.
	byte canal_speed_frac; ///< Fraction of maximum speed for canal/river tiles.

	/** Apply ocean/canal speed fraction to a velocity */
	uint ApplyWaterClassSpeedFrac(uint raw_speed, bool is_ocean) const
		/* speed_frac == 0 means no reduction while 0xFF means reduction to 1/256. */
		return raw_speed * (256 - (is_ocean ? this->ocean_speed_frac : this->canal_speed_frac)) / 256;

 * AircraftVehicleInfo subtypes, bitmask type.
 * If bit 0 is 0 then it is a helicopter, otherwise it is a plane
 * in which case bit 1 tells us whether it's a big(fast) plane or not.
enum AircraftSubTypeBits {
	AIR_HELI = 0,
	AIR_CTOL = 1, ///< Conventional Take Off and Landing, i.e. planes

/** Information about a aircraft vehicle. */
struct AircraftVehicleInfo {
	byte image_index;
	byte cost_factor;
	byte running_cost;
	byte subtype;               ///< Type of aircraft. @see AircraftSubTypeBits
	SoundID sfx;
	byte acceleration;
	uint16 max_speed;           ///< Maximum speed (1 unit = 8 mph = 12.8 km-ish/h)
	byte mail_capacity;         ///< Mail capacity (bags).
	uint16 passenger_capacity;  ///< Passenger capacity (persons).
	uint16 max_range;           ///< Maximum range of this aircraft.

/** Information about a road vehicle. */
struct RoadVehicleInfo {
	byte image_index;
	byte cost_factor;
	byte running_cost;
	Price running_cost_class;
	SoundID sfx;
	uint16 max_speed;        ///< Maximum speed (1 unit = 1/3.2 mph = 0.5 km-ish/h)
	byte capacity;
	uint8 weight;            ///< Weight in 1/4t units
	uint8 power;             ///< Power in 10hp units
	uint8 tractive_effort;   ///< Coefficient of tractive effort
	uint8 air_drag;          ///< Coefficient of air drag
	byte visual_effect;      ///< Bitstuffed NewGRF visual effect data
	byte shorten_factor;     ///< length on main map for this type is 8 - shorten_factor
	RoadType roadtype;       ///< Road type

 * Information about a vehicle
 *  @see table/engines.h
struct EngineInfo {
	Date base_intro;    ///< Basic date of engine introduction (without random parts).
	Year lifelength;    ///< Lifetime of a single vehicle
	Year base_life;     ///< Basic duration of engine availability (without random parts). \c 0xFF means infinite life.
	byte decay_speed;
	byte load_amount;
	byte climates;      ///< Climates supported by the engine.
	CargoID cargo_type;
	CargoTypes refit_mask;
	byte refit_cost;
	byte misc_flags;    ///< Miscellaneous flags. @see EngineMiscFlags
	byte callback_mask; ///< Bitmask of vehicle callbacks that have to be called
	int8 retire_early;  ///< Number of years early to retire vehicle
	StringID string_id; ///< Default name of engine
	uint16 cargo_age_period; ///< Number of ticks before carried cargo is aged.

 * EngineInfo.misc_flags is a bitmask, with the following values
enum EngineMiscFlags {
	EF_RAIL_TILTS = 0, ///< Rail vehicle tilts in curves
	EF_ROAD_TRAM  = 0, ///< Road vehicle is a tram/light rail vehicle
	EF_USES_2CC   = 1, ///< Vehicle uses two company colours
	EF_RAIL_IS_MU = 2, ///< Rail vehicle is a multiple-unit (DMU/EMU)
	EF_RAIL_FLIPS = 3, ///< Rail vehicle can be flipped in the depot
	EF_AUTO_REFIT = 4, ///< Automatic refitting is allowed
	EF_NO_DEFAULT_CARGO_MULTIPLIER = 5, ///< Use the new capacity algorithm. The default cargotype of the vehicle does not affect capacity multipliers. CB 15 is also called in purchase list.
	EF_NO_BREAKDOWN_SMOKE          = 6, ///< Do not show black smoke during a breakdown.
	EF_SPRITE_STACK                = 7, ///< Draw vehicle by stacking multiple sprites.

 * Engine.flags is a bitmask, with the following values.
enum EngineFlags {
	ENGINE_AVAILABLE         = 1, ///< This vehicle is available to everyone.
	ENGINE_EXCLUSIVE_PREVIEW = 2, ///< This vehicle is in the exclusive preview stage, either being used or being offered to a company.

static const uint MAX_LENGTH_ENGINE_NAME_CHARS = 32; ///< The maximum length of an engine name in characters including '\0'

static const EngineID INVALID_ENGINE = 0xFFFF; ///< Constant denoting an invalid engine.

#endif /* ENGINE_TYPE_H */