Files @ r24874:b9bdc5d49a71
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/tilehighlight_type.h

Patric Stout
Fix #6319: [Win32] don't use clipping; draw whole screen every frame (#8726)

When we clip the region that is only been redrawn, something
weird happens on Windows. When pushing 60 frames per second on a
60Hz monitor, it appears that the clipped region is often shown
of another frame, instead of the current.

Examples of this are:
- pause the game, move your mouse to the left, and at the right
speed it totally disappears.
- fast aircrafts seem to be in several places at once, weirdly
lagging behind.
- in title screen, moving your mouse gives you the idea it is
jumping places, instead of smooth movements.

In the end, if you do nothing, everything is correct, so it is
eventually consistent. Just when we are firing many BitBlt in
a clipped region, the in-between is not.

What goes wrong exactly, I honestly do not know. On every frame
that we push to the DC is a mouse painted, but visually it
sometimes appears like it is not. Recording with external software
shows it really is there.
It is also not our eyes playing tricks on us, as the first example
makes it really clear the mouse pointer really is not painted.

And to be clear, with the mouse this is easiest reproduceable,
as high-speed objects are influences by this most. But this happens
for all movement that redraws small regions.

Either way, not using clipped regions resolves the issue completely,
and there appears to be little to no penalty (I failed to measure
any impact of drawing the full screen). So better have a good game
than fast code, I guess?
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/** @file tilehighlight_type.h Types related to highlighting tiles. */


#include "core/geometry_type.hpp"
#include "window_type.h"
#include "tile_type.h"
#include "viewport_type.h"

/** Highlighting draw styles */
enum HighLightStyle {
	HT_NONE      = 0x000, ///< default
	HT_RECT      = 0x010, ///< rectangle (stations, depots, ...)
	HT_POINT     = 0x020, ///< point (lower land, raise land, level land, ...)
	HT_SPECIAL   = 0x030, ///< special mode used for highlighting while dragging (and for tunnels/docks)
	HT_DRAG      = 0x040, ///< dragging items in the depot windows
	HT_LINE      = 0x008, ///< used for autorail highlighting (longer stretches), lower bits: direction
	HT_RAIL      = 0x080, ///< autorail (one piece), lower bits: direction
	HT_VEHICLE   = 0x100, ///< vehicle is accepted as target as well (bitmask)
	HT_DIAGONAL  = 0x200, ///< Also allow 'diagonal rectangles'. Only usable in combination with #HT_RECT or #HT_POINT.
	HT_DRAG_MASK = 0x0F8, ///< Mask for the tile drag-type modes.

	/* lower bits (used with HT_LINE and HT_RAIL):
	 * (see ASCII art in table/autorail.h for a visual interpretation) */
	HT_DIR_X  = 0,     ///< X direction
	HT_DIR_Y  = 1,     ///< Y direction
	HT_DIR_HU = 2,     ///< horizontal upper
	HT_DIR_HL = 3,     ///< horizontal lower
	HT_DIR_VL = 4,     ///< vertical left
	HT_DIR_VR = 5,     ///< vertical right
	HT_DIR_END,        ///< end marker
	HT_DIR_MASK = 0x7, ///< masks the drag-direction

/** Metadata about the current highlighting. */
struct TileHighlightData {
	Point pos;           ///< Location, in tile "units", of the northern tile of the selected area.
	Point size;          ///< Size, in tile "units", of the white/red selection area.
	Point offs;          ///< Offset, in tile "units", for the blue coverage area from the selected area's northern tile.
	Point outersize;     ///< Size, in tile "units", of the blue coverage area excluding the side of the selected area.
	bool diagonal;       ///< Whether the dragged area is a 45 degrees rotated rectangle.

	bool freeze;         ///< Freeze highlight in place.

	Point new_pos;       ///< New value for \a pos; used to determine whether to redraw the selection.
	Point new_size;      ///< New value for \a size; used to determine whether to redraw the selection.
	Point new_outersize; ///< New value for \a outersize; used to determine whether to redraw the selection.
	byte dirty;          ///< Whether the build station window needs to redraw due to the changed selection.

	Point selstart;      ///< The location where the dragging started.
	Point selend;        ///< The location where the drag currently ends.
	byte sizelimit;      ///< Whether the selection is limited in length, and what the maximum length is.

	HighLightStyle drawstyle;      ///< Lower bits 0-3 are reserved for detailed highlight information.
	HighLightStyle next_drawstyle; ///< Queued, but not yet drawn style.

	HighLightStyle place_mode;     ///< Method which is used to place the selection.
	WindowClass window_class;      ///< The \c WindowClass of the window that is responsible for the selection mode.
	WindowNumber window_number;    ///< The \c WindowNumber of the window that is responsible for the selection mode.

	bool make_square_red;          ///< Whether to give a tile a red selection.
	TileIndex redsq;               ///< The tile that has to get a red selection.

	ViewportPlaceMethod select_method;            ///< The method which governs how tiles are selected.
	ViewportDragDropSelectionProcess select_proc; ///< The procedure that has to be called when the selection is done.

	void Reset();

	bool IsDraggingDiagonal();
	Window *GetCallbackWnd();