Files @ r23882:d683a0787bc9
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/azure-pipelines/templates/release-fetch-source.yml

Nikolas Nyby
Codechange: Don't use SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat()

This function requires libSDL 2.0.5 or higher. It looks like we don't
need to use it, and can just use the original SDL_CreateRGBSurface(),
with the masks set to 0, to trigger the default 8-bit format, which is

Closes #7785

Note: this code path is activated by using an 8-bit blitter, like:

./bin/openttd -b 8bpp-simple
# Fetch the source tarball as prepared by an earlier job. In there is the
# version predefined. This ensures we are all going to compile the same
# source with the same version.

- checkout: none
- task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
  displayName: 'Download source'
    downloadType: specific
    itemPattern: 'bundles/openttd-*-source.tar.xz'
    downloadPath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
- bash: tar --xz -xf ../a/bundles/openttd-*-source.tar.xz --strip-components=1
  displayName: 'Extracting source'
- bash: |
    set -e
    VERSION=$(cat .version)
    echo "${VERSION}"
    echo "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]${VERSION}"
  displayName: 'Change BuildNumber to version'