@ r28409:ddd9f9f09a4d
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/vehicle_func.h
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Codechange: Use CompanyMask to pass Companies to PopupMainCompanyToolbMenu().
It's like the type was designed for it.
It's like the type was designed for it.
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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file vehicle_func.h Functions related to vehicles. */
#include "gfx_type.h"
#include "direction_type.h"
#include "command_type.h"
#include "vehicle_type.h"
#include "engine_type.h"
#include "transport_type.h"
#include "newgrf_config.h"
#include "track_type.h"
#include "livery.h"
#define is_custom_sprite(x) (x >= 0xFD)
static const int VEHICLE_PROFIT_MIN_AGE = CalendarTime::DAYS_IN_YEAR * 2; ///< Only vehicles older than this have a meaningful profit.
static const Money VEHICLE_PROFIT_THRESHOLD = 10000; ///< Threshold for a vehicle to be considered making good profit.
* Helper to check whether an image index is valid for a particular vehicle.
* @tparam T The type of vehicle.
* @param image_index The image index to check.
* @return True iff the image index is valid.
template <VehicleType T>
bool IsValidImageIndex(uint8_t image_index);
typedef Vehicle *VehicleFromPosProc(Vehicle *v, void *data);
void VehicleServiceInDepot(Vehicle *v);
uint CountVehiclesInChain(const Vehicle *v);
void FindVehicleOnPos(TileIndex tile, void *data, VehicleFromPosProc *proc);
void FindVehicleOnPosXY(int x, int y, void *data, VehicleFromPosProc *proc);
bool HasVehicleOnPos(TileIndex tile, void *data, VehicleFromPosProc *proc);
bool HasVehicleOnPosXY(int x, int y, void *data, VehicleFromPosProc *proc);
void CallVehicleTicks();
uint8_t CalcPercentVehicleFilled(const Vehicle *v, StringID *colour);
void VehicleLengthChanged(const Vehicle *u);
void ResetVehicleHash();
void ResetVehicleColourMap();
byte GetBestFittingSubType(Vehicle *v_from, Vehicle *v_for, CargoID dest_cargo_type);
void ViewportAddVehicles(DrawPixelInfo *dpi);
void ShowNewGrfVehicleError(EngineID engine, StringID part1, StringID part2, GRFBugs bug_type, bool critical);
CommandCost TunnelBridgeIsFree(TileIndex tile, TileIndex endtile, const Vehicle *ignore = nullptr);
void DecreaseVehicleValue(Vehicle *v);
void CheckVehicleBreakdown(Vehicle *v);
void AgeVehicle(Vehicle *v);
void VehicleEnteredDepotThisTick(Vehicle *v);
UnitID GetFreeUnitNumber(VehicleType type);
void VehicleEnterDepot(Vehicle *v);
bool CanBuildVehicleInfrastructure(VehicleType type, byte subtype = 0);
/** Position information of a vehicle after it moved */
struct GetNewVehiclePosResult {
int x, y; ///< x and y position of the vehicle after moving
TileIndex old_tile; ///< Current tile of the vehicle
TileIndex new_tile; ///< Tile of the vehicle after moving
GetNewVehiclePosResult GetNewVehiclePos(const Vehicle *v);
Direction GetDirectionTowards(const Vehicle *v, int x, int y);
* Is the given vehicle type buildable by a company?
* @param type Vehicle type being queried.
* @return Vehicle type is buildable by a company.
static inline bool IsCompanyBuildableVehicleType(VehicleType type)
switch (type) {
case VEH_ROAD:
case VEH_SHIP:
return true;
default: return false;
* Is the given vehicle buildable by a company?
* @param v Vehicle being queried.
* @return Vehicle is buildable by a company.
static inline bool IsCompanyBuildableVehicleType(const BaseVehicle *v)
return IsCompanyBuildableVehicleType(v->type);
LiveryScheme GetEngineLiveryScheme(EngineID engine_type, EngineID parent_engine_type, const Vehicle *v);
const struct Livery *GetEngineLivery(EngineID engine_type, CompanyID company, EngineID parent_engine_type, const Vehicle *v, byte livery_setting);
SpriteID GetEnginePalette(EngineID engine_type, CompanyID company);
SpriteID GetVehiclePalette(const Vehicle *v);
extern const StringID _veh_build_msg_table[];
extern const StringID _veh_sell_msg_table[];
extern const StringID _veh_refit_msg_table[];
extern const StringID _send_to_depot_msg_table[];
/* Functions to find the right command for certain vehicle type */
static inline StringID GetCmdBuildVehMsg(VehicleType type)
return _veh_build_msg_table[type];
static inline StringID GetCmdBuildVehMsg(const BaseVehicle *v)
return GetCmdBuildVehMsg(v->type);
static inline StringID GetCmdSellVehMsg(VehicleType type)
return _veh_sell_msg_table[type];
static inline StringID GetCmdSellVehMsg(const BaseVehicle *v)
return GetCmdSellVehMsg(v->type);
static inline StringID GetCmdRefitVehMsg(VehicleType type)
return _veh_refit_msg_table[type];
static inline StringID GetCmdRefitVehMsg(const BaseVehicle *v)
return GetCmdRefitVehMsg(v->type);
static inline StringID GetCmdSendToDepotMsg(VehicleType type)
return _send_to_depot_msg_table[type];
static inline StringID GetCmdSendToDepotMsg(const BaseVehicle *v)
return GetCmdSendToDepotMsg(v->type);
CommandCost EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(TileIndex tile);
CommandCost EnsureNoTrainOnTrackBits(TileIndex tile, TrackBits track_bits);
bool CanVehicleUseStation(EngineID engine_type, const struct Station *st);
bool CanVehicleUseStation(const Vehicle *v, const struct Station *st);
StringID GetVehicleCannotUseStationReason(const Vehicle *v, const Station *st);
void ReleaseDisastersTargetingVehicle(VehicleID vehicle);
typedef std::vector<VehicleID> VehicleSet;
void GetVehicleSet(VehicleSet &set, Vehicle *v, uint8_t num_vehicles);
void CheckCargoCapacity(Vehicle *v);
bool VehiclesHaveSameEngineList(const Vehicle *v1, const Vehicle *v2);
bool VehiclesHaveSameOrderList(const Vehicle *v1, const Vehicle *v2);
bool IsUniqueVehicleName(const std::string &name);
#endif /* VEHICLE_FUNC_H */