Files @ r7882:cdf03a4ac84a
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/projects/determineversion.vbs

(svn r11433) -Fix: starting OpenTTD with DOS files made it look weird out of the box.
-Change: make extra sprites (the ones not in the TTD GRFs) replaceable using Action 5.
-Feature: make replacing contiguous subsets of sprites in for some types possible in Action 5.
Note to GRF authors: when you replaced OpenTTD sprites that are not from the TTD GRF files using Action A, your GRF will not have the intended result anymore as the sprite numbers have changed. You should replace the Action A with an Action 5 from now on.
Option Explicit

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Sub FindReplaceInFile(filename, to_find, replacement)
	Dim file, data
	Set file = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename, 1, 0, 0)
	data = file.ReadAll
	data = Replace(data, to_find, replacement)
	Set file = FSO.CreateTextFile(FileName, -1, 0)
	file.Write data
End Sub

Sub UpdateFile(revision, version, cur_date, filename)
	FSO.CopyFile filename & ".in", filename
	FindReplaceInFile filename, "@@REVISION@@", revision
	FindReplaceInFile filename, "@@VERSION@@", version
	FindReplaceInFile filename, "@@DATE@@", cur_date
End Sub

Sub UpdateFiles(version)
	Dim WshShell, cur_date, revision, oExec
	Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	cur_date = DatePart("D", Date) & "." & DatePart("M", Date) & "." & DatePart("YYYY", Date)
	revision = 0
	Select Case Mid(version, 1, 1)
		Case "r" ' svn
			revision = Mid(version, 2)
			If InStr(revision, "M") Then
				revision = Mid(revision, 1, InStr(revision, "M") - 1)
			End If
			If InStr(revision, "-") Then
				revision = Mid(revision, 1, InStr(revision, "-") - 1)
			End If
		Case "h" ' mercurial (hg)
			Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("hg log -k " & Chr(34) & "svn" & Chr(34) & " -l 1 --template " & Chr(34) & "{desc}\n" & Chr(34) & " ../src")
			If Err.Number = 0 Then
				revision = Mid(OExec.StdOut.ReadLine(), 7)
				revision = Mid(revision, 1, InStr(revision, ")") - 1)
			End If
	End Select

	UpdateFile revision, version, cur_date, "../src/rev.cpp"
	UpdateFile revision, version, cur_date, "../src/ottdres.rc"
End Sub

Function DetermineSVNVersion()
	Dim WshShell, version, url, oExec, line
	Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	On Error Resume Next

	' Try TortoiseSVN
	' Get the directory where TortoiseSVN (should) reside(s)
	Dim sTortoise
	sTortoise = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\TortoiseSVN\Directory")

	Dim file
	' Write some "magic" to a temporary file so we can acquire the svn revision/state
	Set file = FSO.CreateTextFile("tsvn_tmp", -1, 0)
	file.WriteLine "r$WCREV$$WCMODS?M:$"
	file.WriteLine "$WCURL$"
	Set oExec = WshShell.Exec(sTortoise & "\bin\SubWCRev.exe ../src tsvn_tmp tsvn_tmp")
	' Wait till the application is finished ...
	Loop While Not OExec.StdOut.atEndOfStream

	Set file = FSO.OpenTextFile("tsvn_tmp", 1, 0, 0)
	version = file.ReadLine
	url = file.ReadLine

	Set file = FSO.GetFile("tsvn_tmp")

	' Looks like there is no TortoiseSVN installed either. Then we don't know it.
	If InStr(version, "$") Then
		' Reset error and version
		version = "norev000"
		' Do we have subversion installed? Check immediatelly whether we've got a modified WC.
		Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("svnversion ../src")
		If Err.Number = 0 Then
			Dim modified
			If InStr(OExec.StdOut.ReadLine(), "M") Then
				modified = "M"
				modified = ""
			End If

			' Set the environment to english
			WshShell.Environment("PROCESS")("LANG") = "en"

			' And use svn info to get the correct revision and branch information.
			Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("svn info ../src")
			If Err.Number = 0 Then
					line = OExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
					If InStr(line, "URL") Then
						url = line
					End If
					If InStr(line, "Last Changed Rev") Then
						version = "r" & Mid(line, 19) & modified
					End If
				Loop While Not OExec.StdOut.atEndOfStream
			End If
		End If
	End If

	If version <> "norev000" Then
		If InStr(url, "branches") Then
			url = Mid(url, InStr(url, "branches") + 8)
			url = Mid(url, 1, InStr(2, url, "/") - 1)
			version = version & Replace(url, "/", "-")
		End If
		' svn detection failed, reset error and try mercurial (hg)
		Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("hg tip")
		If Err.Number = 0 Then
			version = "h" & Mid(OExec.StdOut.ReadLine(), 19, 8)
			Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("hg status ../src")
			If Err.Number = 0 Then
					line = OExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
					If Mid(line, 1, 1) <> "?" Then
						version = version & "M"
						Exit Do
					End If
				Loop While Not OExec.StdOut.atEndOfStream
			End If
			Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("hg branch")
			If Err.Number = 0 Then
					line = OExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
					If line <> "default" Then version = version & "-" & line
			End If
		End If
	End If

	DetermineSVNVersion = version
End Function

Function IsCachedVersion(version)
	Dim cache_file, cached_version
	cached_version = ""
	Set cache_file = FSO.OpenTextFile("../config.cache.version", 1, True, 0)
	If Not cache_file.atEndOfStream Then
		cached_version = cache_file.ReadLine()
	End If

	If version <> cached_version Then
		Set cache_file = fso.CreateTextFile("../config.cache.version", True)
		IsCachedVersion = False
		IsCachedVersion = True
	End If
End Function

Dim version
version = DetermineSVNVersion
If Not (IsCachedVersion(version) And FSO.FileExists("../src/rev.cpp") And FSO.FileExists("../src/ottdres.rc")) Then
	UpdateFiles version
End If