@ r28410:d9c73d685bbc
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/core/math_func.hpp
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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file math_func.hpp Integer math functions */
#include "strong_typedef_type.hpp"
* Returns the absolute value of (scalar) variable.
* @note assumes variable to be signed
* @param a The value we want to unsign
* @return The unsigned value
template <typename T>
inline T abs(const T a)
return (a < (T)0) ? -a : a;
* Return the smallest multiple of n equal or greater than x
* @note n must be a power of 2
* @param x The min value
* @param n The base of the number we are searching
* @return The smallest multiple of n equal or greater than x
template <typename T>
inline T Align(const T x, uint n)
assert((n & (n - 1)) == 0 && n != 0);
return (T)((x + n) & ~((T)n));
* Return the smallest multiple of n equal or greater than x
* Applies to pointers only
* @note n must be a power of 2
* @param x The min value
* @param n The base of the number we are searching
* @return The smallest multiple of n equal or greater than x
* @see Align()
template <typename T>
inline T *AlignPtr(T *x, uint n)
static_assert(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(void *));
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(Align((size_t)x, n));
* Clamp a value between an interval.
* This function returns a value which is between the given interval of
* min and max. If the given value is in this interval the value itself
* is returned otherwise the border of the interval is returned, according
* which side of the interval was 'left'.
* @note The min value must be less or equal of max or you get some
* unexpected results.
* @param a The value to clamp/truncate.
* @param min The minimum of the interval.
* @param max the maximum of the interval.
* @returns A value between min and max which is closest to a.
* @see ClampU(uint, uint, uint)
* @see Clamp(int, int, int)
template <typename T>
inline T Clamp(const T a, const T min, const T max)
assert(min <= max);
if (a <= min) return min;
if (a >= max) return max;
return a;
* Clamp a value between an interval.
* This function returns a value which is between the given interval of
* min and max. If the given value is in this interval the value itself
* is returned otherwise the border of the interval is returned, according
* which side of the interval was 'left'.
* @note If the min value is greater than the max, return value is the average of the min and max.
* @param a The value to clamp/truncate.
* @param min The minimum of the interval.
* @param max the maximum of the interval.
* @returns A value between min and max which is closest to a.
template <typename T>
inline T SoftClamp(const T a, const T min, const T max)
if (min > max) {
using U = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
return min - (U(min) - max) / 2;
if (a <= min) return min;
if (a >= max) return max;
return a;
* Clamp an integer between an interval.
* This function returns a value which is between the given interval of
* min and max. If the given value is in this interval the value itself
* is returned otherwise the border of the interval is returned, according
* which side of the interval was 'left'.
* @note The min value must be less or equal of max or you get some
* unexpected results.
* @param a The value to clamp/truncate.
* @param min The minimum of the interval.
* @param max the maximum of the interval.
* @returns A value between min and max which is closest to a.
* @see ClampU(uint, uint, uint)
inline int Clamp(const int a, const int min, const int max)
return Clamp<int>(a, min, max);
* Clamp an unsigned integer between an interval.
* This function returns a value which is between the given interval of
* min and max. If the given value is in this interval the value itself
* is returned otherwise the border of the interval is returned, according
* which side of the interval was 'left'.
* @note The min value must be less or equal of max or you get some
* unexpected results.
* @param a The value to clamp/truncate.
* @param min The minimum of the interval.
* @param max the maximum of the interval.
* @returns A value between min and max which is closest to a.
* @see Clamp(int, int, int)
inline uint ClampU(const uint a, const uint min, const uint max)
return Clamp<uint>(a, min, max);
* Clamp the given value down to lie within the requested type.
* For example ClampTo<uint8_t> will return a value clamped to the range of 0
* to 255. Anything smaller will become 0, anything larger will become 255.
* @param a The 64-bit value to clamp.
* @return The 64-bit value reduced to a value within the given allowed range
* for the return type.
* @see Clamp(int, int, int)
template <typename To, typename From, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<From>::value, int> = 0>
constexpr To ClampTo(From value)
static_assert(std::numeric_limits<To>::is_integer, "Do not clamp from non-integer values");
static_assert(std::numeric_limits<From>::is_integer, "Do not clamp to non-integer values");
if constexpr (sizeof(To) >= sizeof(From) && std::numeric_limits<To>::is_signed == std::numeric_limits<From>::is_signed) {
/* Same signedness and To type is larger or equal than From type, no clamping is required. */
return static_cast<To>(value);
if constexpr (sizeof(To) > sizeof(From) && std::numeric_limits<To>::is_signed) {
/* Signed destination and a larger To type, no clamping is required. */
return static_cast<To>(value);
/* Get the bigger of the two types based on essentially the number of bits. */
using BiggerType = typename std::conditional<sizeof(From) >= sizeof(To), From, To>::type;
if constexpr (std::numeric_limits<To>::is_signed) {
/* The output is a signed number. */
if constexpr (std::numeric_limits<From>::is_signed) {
/* Both input and output are signed. */
return static_cast<To>(std::clamp<BiggerType>(value,
std::numeric_limits<To>::lowest(), std::numeric_limits<To>::max()));
/* The input is unsigned, so skip the minimum check and use unsigned variant of the biggest type as intermediate type. */
using BiggerUnsignedType = typename std::make_unsigned<BiggerType>::type;
return static_cast<To>(std::min<BiggerUnsignedType>(std::numeric_limits<To>::max(), value));
/* The output is unsigned. */
if constexpr (std::numeric_limits<From>::is_signed) {
/* Input is signed; account for the negative numbers in the input. */
if constexpr (sizeof(To) >= sizeof(From)) {
/* If the output type is larger or equal to the input type, then only clamp the negative numbers. */
return static_cast<To>(std::max<From>(value, 0));
/* The output type is smaller than the input type. */
using BiggerSignedType = typename std::make_signed<BiggerType>::type;
return static_cast<To>(std::clamp<BiggerSignedType>(value,
std::numeric_limits<To>::lowest(), std::numeric_limits<To>::max()));
/* The input and output are unsigned, just clamp at the high side. */
return static_cast<To>(std::min<BiggerType>(value, std::numeric_limits<To>::max()));
* Specialization of ClampTo for #StrongType::Typedef.
template <typename To, typename From, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<StrongTypedefBase, From>::value, int> = 0>
constexpr To ClampTo(From value)
return ClampTo<To>(value.base());
* Returns the (absolute) difference between two (scalar) variables
* @param a The first scalar
* @param b The second scalar
* @return The absolute difference between the given scalars
template <typename T>
inline T Delta(const T a, const T b)
return (a < b) ? b - a : a - b;
* Checks if a value is between a window started at some base point.
* This function checks if the value x is between the value of base
* and base+size. If x equals base this returns true. If x equals
* base+size this returns false.
* @param x The value to check
* @param base The base value of the interval
* @param size The size of the interval
* @return True if the value is in the interval, false else.
template <typename T>
inline bool IsInsideBS(const T x, const size_t base, const size_t size)
return (size_t)(x - base) < size;
* Checks if a value is in an interval.
* Returns true if a value is in the interval of [min, max).
* @param x The value to check
* @param min The minimum of the interval
* @param max The maximum of the interval
* @see IsInsideBS()
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::disjunction_v<std::is_convertible<T, size_t>, std::is_base_of<StrongTypedefBase, T>>, int> = 0>
static constexpr inline bool IsInsideMM(const T x, const size_t min, const size_t max) noexcept
if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<StrongTypedefBase, T>) {
return (size_t)(x.base() - min) < (max - min);
} else {
return (size_t)(x - min) < (max - min);
* Type safe swap operation
* @param a variable to swap with b
* @param b variable to swap with a
template <typename T>
inline void Swap(T &a, T &b)
T t = a;
a = b;
b = t;
* Converts a "fract" value 0..255 to "percent" value 0..100
* @param i value to convert, range 0..255
* @return value in range 0..100
inline uint ToPercent8(uint i)
assert(i < 256);
return i * 101 >> 8;
* Converts a "fract" value 0..65535 to "percent" value 0..100
* @param i value to convert, range 0..65535
* @return value in range 0..100
inline uint ToPercent16(uint i)
assert(i < 65536);
return i * 101 >> 16;
int LeastCommonMultiple(int a, int b);
int GreatestCommonDivisor(int a, int b);
int DivideApprox(int a, int b);
* Computes ceil(a / b) for non-negative a and b.
* @param a Numerator
* @param b Denominator
* @return Quotient, rounded up
inline uint CeilDiv(uint a, uint b)
return (a + b - 1) / b;
* Computes ceil(a / b) * b for non-negative a and b.
* @param a Numerator
* @param b Denominator
* @return a rounded up to the nearest multiple of b.
inline uint Ceil(uint a, uint b)
return CeilDiv(a, b) * b;
* Computes round(a / b) for signed a and unsigned b.
* @param a Numerator
* @param b Denominator
* @return Quotient, rounded to nearest
inline int RoundDivSU(int a, uint b)
if (a > 0) {
/* 0.5 is rounded to 1 */
return (a + static_cast<int>(b) / 2) / static_cast<int>(b);
} else {
/* -0.5 is rounded to 0 */
return (a - (static_cast<int>(b) - 1) / 2) / static_cast<int>(b);
* Computes (a / b) rounded away from zero.
* @param a Numerator
* @param b Denominator
* @return Quotient, rounded away from zero
inline int DivAwayFromZero(int a, uint b)
const int _b = static_cast<int>(b);
if (a > 0) {
return (a + _b - 1) / _b;
} else {
/* Note: Behaviour of negative numerator division is truncation toward zero. */
return (a - _b + 1) / _b;
uint32_t IntSqrt(uint32_t num);
#endif /* MATH_FUNC_HPP */