Files @ r24874:b9bdc5d49a71
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/order_type.h

Patric Stout
Fix #6319: [Win32] don't use clipping; draw whole screen every frame (#8726)

When we clip the region that is only been redrawn, something
weird happens on Windows. When pushing 60 frames per second on a
60Hz monitor, it appears that the clipped region is often shown
of another frame, instead of the current.

Examples of this are:
- pause the game, move your mouse to the left, and at the right
speed it totally disappears.
- fast aircrafts seem to be in several places at once, weirdly
lagging behind.
- in title screen, moving your mouse gives you the idea it is
jumping places, instead of smooth movements.

In the end, if you do nothing, everything is correct, so it is
eventually consistent. Just when we are firing many BitBlt in
a clipped region, the in-between is not.

What goes wrong exactly, I honestly do not know. On every frame
that we push to the DC is a mouse painted, but visually it
sometimes appears like it is not. Recording with external software
shows it really is there.
It is also not our eyes playing tricks on us, as the first example
makes it really clear the mouse pointer really is not painted.

And to be clear, with the mouse this is easiest reproduceable,
as high-speed objects are influences by this most. But this happens
for all movement that redraws small regions.

Either way, not using clipped regions resolves the issue completely,
and there appears to be little to no penalty (I failed to measure
any impact of drawing the full screen). So better have a good game
than fast code, I guess?
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/** @file order_type.h Types related to orders. */

#ifndef ORDER_TYPE_H
#define ORDER_TYPE_H

#include "core/enum_type.hpp"

typedef byte VehicleOrderID;  ///< The index of an order within its current vehicle (not pool related)
typedef uint32 OrderID;
typedef uint16 OrderListID;
typedef uint16 DestinationID;

/** Invalid vehicle order index (sentinel) */
static const VehicleOrderID INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID = 0xFF;
/** Last valid VehicleOrderID. */
static const VehicleOrderID MAX_VEH_ORDER_ID     = INVALID_VEH_ORDER_ID - 1;

/** Invalid order (sentinel) */
static const OrderID INVALID_ORDER = 0xFFFFFF;

 * Maximum number of orders in implicit-only lists before we start searching
 * harder for duplicates.
static const uint IMPLICIT_ORDER_ONLY_CAP = 32;

/** Order types. It needs to be 8bits, because we save and load it as such */
enum OrderType : byte {
	OT_BEGIN         = 0,
	OT_NOTHING       = 0,
	OT_GOTO_DEPOT    = 2,
	OT_LOADING       = 3,
	OT_DUMMY         = 5,
	OT_IMPLICIT      = 8,

 * Flags related to the unloading order.
enum OrderUnloadFlags {
	OUF_UNLOAD_IF_POSSIBLE = 0,      ///< Unload all cargo that the station accepts.
	OUFB_UNLOAD            = 1 << 0, ///< Force unloading all cargo onto the platform, possibly not getting paid.
	OUFB_TRANSFER          = 1 << 1, ///< Transfer all cargo onto the platform.
	OUFB_NO_UNLOAD         = 1 << 2, ///< Totally no unloading will be done.

 * Flags related to the loading order.
enum OrderLoadFlags {
	OLF_LOAD_IF_POSSIBLE = 0,      ///< Load as long as there is cargo that fits in the train.
	OLFB_FULL_LOAD       = 1 << 1, ///< Full load all cargoes of the consist.
	OLF_FULL_LOAD_ANY    = 3,      ///< Full load a single cargo of the consist.
	OLFB_NO_LOAD         = 4,      ///< Do not load anything.

 * Non-stop order flags.
enum OrderNonStopFlags {
	ONSF_STOP_EVERYWHERE                  = 0, ///< The vehicle will stop at any station it passes and the destination.
	ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_INTERMEDIATE_STATIONS = 1, ///< The vehicle will not stop at any stations it passes except the destination.
	ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_DESTINATION_STATION   = 2, ///< The vehicle will stop at any station it passes except the destination.
	ONSF_NO_STOP_AT_ANY_STATION           = 3, ///< The vehicle will not stop at any stations it passes including the destination.

 * Where to stop the trains.
enum OrderStopLocation {
	OSL_PLATFORM_NEAR_END = 0, ///< Stop at the near end of the platform
	OSL_PLATFORM_MIDDLE   = 1, ///< Stop at the middle of the platform
	OSL_PLATFORM_FAR_END  = 2, ///< Stop at the far end of the platform

 * Reasons that could cause us to go to the depot.
enum OrderDepotTypeFlags {
	ODTF_MANUAL          = 0,      ///< Manually initiated order.
	ODTFB_SERVICE        = 1 << 0, ///< This depot order is because of the servicing limit.
	ODTFB_PART_OF_ORDERS = 1 << 1, ///< This depot order is because of a regular order.

 * Actions that can be performed when the vehicle enters the depot.
enum OrderDepotActionFlags {
	ODATF_SERVICE_ONLY   = 0,      ///< Only service the vehicle.
	ODATFB_HALT          = 1 << 0, ///< Service the vehicle and then halt it.
	ODATFB_NEAREST_DEPOT = 1 << 1, ///< Send the vehicle to the nearest depot.

 * Variables (of a vehicle) to 'cause' skipping on.
enum OrderConditionVariable {
	OCV_LOAD_PERCENTAGE,    ///< Skip based on the amount of load
	OCV_RELIABILITY,        ///< Skip based on the reliability
	OCV_MAX_SPEED,          ///< Skip based on the maximum speed
	OCV_AGE,                ///< Skip based on the age
	OCV_REQUIRES_SERVICE,   ///< Skip when the vehicle requires service
	OCV_UNCONDITIONALLY,    ///< Always skip
	OCV_REMAINING_LIFETIME, ///< Skip based on the remaining lifetime
	OCV_MAX_RELIABILITY,    ///< Skip based on the maximum reliability

 * Comparator for the skip reasoning.
enum OrderConditionComparator {
	OCC_EQUALS,      ///< Skip if both values are equal
	OCC_NOT_EQUALS,  ///< Skip if both values are not equal
	OCC_LESS_THAN,   ///< Skip if the value is less than the limit
	OCC_LESS_EQUALS, ///< Skip if the value is less or equal to the limit
	OCC_MORE_THAN,   ///< Skip if the value is more than the limit
	OCC_MORE_EQUALS, ///< Skip if the value is more or equal to the limit
	OCC_IS_TRUE,     ///< Skip if the variable is true
	OCC_IS_FALSE,    ///< Skip if the variable is false

 * Enumeration for the data to set in #CmdModifyOrder.
enum ModifyOrderFlags {
	MOF_NON_STOP,        ///< Passes an OrderNonStopFlags.
	MOF_STOP_LOCATION,   ///< Passes an OrderStopLocation.
	MOF_UNLOAD,          ///< Passes an OrderUnloadType.
	MOF_LOAD,            ///< Passes an OrderLoadType
	MOF_DEPOT_ACTION,    ///< Selects the OrderDepotAction
	MOF_COND_VARIABLE,   ///< A conditional variable changes.
	MOF_COND_COMPARATOR, ///< A comparator changes.
	MOF_COND_VALUE,      ///< The value to set the condition to.
	MOF_COND_DESTINATION,///< Change the destination of a conditional order.
template <> struct EnumPropsT<ModifyOrderFlags> : MakeEnumPropsT<ModifyOrderFlags, byte, MOF_NON_STOP, MOF_END, MOF_END, 4> {};

 * Depot action to switch to when doing a #MOF_DEPOT_ACTION.
enum OrderDepotAction {
	DA_ALWAYS_GO, ///< Always go to the depot
	DA_SERVICE,   ///< Service only if needed
	DA_STOP,      ///< Go to the depot and stop there

 * Enumeration for the data to set in #CmdChangeTimetable.
enum ModifyTimetableFlags {
	MTF_WAIT_TIME,    ///< Set wait time.
	MTF_TRAVEL_TIME,  ///< Set travel time.
	MTF_TRAVEL_SPEED, ///< Set max travel speed.
template <> struct EnumPropsT<ModifyTimetableFlags> : MakeEnumPropsT<ModifyTimetableFlags, byte, MTF_WAIT_TIME, MTF_END, MTF_END, 2> {};

/** Clone actions. */
enum CloneOptions {
	CO_SHARE   = 0,
	CO_COPY    = 1,

struct Order;
struct OrderList;

#endif /* ORDER_TYPE_H */