Files @ r12162:c4894f5339c3
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/town.h

(svn r16583) -Update: the order of the language files so it's in sync with english.txt. Normally WT2 would do this, but only with activity for those languages. Now we'd like to the order to match so we can more easily spot import bugs while developing WT3.
/* $Id$ */

/** @file town.h Base of the town class. */

#ifndef TOWN_H
#define TOWN_H

#include "core/pool_type.hpp"
#include "core/bitmath_func.hpp"
#include "core/random_func.hpp"
#include "cargo_type.h"
#include "tile_type.h"
#include "date_type.h"
#include "town_type.h"
#include "company_type.h"
#include "settings_type.h"
#include "strings_type.h"
#include "viewport_type.h"
#include "economy_type.h"
#include "map_type.h"
#include "command_type.h"

enum {
	HOUSE_MAX        = 512,

	/* There can only be as many classes as there are new houses, plus one for
	 * NO_CLASS, as the original houses don't have classes. */

enum BuildingFlags {
	TILE_NO_FLAG         =       0,
	TILE_SIZE_1x1        = 1U << 0,
	TILE_NOT_SLOPED      = 1U << 1,
	TILE_SIZE_2x1        = 1U << 2,
	TILE_SIZE_1x2        = 1U << 3,
	TILE_SIZE_2x2        = 1U << 4,


enum HouseZonesBits {
	HZB_BEGIN     = 0,
assert_compile(HZB_END == 5);


enum HouseZones {                  ///< Bit  Value       Meaning
	HZ_NOZNS             = 0x0000,  ///<       0          This is just to get rid of zeros, meaning none
	HZ_ZON1              = 1U << HZB_TOWN_EDGE,    ///< 0..4 1,2,4,8,10  which town zones the building can be built in, Zone1 been the further suburb
	HZ_ZON2              = 1U << HZB_TOWN_OUTSKIRT,
	HZ_ZON3              = 1U << HZB_TOWN_OUTER_SUBURB,
	HZ_ZON4              = 1U << HZB_TOWN_INNER_SUBURB,
	HZ_ZON5              = 1U << HZB_TOWN_CENTRE,  ///<  center of town
	HZ_ZONALL            = 0x001F,  ///<       1F         This is just to englobe all above types at once
	HZ_SUBARTC_ABOVE     = 0x0800,  ///< 11    800        can appear in sub-arctic climate above the snow line
	HZ_TEMP              = 0x1000,  ///< 12   1000        can appear in temperate climate
	HZ_SUBARTC_BELOW     = 0x2000,  ///< 13   2000        can appear in sub-arctic climate below the snow line
	HZ_SUBTROPIC         = 0x4000,  ///< 14   4000        can appear in subtropical climate
	HZ_TOYLND            = 0x8000   ///< 15   8000        can appear in toyland climate


enum HouseExtraFlags {
	NO_EXTRA_FLAG            =       0,
	BUILDING_IS_HISTORICAL   = 1U << 0,  ///< this house will only appear during town generation in random games, thus the historical
	BUILDING_IS_PROTECTED    = 1U << 1,  ///< towns and AI will not remove this house, while human players will be able to
	SYNCHRONISED_CALLBACK_1B = 1U << 2,  ///< synchronized callback 1B will be performed, on multi tile houses
	CALLBACK_1A_RANDOM_BITS  = 1U << 3,  ///< callback 1A needs random bits


template <typename T>
struct BuildingCounts {
	T id_count[HOUSE_MAX];
	T class_count[HOUSE_CLASS_MAX];

static const uint CUSTOM_TOWN_NUMBER_DIFFICULTY  = 4; ///< value for custom town number in difficulty settings
static const uint CUSTOM_TOWN_MAX_NUMBER = 5000;  ///< this is the maximum number of towns a user can specify in customisation

typedef Pool<Town, TownID, 64, 64000> TownPool;
extern TownPool _town_pool;

struct Town : TownPool::PoolItem<&_town_pool> {
	TileIndex xy;

	/* Current population of people and amount of houses. */
	uint32 num_houses;
	uint32 population;

	/* Town name */
	uint32 townnamegrfid;
	uint16 townnametype;
	uint32 townnameparts;
	char *name;

	/* NOSAVE: Location of name sign, UpdateTownVirtCoord updates this. */
	ViewportSign sign;

	/* Makes sure we don't build certain house types twice.
	 * bit 0 = Building funds received
	 * bit 1 = CHURCH
	 * bit 2 = STADIUM */
	byte flags12;

	/* level of noise that all the airports are generating */
	uint16 noise_reached;

	/* Which companies have a statue? */
	CompanyMask statues;

	/* Company ratings as well as a mask that determines which companies have a rating. */
	CompanyMask have_ratings;
	uint8 unwanted[MAX_COMPANIES]; ///< how many months companies aren't wanted by towns (bribe)
	CompanyByte exclusivity;       ///< which company has exclusivity
	uint8 exclusive_counter;       ///< months till the exclusivity expires
	int16 ratings[MAX_COMPANIES];

	/* Maximum amount of passengers and mail that can be transported. */
	uint32 max_pass;
	uint32 max_mail;
	uint32 new_max_pass;
	uint32 new_max_mail;
	uint32 act_pass;
	uint32 act_mail;
	uint32 new_act_pass;
	uint32 new_act_mail;

	/* Amount of passengers that were transported. */
	byte pct_pass_transported;
	byte pct_mail_transported;

	/* Amount of food and paper that was transported. Actually a bit mask would be enough. */
	uint16 act_food;
	uint16 act_water;
	uint16 new_act_food;
	uint16 new_act_water;

	/* Time until we rebuild a house. */
	uint16 time_until_rebuild;

	/* When to grow town next time. */
	uint16 grow_counter;
	int16 growth_rate;

	/* Fund buildings program in action? */
	byte fund_buildings_months;

	/* Fund road reconstruction in action? */
	byte road_build_months;

	/* If this is a larger town, and should grow more quickly. */
	bool larger_town;
	TownLayoutByte layout; ///< town specific road layout

	/* NOSAVE: UpdateTownRadius updates this given the house count. */
	uint32 squared_town_zone_radius[HZB_END];

	/* NOSAVE: The number of each type of building in the town. */
	BuildingCounts<uint16> building_counts;

	 * Creates a new town
	Town(TileIndex tile = INVALID_TILE) : xy(tile) { }

	/** Destroy the town */

	void InitializeLayout(TownLayout layout);

	/** Calculate the max town noise
	 * The value is counted using the population divided by the content of the
	 * entry in town_noise_population corespondig to the town's tolerance.
	 * To this result, we add 3, which is the noise of the lowest airport.
	 * So user can at least buld that airport
	 * @return the maximum noise level the town will tolerate */
	inline uint16 MaxTownNoise() const
		if (this->population == 0) return 0; // no population? no noise

		return ((this->population / _settings_game.economy.town_noise_population[_settings_game.difficulty.town_council_tolerance]) + 3);

struct HouseSpec {
	/* Standard properties */
	Year min_year;                     ///< introduction year of the house
	Year max_year;                     ///< last year it can be built
	byte population;                   ///< population (Zero on other tiles in multi tile house.)
	byte removal_cost;                 ///< cost multiplier for removing it
	StringID building_name;            ///< building name
	uint16 remove_rating_decrease;     ///< rating decrease if removed
	byte mail_generation;              ///< mail generation multiplier (tile based, as the acceptances below)
	byte cargo_acceptance[3];          ///< acceptance level for the cargo slots
	CargoID accepts_cargo[3];          ///< 3 input cargo slots
	BuildingFlags building_flags;      ///< some flags that describe the house (size, stadium etc...)
	HouseZones building_availability;  ///< where can it be built (climates, zones)
	bool enabled;                      ///< the house is available to build (true by default, but can be disabled by newgrf)

	/* NewHouses properties */
	HouseID substitute_id;             ///< which original house this one is based on
	struct SpriteGroup *spritegroup;   ///< pointer to the different sprites of the house
	HouseID override;                  ///< which house this one replaces
	uint16 callback_mask;              ///< House callback flags
	byte random_colour[4];             ///< 4 "random" colours
	byte probability;                  ///< Relative probability of appearing (16 is the standard value)
	HouseExtraFlags extra_flags;       ///< some more flags
	HouseClassID class_id;             ///< defines the class this house has (grf file based) @See HouseGetVariable, prop 0x44
	byte animation_frames;             ///< number of animation frames
	byte animation_speed;              ///< amount of time between each of those frames
	byte processing_time;              ///< Periodic refresh multiplier
	byte minimum_life;                 ///< The minimum number of years this house will survive before the town rebuilds it

	/* grf file related properties*/
	uint8 local_id;                    ///< id defined by the grf file for this house
	const struct GRFFile *grffile;     ///< grf file that introduced this house

	 * Get the cost for removing this house
	 * @return the cost (inflation corrected etc)
	Money GetRemovalCost() const;


extern HouseSpec _house_specs[HOUSE_MAX];

uint32 GetWorldPopulation();

void UpdateTownVirtCoord(Town *t);
void UpdateAllTownVirtCoords();
void InitializeTown();
void ShowTownViewWindow(TownID town);
void ExpandTown(Town *t);
Town *CreateRandomTown(uint attempts, TownSize size, bool city, TownLayout layout);

enum TownRatingCheckType {
	ROAD_REMOVE         = 0,

/** This is the number of ticks between towns being processed for building new
 * houses or roads. This value originally came from the size of the town array
 * in TTD. */
static const byte TOWN_GROWTH_FREQUENCY = 70;

/** Simple value that indicates the house has reached the final stage of
 * construction. */
static const byte TOWN_HOUSE_COMPLETED = 3;

/** This enum is used in conjonction with town->flags12.
 * IT simply states what bit is used for.
 * It is pretty unrealistic (IMHO) to only have one church/stadium
 * per town, NO MATTER the population of it.
 * And there are 5 more bits available on flags12...
enum {
	TOWN_IS_FUNDED      = 0,   ///< Town has received some funds for
	TOWN_HAS_CHURCH     = 1,   ///< There can be only one church by town.
	TOWN_HAS_STADIUM    = 2    ///< There can be only one stadium by town.

bool CheckforTownRating(DoCommandFlag flags, Town *t, TownRatingCheckType type);

static inline HouseSpec *GetHouseSpecs(HouseID house_id)
	assert(house_id < HOUSE_MAX);
	return &_house_specs[house_id];

TileIndexDiff GetHouseNorthPart(HouseID &house);

 * Return a random valid town.
static inline Town *GetRandomTown()
	int num = RandomRange((uint16)Town::GetNumItems());
	TownID index = INVALID_TOWN;

	while (num >= 0) {

		/* Make sure we have a valid town */
		while (!Town::IsValidID(index)) {
			assert(index < Town::GetPoolSize());

	return Town::Get(index);

Town *CalcClosestTownFromTile(TileIndex tile, uint threshold = UINT_MAX, const Town *ignore = NULL);

#define FOR_ALL_TOWNS_FROM(var, start) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(Town, town_index, var, start)
#define FOR_ALL_TOWNS(var) FOR_ALL_TOWNS_FROM(var, 0)

extern Town *_cleared_town;
extern int _cleared_town_rating;

void ResetHouses();

void ClearTownHouse(Town *t, TileIndex tile);
void UpdateTownMaxPass(Town *t);
void UpdateTownRadius(Town *t);
bool CheckIfAuthorityAllowsNewStation(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags);
Town *ClosestTownFromTile(TileIndex tile, uint threshold);
void ChangeTownRating(Town *t, int add, int max, DoCommandFlag flags);
HouseZonesBits GetTownRadiusGroup(const Town *t, TileIndex tile);
void SetTownRatingTestMode(bool mode);
uint GetMaskOfTownActions(int *nump, CompanyID cid, const Town *t);
bool GenerateTowns(TownLayout layout);
bool GenerateTownName(uint32 *townnameparts);

 * Calculate a hash value from a tile position
 * @param x The X coordinate
 * @param y The Y coordinate
 * @return The hash of the tile
static inline uint TileHash(uint x, uint y)
	uint hash = x >> 4;
	hash ^= x >> 6;
	hash ^= y >> 4;
	hash -= y >> 6;
	return hash;

 * Get the last two bits of the TileHash
 *  from a tile position.
 * @see TileHash()
 * @param x The X coordinate
 * @param y The Y coordinate
 * @return The last two bits from hash of the tile
static inline uint TileHash2Bit(uint x, uint y)
	return GB(TileHash(x, y), 0, 2);

#endif /* TOWN_H */