Files @ r9657:c4a8f9c442d7
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/command_type.h

(svn r13729) -Fix: assumption that non-north tiles of a house do not have the 1x1 building bit set was flawed with some NewGRFs. This caused the amount of houses to differ, which causes the town radii to differ, which causes desyncs when towns are expanded.
/* $Id$ */

/** @file command_type.h Types related to commands. */


#include "economy_type.h"
#include "strings_type.h"
#include "tile_type.h"

 * Common return value for all commands. Wraps the cost and
 * a possible error message/state together.
class CommandCost {
	ExpensesType expense_type; ///< the type of expence as shown on the finances view
	Money cost;       ///< The cost of this action
	StringID message; ///< Warning message for when success is unset
	bool success;     ///< Whether the comment went fine up to this moment

	 * Creates a command cost return with no cost and no error
	CommandCost() : expense_type(INVALID_EXPENSES), cost(0), message(INVALID_STRING_ID), success(true) {}

	 * Creates a command return value the is failed with the given message
	CommandCost(StringID msg) : expense_type(INVALID_EXPENSES), cost(0), message(msg), success(false) {}

	 * Creates a command cost with given expense type and start cost of 0
	 * @param ex_t the expense type
	CommandCost(ExpensesType ex_t) : expense_type(ex_t), cost(0), message(INVALID_STRING_ID), success(true) {}

	 * Creates a command return value with the given start cost and expense type
	 * @param ex_t the expense type
	 * @param cst the initial cost of this command
	CommandCost(ExpensesType ex_t, Money cst) : expense_type(ex_t), cost(cst), message(INVALID_STRING_ID), success(true) {}

	 * Adds the cost of the given command return value to this cost.
	 * Also takes a possible error message when it is set.
	 * @param ret the command to add the cost of.
	 * @return this class.
	CommandCost AddCost(CommandCost ret);

	 * Adds the given cost to the cost of the command.
	 * @param cost the cost to add
	 * @return this class.
	CommandCost AddCost(Money cost)
		this->cost += cost;
		return *this;

	 * Multiplies the cost of the command by the given factor.
	 * @param cost factor to multiply the costs with
	 * @return this class
	CommandCost MultiplyCost(int factor)
		this->cost *= factor;
		return *this;

	 * The costs as made up to this moment
	 * @return the costs
	Money GetCost() const
		return this->cost;

	 * The expense type of the cost
	 * @return the expense type
	ExpensesType GetExpensesType() const
		return this->expense_type;

	 * Sets the global error message *if* this class has one.
	void SetGlobalErrorMessage() const
		extern StringID _error_message;
		if (this->message != INVALID_STRING_ID) _error_message = this->message;

	 * Did this command succeed?
	 * @return true if and only if it succeeded
	bool Succeeded() const
		return this->success;

	 * Did this command fail?
	 * @return true if and only if it failed
	bool Failed() const
		return !this->success;

 * List of commands.
 * This enum defines all possible commands which can be executed to the game
 * engine. Observing the game like the query-tool or checking the profit of a
 * vehicle don't result in a command which should be executed in the engine
 * nor send to the server in a network game.
 * @see _command_proc_table
enum {
	CMD_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK,         ///< build a rail track
	CMD_REMOVE_RAILROAD_TRACK,        ///< remove a rail track
	CMD_BUILD_SINGLE_RAIL,            ///< build a single rail track
	CMD_REMOVE_SINGLE_RAIL,           ///< remove a single rail track
	CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR,              ///< demolish a tile
	CMD_BUILD_BRIDGE,                 ///< build a bridge
	CMD_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION,       ///< build a railroad station
	CMD_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT,            ///< build a train depot
	CMD_BUILD_SIGNALS,                ///< build a signal
	CMD_REMOVE_SIGNALS,               ///< remove a signal
	CMD_TERRAFORM_LAND,               ///< terraform a tile
	CMD_PURCHASE_LAND_AREA,           ///< purchase a tile
	CMD_SELL_LAND_AREA,               ///< sell a bought tile before
	CMD_BUILD_TUNNEL,                 ///< build a tunnel

	CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAILROAD_STATION, ///< remove a tile station
	CMD_CONVERT_RAIL,                 ///< convert a rail type

	CMD_BUILD_TRAIN_WAYPOINT,         ///< build a waypoint
	CMD_RENAME_WAYPOINT,              ///< rename a waypoint
	CMD_REMOVE_TRAIN_WAYPOINT,        ///< remove a waypoint

	CMD_BUILD_ROAD_STOP,              ///< build a road stop
	CMD_REMOVE_ROAD_STOP,             ///< remove a road stop
	CMD_BUILD_LONG_ROAD,              ///< build a complete road (not a "half" one)
	CMD_REMOVE_LONG_ROAD,             ///< remove a complete road (not a "half" one)
	CMD_BUILD_ROAD,                   ///< build a "half" road
	CMD_REMOVE_ROAD,                  ///< remove a "half" road
	CMD_BUILD_ROAD_DEPOT,             ///< build a road depot

	CMD_BUILD_AIRPORT,                ///< build an airport

	CMD_BUILD_DOCK,                   ///< build a dock

	CMD_BUILD_SHIP_DEPOT,             ///< build a ship depot
	CMD_BUILD_BUOY,                   ///< build a buoy

	CMD_PLANT_TREE,                   ///< plant a tree

	CMD_BUILD_RAIL_VEHICLE,           ///< build a rail vehicle
	CMD_MOVE_RAIL_VEHICLE,            ///< move a rail vehicle (in the depot)

	CMD_START_STOP_TRAIN,             ///< start or stop a train

	CMD_SELL_RAIL_WAGON,              ///< sell a rail wagon

	CMD_SEND_TRAIN_TO_DEPOT,          ///< send a train to a depot
	CMD_FORCE_TRAIN_PROCEED,          ///< proceed a train to pass a red signal
	CMD_REVERSE_TRAIN_DIRECTION,      ///< turn a train around

	CMD_MODIFY_ORDER,                 ///< modify an order (like set full-load)
	CMD_SKIP_TO_ORDER,                ///< skip an order to the next of specific one
	CMD_DELETE_ORDER,                 ///< delete an order
	CMD_INSERT_ORDER,                 ///< insert a new order

	CMD_CHANGE_SERVICE_INT,           ///< change the server interval of a vehicle

	CMD_BUILD_INDUSTRY,               ///< build a new industry

	CMD_BUILD_COMPANY_HQ,             ///< build the company headquarter
	CMD_SET_PLAYER_FACE,              ///< set the face of the player/company
	CMD_SET_PLAYER_COLOR,             ///< set the color of the player/company

	CMD_INCREASE_LOAN,                ///< increase the loan from the bank
	CMD_DECREASE_LOAN,                ///< decrease the loan from the bank

	CMD_WANT_ENGINE_PREVIEW,          ///< confirm the preview of an engine

	CMD_NAME_VEHICLE,                 ///< rename a whole vehicle
	CMD_RENAME_ENGINE,                ///< rename a engine (in the engine list)
	CMD_CHANGE_COMPANY_NAME,          ///< change the company name
	CMD_CHANGE_PRESIDENT_NAME,        ///< change the president name
	CMD_RENAME_STATION,               ///< rename a station

	CMD_SELL_AIRCRAFT,                ///< sell an aircraft
	CMD_START_STOP_AIRCRAFT,          ///< start/stop an aircraft
	CMD_BUILD_AIRCRAFT,               ///< build an aircraft
	CMD_SEND_AIRCRAFT_TO_HANGAR,      ///< send an aircraft to a hanger
	CMD_REFIT_AIRCRAFT,               ///< refit the cargo space of an aircraft

	CMD_PLACE_SIGN,                   ///< place a sign
	CMD_RENAME_SIGN,                  ///< rename a sign

	CMD_BUILD_ROAD_VEH,               ///< build a road vehicle
	CMD_START_STOP_ROADVEH,           ///< start/stop a road vehicle
	CMD_SELL_ROAD_VEH,                ///< sell a road vehicle
	CMD_SEND_ROADVEH_TO_DEPOT,        ///< send a road vehicle to the depot
	CMD_TURN_ROADVEH,                 ///< turn a road vehicle around
	CMD_REFIT_ROAD_VEH,               ///< refit the cargo space of a road vehicle

	CMD_PAUSE,                        ///< pause the game

	CMD_BUY_SHARE_IN_COMPANY,         ///< buy a share from a company
	CMD_SELL_SHARE_IN_COMPANY,        ///< sell a share from a company
	CMD_BUY_COMPANY,                  ///< buy a company which is bankrupt

	CMD_BUILD_TOWN,                   ///< build a town

	CMD_RENAME_TOWN,                  ///< rename a town
	CMD_DO_TOWN_ACTION,               ///< do a action from the town detail window (like advertises or bribe)

	CMD_SET_ROAD_DRIVE_SIDE,          ///< set the side where the road vehicles drive

	CMD_START_STOP_SHIP,              ///< start/stop a ship
	CMD_SELL_SHIP,                    ///< sell a ship
	CMD_BUILD_SHIP,                   ///< build a new ship
	CMD_SEND_SHIP_TO_DEPOT,           ///< send a ship to a depot
	CMD_REFIT_SHIP,                   ///< refit the cargo space of a ship

	CMD_ORDER_REFIT,                  ///< change the refit informaction of an order (for "goto depot" )
	CMD_CLONE_ORDER,                  ///< clone (and share) an order
	CMD_CLEAR_AREA,                   ///< clear an area

	CMD_MONEY_CHEAT,                  ///< do the money cheat
	CMD_BUILD_CANAL,                  ///< build a canal

	CMD_PLAYER_CTRL,                  ///< used in multiplayer to create a new player etc.
	CMD_LEVEL_LAND,                   ///< level land

	CMD_REFIT_RAIL_VEHICLE,           ///< refit the cargo space of a train
	CMD_RESTORE_ORDER_INDEX,          ///< restore vehicle order-index and service interval
	CMD_BUILD_LOCK,                   ///< build a lock

	CMD_BUILD_SIGNAL_TRACK,           ///< add signals along a track (by dragging)
	CMD_REMOVE_SIGNAL_TRACK,          ///< remove signals along a track (by dragging)

	CMD_GIVE_MONEY,                   ///< give money to an other player
	CMD_CHANGE_PATCH_SETTING,         ///< change a patch setting

	CMD_SET_AUTOREPLACE,              ///< set an autoreplace entry

	CMD_CLONE_VEHICLE,                ///< clone a vehicle
	CMD_MASS_START_STOP,              ///< start/stop all vehicles (in a depot)
	CMD_DEPOT_SELL_ALL_VEHICLES,      ///< sell all vehicles which are in a given depot
	CMD_DEPOT_MASS_AUTOREPLACE,       ///< force the autoreplace to take action in a given depot

	CMD_CREATE_GROUP,                 ///< create a new group
	CMD_DELETE_GROUP,                 ///< delete a group
	CMD_RENAME_GROUP,                 ///< rename a group
	CMD_ADD_VEHICLE_GROUP,            ///< add a vehicle to a group
	CMD_ADD_SHARED_VEHICLE_GROUP,     ///< add all other shared vehicles to a group which are missing
	CMD_REMOVE_ALL_VEHICLES_GROUP,    ///< remove all vehicles from a group
	CMD_SET_GROUP_REPLACE_PROTECTION, ///< set the autoreplace-protection for a group

	CMD_MOVE_ORDER,                   ///< move an order
	CMD_CHANGE_TIMETABLE,             ///< change the timetable for a vehicle
	CMD_SET_VEHICLE_ON_TIME,          ///< set the vehicle on time feature (timetable)
	CMD_AUTOFILL_TIMETABLE,           ///< autofill the timetable

 * List of flags for a command.
 * This enums defines some flags which can be used for the commands.
enum {
	DC_EXEC            = 0x001, ///< execute the given command
	DC_AUTO            = 0x002, ///< don't allow building on structures
	DC_QUERY_COST      = 0x004, ///< query cost only,  don't build.
	DC_NO_WATER        = 0x008, ///< don't allow building on water
	DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP = 0x010, ///< don't allow overlap of rails (used in buildrail)
	DC_AI_BUILDING     = 0x020, ///< special building rules for AI
	DC_NO_TOWN_RATING  = 0x040, ///< town rating does not disallow you from building
	DC_BANKRUPT        = 0x080, ///< company bankrupts, skip money check, skip vehicle on tile check in some cases
	DC_AUTOREPLACE     = 0x100, ///< autoreplace/autorenew is in progress

 * Used to combine a StringID with the command.
 * This macro can be used to add a StringID (the error message to show) on a command-id
 * (CMD_xxx). Use the binary or-operator "|" to combine the command with the result from
 * this macro.
 * @param x The StringID to combine with a command-id
#define CMD_MSG(x) ((x) << 16)

 * Defines some flags.
 * This enumeration defines some flags which are binary-or'ed on a command.
enum {
	CMD_NO_WATER              = 0x0400, ///< dont build on water
	CMD_NETWORK_COMMAND       = 0x0800, ///< execute the command without sending it on the network
	CMD_NO_TEST_IF_IN_NETWORK = 0x1000, ///< When enabled, the command will bypass the no-DC_EXEC round if in network
	CMD_SHOW_NO_ERROR         = 0x2000, ///< do not show the error message

 * Command flags for the command table _command_proc_table.
 * This enumeration defines flags for the _command_proc_table.
enum {
	CMD_SERVER  = 0x1, ///< the command can only be initiated by the server
	CMD_OFFLINE = 0x2, ///< the command cannot be executed in a multiplayer game; single-player only
	CMD_AUTO    = 0x4, ///< set the DC_AUTO flag on this command

 * Defines the callback type for all command handler functions.
 * This type defines the function header for all functions which handles a CMD_* command.
 * A command handler use the parameters to act according to the meaning of the command.
 * The tile parameter defines the tile to perform an action on.
 * The flag parameter is filled with flags from the DC_* enumeration. The parameters
 * p1 and p2 are filled with parameters for the command like "which road type", "which
 * order" or "direction". Each function should mentioned in there doxygen comments
 * the usage of these parameters.
 * @param tile The tile to apply a command on
 * @param flags Flags for the command, from the DC_* enumeration
 * @param p1 Additional data for the command
 * @param p2 Additional data for the command
 * @return The CommandCost of the command, which can be succeeded or failed.
typedef CommandCost CommandProc(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2);

 * Define a command with the flags which belongs to it.
 * This struct connect a command handler function with the flags created with
 * the #CMD_AUTO, #CMD_OFFLINE and #CMD_SERVER values.
struct Command {
	CommandProc *proc;
	byte flags;

 * Define a callback function for the client, after the command is finished.
 * Functions of this type are called after the command is finished. The parameters
 * are from the #CommandProc callback type. The boolean parameter indicates if the
 * command succeeded or failed.
 * @param success If the command succeeded or not.
 * @param tile The tile of the command action
 * @param p1 Additional data of the command
 * @param p1 Additional data of the command
 * @see CommandProc
typedef void CommandCallback(bool success, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2);

#endif /* COMMAND_TYPE_H */