Files @ r4381:c965d1f3016a
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/map.c

(svn r6131) -Codechange : Complete all missing _ttdpatch_flags entries
-Feature : both unifiedmaglevmode are now set.
Maglev and monorail are not allowed to run on each other tracks and will not be.
Setting those flags will allow grfsets as the Norvegian one to be loaded
-Codechange : link the TTDPatch's irregularstations with OTTD's nonuniform_stations
-Codechange : Reformat the whole array (thanks Rubidium, it sure looks better now)
/* $Id$ */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "map.h"

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 /* VStudio 2005 is stupid! */
/* Why the hell is that not in all MSVC headers?? */
_CRTIMP void __cdecl _assert(void *, void *, unsigned);

uint _map_log_x;
uint _map_size_x;
uint _map_size_y;
uint _map_tile_mask;
uint _map_size;

Tile* _m = NULL;

void AllocateMap(uint size_x, uint size_y)
	// Make sure that the map size is within the limits and that
	// the x axis size is a power of 2.
	if (size_x < 64 || size_x > 2048 ||
			size_y < 64 || size_y > 2048 ||
			(size_x&(size_x-1)) != 0 ||
			(size_y&(size_y-1)) != 0)
		error("Invalid map size");

	DEBUG(map, 1)("Allocating map of size %dx%d", size_x, size_y);

	_map_log_x = FindFirstBit(size_x);
	_map_size_x = size_x;
	_map_size_y = size_y;
	_map_size = size_x * size_y;
	_map_tile_mask = _map_size - 1;

	_m = calloc(_map_size, sizeof(*_m));

	// XXX TODO handle memory shortage more gracefully
	if (_m == NULL) error("Failed to allocate memory for the map");

#ifdef _DEBUG
TileIndex TileAdd(TileIndex tile, TileIndexDiff add,
	const char *exp, const char *file, int line)
	int dx;
	int dy;
	uint x;
	uint y;

	dx = add & MapMaxX();
	if (dx >= (int)MapSizeX() / 2) dx -= MapSizeX();
	dy = (add - dx) / (int)MapSizeX();

	x = TileX(tile) + dx;
	y = TileY(tile) + dy;

	if (x >= MapSizeX() || y >= MapSizeY()) {
		char buf[512];

		sprintf(buf, "TILE_ADD(%s) when adding 0x%.4X and 0x%.4X failed",
			exp, tile, add);
#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
		fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d %s\n", file, line, buf);
		_assert(buf, (char*)file, line);

	assert(TileXY(x,y) == TILE_MASK(tile + add));

	return TileXY(x,y);

uint ScaleByMapSize(uint n)
	// First shift by 12 to prevent integer overflow for large values of n.
	// >>12 is safe since the min mapsize is 64x64
	// Add (1<<4)-1 to round upwards.
	return (n * (MapSize() >> 12) + (1<<4) - 1) >> 4;

// Scale relative to the circumference of the map
uint ScaleByMapSize1D(uint n)
	// Normal circumference for the X+Y is 256+256 = 1<<9
	// Note, not actually taking the full circumference into account,
	// just half of it.
	// (1<<9) - 1 is there to scale upwards.
	return (n * (MapSizeX() + MapSizeY()) + (1<<9) - 1) >> 9;

// This function checks if we add addx/addy to tile, if we
//  do wrap around the edges. For example, tile = (10,2) and
//  addx = +3 and addy = -4. This function will now return
//  INVALID_TILE, because the y is wrapped. This is needed in
//  for example, farmland. When the tile is not wrapped,
//  the result will be tile + TileDiffXY(addx, addy)
uint TileAddWrap(TileIndex tile, int addx, int addy)
	uint x = TileX(tile) + addx;
	uint y = TileY(tile) + addy;

	// Are we about to wrap?
	if (x < MapMaxX() && y < MapMaxY())
		return tile + TileDiffXY(addx, addy);


const TileIndexDiffC _tileoffs_by_dir[] = {
	{-1,  0},
	{ 0,  1},
	{ 1,  0},
	{ 0, -1}

uint DistanceManhattan(TileIndex t0, TileIndex t1)
	const uint dx = abs(TileX(t0) - TileX(t1));
	const uint dy = abs(TileY(t0) - TileY(t1));
	return dx + dy;

uint DistanceSquare(TileIndex t0, TileIndex t1)
	const int dx = TileX(t0) - TileX(t1);
	const int dy = TileY(t0) - TileY(t1);
	return dx * dx + dy * dy;

uint DistanceMax(TileIndex t0, TileIndex t1)
	const uint dx = abs(TileX(t0) - TileX(t1));
	const uint dy = abs(TileY(t0) - TileY(t1));
	return dx > dy ? dx : dy;

uint DistanceMaxPlusManhattan(TileIndex t0, TileIndex t1)
	const uint dx = abs(TileX(t0) - TileX(t1));
	const uint dy = abs(TileY(t0) - TileY(t1));
	return dx > dy ? 2 * dx + dy : 2 * dy + dx;

uint DistanceFromEdge(TileIndex tile)
	const uint xl = TileX(tile);
	const uint yl = TileY(tile);
	const uint xh = MapSizeX() - 1 - xl;
	const uint yh = MapSizeY() - 1 - yl;
	const uint minl = xl < yl ? xl : yl;
	const uint minh = xh < yh ? xh : yh;
	return minl < minh ? minl : minh;