Files @ r12162:c4894f5339c3
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/station_map.h

(svn r16583) -Update: the order of the language files so it's in sync with english.txt. Normally WT2 would do this, but only with activity for those languages. Now we'd like to the order to match so we can more easily spot import bugs while developing WT3.
/* $Id$ */

/** @file station_map.h Maps accessors for stations. */


#include "rail_map.h"
#include "road_map.h"
#include "water_map.h"
#include "station_func.h"
#include "station_base.h"
#include "rail.h"

typedef byte StationGfx;

/** Get Station ID from a tile
 * @pre Tile \t must be part of the station
 * @param t Tile to query station ID from
 * @return Station ID of the station at \a t */
static inline StationID GetStationIndex(TileIndex t)
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION));
	return (StationID)_m[t].m2;

static inline Station *GetStationByTile(TileIndex t)
	return Station::Get(GetStationIndex(t));

enum {
	GFX_RADAR_LARGE_FIRST             =  31,
	GFX_RADAR_LARGE_LAST              =  42,
	GFX_WINDSACK_FIRST                =  50,
	GFX_WINDSACK_LAST                 =  53,

	GFX_DOCK_BASE_WATER_PART          =  4,


static inline StationType GetStationType(TileIndex t)
	return (StationType)GB(_m[t].m6, 3, 3);

static inline RoadStopType GetRoadStopType(TileIndex t)
	assert(GetStationType(t) == STATION_TRUCK || GetStationType(t) == STATION_BUS);

static inline StationGfx GetStationGfx(TileIndex t)
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION));
	return _m[t].m5;

static inline void SetStationGfx(TileIndex t, StationGfx gfx)
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION));
	_m[t].m5 = gfx;

static inline uint8 GetStationAnimationFrame(TileIndex t)
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION));
	return _me[t].m7;

static inline void SetStationAnimationFrame(TileIndex t, uint8 frame)
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION));
	_me[t].m7 = frame;

static inline bool IsRailwayStation(TileIndex t)
	return GetStationType(t) == STATION_RAIL;

static inline bool IsRailwayStationTile(TileIndex t)
	return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsRailwayStation(t);

static inline bool IsAirport(TileIndex t)
	return GetStationType(t) == STATION_AIRPORT;

bool IsHangar(TileIndex t);

 * Is the station at \a t a truck stop?
 * @param t Tile to check
 * @return \c true if station is a truck stop, \c false otherwise */
static inline bool IsTruckStop(TileIndex t)
	return GetStationType(t) == STATION_TRUCK;

 * Is the station at \a t a bus stop?
 * @param t Tile to check
 * @return \c true if station is a bus stop, \c false otherwise */
static inline bool IsBusStop(TileIndex t)
	return GetStationType(t) == STATION_BUS;

 * Is the station at \a t a road station?
 * @pre Tile at \a t is a station tile
 * @param t Tile to check
 * @return \c true if station at the tile is a bus top or a truck stop, \c false otherwise */
static inline bool IsRoadStop(TileIndex t)
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION));
	return IsTruckStop(t) || IsBusStop(t);

static inline bool IsRoadStopTile(TileIndex t)
	return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsRoadStop(t);

static inline bool IsStandardRoadStopTile(TileIndex t)
	return IsRoadStopTile(t) && GetStationGfx(t) < GFX_TRUCK_BUS_DRIVETHROUGH_OFFSET;

static inline bool IsDriveThroughStopTile(TileIndex t)
	return IsRoadStopTile(t) && GetStationGfx(t) >= GFX_TRUCK_BUS_DRIVETHROUGH_OFFSET;

 * Gets the direction the road stop entrance points towards.
static inline DiagDirection GetRoadStopDir(TileIndex t)
	StationGfx gfx = GetStationGfx(t);
		return (DiagDirection)(gfx);
	} else {
		return (DiagDirection)(gfx - GFX_TRUCK_BUS_DRIVETHROUGH_OFFSET);

static inline bool IsOilRig(TileIndex t)
	return GetStationType(t) == STATION_OILRIG;

static inline bool IsDock(TileIndex t)
	return GetStationType(t) == STATION_DOCK;

static inline bool IsDockTile(TileIndex t)
	return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && GetStationType(t) == STATION_DOCK;

static inline bool IsBuoy(TileIndex t)
	return GetStationType(t) == STATION_BUOY;

static inline bool IsBuoyTile(TileIndex t)
	return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsBuoy(t);

static inline bool IsHangarTile(TileIndex t)
	return IsTileType(t, MP_STATION) && IsHangar(t);

static inline Axis GetRailStationAxis(TileIndex t)
	return HasBit(GetStationGfx(t), 0) ? AXIS_Y : AXIS_X;

static inline Track GetRailStationTrack(TileIndex t)
	return AxisToTrack(GetRailStationAxis(t));

static inline TrackBits GetRailStationTrackBits(TileIndex t)
	return AxisToTrackBits(GetRailStationAxis(t));

static inline bool IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(TileIndex t1, TileIndex t2)
		IsRailwayStationTile(t1) &&
		IsCompatibleRail(GetRailType(t1), GetRailType(t2)) &&
		GetRailStationAxis(t1) == GetRailStationAxis(t2) &&
		GetStationIndex(t1) == GetStationIndex(t2) &&

 * Get the reservation state of the rail station
 * @pre IsRailwayStationTile(t)
 * @param t the station tile
 * @return reservation state
static inline bool GetRailwayStationReservation(TileIndex t)
	return HasBit(_m[t].m6, 2);

 * Set the reservation state of the rail station
 * @pre IsRailwayStationTile(t)
 * @param t the station tile
 * @param b the reservation state
static inline void SetRailwayStationReservation(TileIndex t, bool b)
	SB(_m[t].m6, 2, 1, b ? 1 : 0);

 * Get the reserved track bits for a waypoint
 * @pre IsRailwayStationTile(t)
 * @param t the tile
 * @return reserved track bits
static inline TrackBits GetRailStationReservation(TileIndex t)
	return GetRailwayStationReservation(t) ? GetRailStationTrackBits(t) : TRACK_BIT_NONE;

static inline DiagDirection GetDockDirection(TileIndex t)
	StationGfx gfx = GetStationGfx(t);
	assert(IsDock(t) && gfx < GFX_DOCK_BASE_WATER_PART);
	return (DiagDirection)(gfx);

static inline TileIndexDiffC GetDockOffset(TileIndex t)
	static const TileIndexDiffC buoy_offset = {0, 0};
	static const TileIndexDiffC oilrig_offset = {2, 0};
	static const TileIndexDiffC dock_offset[DIAGDIR_END] = {
		{-2,  0},
		{ 0,  2},
		{ 2,  0},
		{ 0, -2},
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION));

	if (IsBuoy(t)) return buoy_offset;
	if (IsOilRig(t)) return oilrig_offset;


	return dock_offset[GetDockDirection(t)];

static inline bool IsCustomStationSpecIndex(TileIndex t)
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION));
	return _m[t].m4 != 0;

static inline void SetCustomStationSpecIndex(TileIndex t, byte specindex)
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION));
	_m[t].m4 = specindex;

static inline uint GetCustomStationSpecIndex(TileIndex t)
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION));
	return _m[t].m4;

static inline void SetStationTileRandomBits(TileIndex t, byte random_bits)
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION));
	SB(_m[t].m3, 4, 4, random_bits);

static inline byte GetStationTileRandomBits(TileIndex t)
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION));
	return GB(_m[t].m3, 4, 4);

static inline void MakeStation(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, StationType st, byte section)
	SetTileType(t, MP_STATION);
	SetTileOwner(t, o);
	_m[t].m2 = sid;
	_m[t].m3 = 0;
	_m[t].m4 = 0;
	_m[t].m5 = section;
	SB(_m[t].m6, 2, 1, 0);
	SB(_m[t].m6, 3, 3, st);
	_me[t].m7 = 0;

static inline void MakeRailStation(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, Axis a, byte section, RailType rt)
	MakeStation(t, o, sid, STATION_RAIL, section + a);
	SetRailType(t, rt);
	SetRailwayStationReservation(t, false);

static inline void MakeRoadStop(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, RoadStopType rst, RoadTypes rt, DiagDirection d)
	MakeStation(t, o, sid, (rst == ROADSTOP_BUS ? STATION_BUS : STATION_TRUCK), d);
	SetRoadTypes(t, rt);
	SetRoadOwner(t, ROADTYPE_ROAD, o);
	SetRoadOwner(t, ROADTYPE_TRAM, o);

static inline void MakeDriveThroughRoadStop(TileIndex t, Owner station, Owner road, Owner tram, StationID sid, RoadStopType rst, RoadTypes rt, Axis a)
	SetRoadTypes(t, rt);
	SetRoadOwner(t, ROADTYPE_ROAD, road);
	SetRoadOwner(t, ROADTYPE_TRAM, tram);

static inline void MakeAirport(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, byte section)
	MakeStation(t, o, sid, STATION_AIRPORT, section);

static inline void MakeBuoy(TileIndex t, StationID sid, WaterClass wc)
	/* Make the owner of the buoy tile the same as the current owner of the
	 * water tile. In this way, we can reset the owner of the water to its
	 * original state when the buoy gets removed. */
	MakeStation(t, GetTileOwner(t), sid, STATION_BUOY, 0);
	SetWaterClass(t, wc);

static inline void MakeDock(TileIndex t, Owner o, StationID sid, DiagDirection d, WaterClass wc)
	MakeStation(t, o, sid, STATION_DOCK, d);
	MakeStation(t + TileOffsByDiagDir(d), o, sid, STATION_DOCK, GFX_DOCK_BASE_WATER_PART + DiagDirToAxis(d));
	SetWaterClass(t + TileOffsByDiagDir(d), wc);

static inline void MakeOilrig(TileIndex t, StationID sid, WaterClass wc)
	MakeStation(t, OWNER_NONE, sid, STATION_OILRIG, 0);
	SetWaterClass(t, wc);

#endif /* STATION_MAP_H */