Files @ r23482:de566f8c088d
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/script/api/ai_changelog.hpp

Patric Stout
Remove: DOS support

In 10 years there was no active development on DOS. Although it
turned out to still work, the FPS was very bad. There is little
interest in the current community to look into this.

Further more, we like to switch to c++11 functions for threads,
which are not implemented by DJGPP, the only current compiler
for DOS.

Additionally, DOS is the only platform which does not support
networking. It is the reason we have tons of #ifdefs to support
disabling networking.

By removing DOS support, we can both use c++11 functions for threads,
and remove all the code related to disabling network. Sadly, this
means we have to see DOS go.

Of course, if you feel up for the task, simply revert this commit,
and implement stub c++11 functions for threads and stub functions
for networking. We are more than happy to accept such Pull Request.
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

 * @file ai_changelog.hpp Lists all changes / additions to the API.
 * Only new / renamed / deleted api functions will be listed here. A list of
 * bug fixes can be found in the normal changelog. Note that removed API
 * functions may still be available if you return an older API version
 * in GetAPIVersion() in info.nut.
 * \b 1.10.0
 * This version is not yet released. The following changes are not set in stone yet.
 * API additions:
 * \li AIGroup::SetPrimaryColour
 * \li AIGroup::SetSecondaryColour
 * \li AIGroup::GetPrimaryColour
 * \li AIGroup::GetSecondaryColour
 * \b 1.9.0
 * API additions:
 * \li AIAirport::GetMonthlyMaintenanceCost
 * \li AIGroup::SetParent
 * \li AIGroup::GetParent
 * \li AICompany::SetPrimaryLiveryColour
 * \li AICompany::SetSecondaryLiveryColour
 * \li AICompany::GetPrimaryLiveryColour
 * \li AICompany::GetSecondaryLiveryColour
 * Other changes:
 * \li AIBridge::GetName takes one extra parameter to refer the vehicle type
 * \li AIGroup::CreateGroup gains parent_group_id parameter
 * \b 1.8.0
 * No changes
 * \b 1.7.0 - 1.7.2
 * No changes
 * \b 1.6.1 - 1.6.0
 * No changes
 * \b 1.5.3 - 1.5.1
 * No changes
 * \b 1.5.0
 * API additions:
 * \li AIList::SwapList
 * \li AIStation::GetCargoPlanned
 * \li AIStation::GetCargoPlannedFrom
 * \li AIStation::GetCargoPlannedFromVia
 * \li AIStation::GetCargoPlannedVia
 * \li AIStation::GetCargoWaitingFromVia
 * \li AIStationList_CargoPlannedByFrom
 * \li AIStationList_CargoPlannedByVia
 * \li AIStationList_CargoPlannedFromByVia
 * \li AIStationList_CargoPlannedViaByFrom
 * \li AIStationList_CargoWaitingByFrom
 * \li AIStationList_CargoWaitingByVia
 * \li AIStationList_CargoWaitingFromByVia
 * \li AIStationList_CargoWaitingViaByFrom
 * \b 1.4.4 - 1.4.1
 * No changes
 * \b 1.4.0
 * API additions:
 * \li AICargo::GetDistributionType
 * \li AIDate::IsValidDate
 * \li AIStation::HasCargoRating
 * \li AIStation::GetCargoWaitingFrom
 * \li AIStation::GetCargoWaitingVia
 * \li AITile::GetTerrainType
 * \li AITown::FoundTown
 * \li AITown::GetFundBuildingsDuration
 * Other changes:
 * \li AIStation::GetCargoRating does return -1 for cargo-station combinations that
 *     do not have a rating yet instead of returning 69.
 * \b 1.3.3 - 1.3.2
 * No changes
 * \b 1.3.1
 * API additions:
 * \li AITile::GetTerrainType
 * \b 1.3.0
 * API additions:
 * \li AIEventExclusiveTransportRights
 * \li AIEventRoadReconstruction
 * \li AIIndustryType::IsProcessingIndustry
 * \li AIStation::IsAirportClosed
 * \li AIStation::OpenCloseAirport
 * \li AIController::Break
 * \b 1.2.3 - 1.2.1
 * No changes
 * \b 1.2.0
 * API additions:
 * \li AIAirport::GetMaintenanceCostFactor
 * \li AICargo::CT_AUTO_REFIT
 * \li AICargo::CT_NO_REFIT
 * \li AICargo::IsValidTownEffect
 * \li AICargoList_StationAccepting
 * \li AICompany::GetQuarterlyIncome
 * \li AICompany::GetQuarterlyExpenses
 * \li AICompany::GetQuarterlyCargoDelivered
 * \li AICompany::GetQuarterlyPerformanceRating
 * \li AICompany::GetQuarterlyCompanyValue
 * \li AIController::GetOpsTillSuspend
 * \li AIEngine::GetMaximumOrderDistance
 * \li AIEventAircraftDestTooFar
 * \li AIInfrastructure
 * \li AIOrder::GetOrderDistance
 * \li AIOrder::GetOrderRefit
 * \li AIOrder::IsRefitOrder
 * \li AIOrder::SetOrderRefit
 * \li AIRail::GetMaintenanceCostFactor
 * \li AIRoad::GetMaintenanceCostFactor
 * \li AITile::GetTownAuthority
 * \li AITown::GetCargoGoal
 * \li AITown::GetGrowthRate
 * \li AITown::GetLastMonthReceived
 * \li AITownEffectList (to walk over all available town effects)
 * \li AIVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_TOO_LONG in case vehicle length limit is reached
 * \li AIVehicle::GetMaximumOrderDistance
 * API renames:
 * \li AITown::GetLastMonthTransported to AITown::GetLastMonthSupplied to better
 *     reflect what it does.
 * \li AIInfo has all its configure settings renamed from AICONFIG to just CONFIG
 *     like CONFIG_RANDOM.
 * \li AIEvent has all its types renamed from AI_ET_ prefix to just ET_ prefix,
 *     like ET_SUBSIDY_OFFER.
 * \li AIOrder has all its types renamed from AIOF_ prefix to just OF_ prefix.
 * API removals:
 * \li AICompany::GetCompanyValue, use AICompany::GetQuarterlyCompanyValue instead.
 * Other changes:
 * \li AITown::GetLastMonthProduction no longer has prerequisites based on town
 *     effects.
 * \li AITown::GetLastMonthTransported resp. AITown::GetLastMonthSupplied no longer has prerequisites based on
 *     town effects.
 * \li AITown::GetLastMonthTransportedPercentage no longer has prerequisites
 *     based on town effects.
 * \b 1.1.5
 * No changes
 * \b 1.1.4
 * API additions:
 * \li AIVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_TOO_LONG in case vehicle length limit is reached.
 * \b 1.1.3 - 1.1.1
 * No changes
 * \b 1.1.0
 * API additions:
 * \li IsEnd for all lists.
 * \li AIEventTownFounded
 * \li AIIndustry::GetIndustryID
 * \li AIIndustryType::INDUSTRYTYPE_TOWN
 * \li AIOrder::IsVoidOrder
 * \li AIRail::GetName
 * \li AITown::IsCity
 * API removals:
 * \li HasNext for all lists.
 * \li AIAbstractList, use AIList instead.
 * \li AIList::ChangeItem, use AIList::SetValue instead.
 * \li AIRail::ERR_NONUNIFORM_STATIONS_DISABLED, that error is never returned anymore.
 * Other changes:
 * \li AIEngine::GetMaxTractiveEffort can be used for road vehicles.
 * \li AIEngine::GetPower can be used for road vehicles.
 * \li AIEngine::GetWeight can be used for road vehicles.
 * \li AIIndustry::IsCargoAccepted now returns CargoAcceptState instead of a boolean.
 * \li AIOrder::GetOrderFlags returns AIOrder::AIOF_INVALID for void orders as well.
 * \li AIRoad::BuildDriveThroughRoadStation now allows overbuilding.
 * \li AIRoad::BuildRoadStation now allows overbuilding.
 * \b 1.0.5 - 1.0.4
 * No changes
 * \b 1.0.3
 * API additions:
 * \b 1.0.2
 * Other changes:
 * \li AIBridge::GetPrice now returns the price of the bridge without the cost for the rail or road.
 * \b 1.0.1
 * API additions:
 * \li AIRail::GetMaxSpeed
 * \b 1.0.0
 * API additions:
 * \li AIBaseStation
 * \li AIEngine::IsBuildable
 * \li AIEventCompanyAskMerger
 * \li AIIndustry::GetLastMonthTransportedPercentage
 * \li AIMarine::GetBuildCost
 * \li AIOrder::GetStopLocation
 * \li AIOrder::SetStopLocation
 * \li AIRail::RemoveRailStationTileRectangle
 * \li AIRail::RemoveRailWaypointTileRectangle
 * \li AIRail::GetBuildCost
 * \li AIRoad::GetBuildCost
 * \li AISubsidy::SubsidyParticipantType
 * \li AISubsidy::GetSourceType
 * \li AISubsidy::GetSourceIndex
 * \li AISubsidy::GetDestinationType
 * \li AISubsidy::GetDestinationIndex
 * \li AITile::GetBuildCost
 * \li AITown::GetLastMonthTransportedPercentage
 * \li AIVehicleList_Depot
 * \li AIWaypoint::WaypointType
 * \li AIWaypoint::HasWaypointType
 * \li Some error messages to AIWaypoint
 * API removals:
 * \li AIOrder::ChangeOrder, use AIOrder::SetOrderFlags instead
 * \li AIRail::RemoveRailStationTileRect, use AIRail::RemoveRailStationTileRectangle instead
 * \li AIRail::RemoveRailWaypoint, use AIRail::RemoveRailWaypointTileRectangle instead
 * \li AISign::GetMaxSignID, use AISignList instead
 * \li AISubsidy::SourceIsTown, use AISubsidy::GetSourceType instead
 * \li AISubsidy::GetSource, use AISubsidy::GetSourceIndex instead
 * \li AISubsidy::DestinationIsTown, use AISubsidy::GetDestinationType instead
 * \li AISubsidy::GetDestination, use AISubsidy::GetDestinationIndex instead
 * \li AITile::GetHeight, use AITile::GetMinHeight/GetMaxHeight/GetCornerHeight instead
 * \li AITown::GetMaxProduction, use AITown::GetLastMonthProduction instead
 * \li AIVehicle::SkipToVehicleOrder, use AIOrder::SkipToOrder instead
 * \li AIWaypoint::WAYPOINT_INVALID, use AIBaseStation::STATION_INVALID instead
 * Other changes:
 * \li The GetName / SetName / GetLocation functions were moved from AIStation
 *     and AIWaypoint to AIBaseStation, but you can still use AIStation.GetName
 *     as before
 * \li The GetConstructionDate function was moved from AIStation to
 *     AIBaseStation, but can still be used as AIStation.GetConstructionDate
 * \li WaypointID was replaced by StationID. All WaypointIDs from previous
 *     savegames are invalid. Use STATION_INVALID instead of WAYPOINT_INVALID
 * \li AIWaypointList constructor now needs a WaypointType similar to AIStationList,
 *     it can also handle buoys.
 * \li AIVehicleList_Station now also works for waypoints
 * \li Stations can be build over rail without signals that is in the right
 *     direction for the to-be built station. It will also convert the rail if
 *     the station's rail type supports the old type.
 * \li GetAPIVersion() was added as function to info.nut. If it does not exist
 *     API version 0.7 is assumed. This function should return the major and
 *     minor number of the stable version of the API the AI is written against.
 *     For 0.7.2 that would be 0.7, for 1.1.3 it would be 1.1, etc.
 * \li The subsidy logic has changed. Subsidy is now awarded when cargo
 *     originating from subsidy source is delivered to station that has subsidy
 *     destination it its catchment area. One industry tile or one town house
 *     is enough as long as station accepts the cargo. Awarded subsidies are no
 *     longer bound to stations used for first delivery, any station can be
 *     used for loading and unloading as long as cargo is transfered from
 *     source to destination.
 * \li Make AIEngine:CanRefitCargo() not report refittability to mail by
 *     default for aircraft. It is not necessarily true. This means that even
 *     if the aircraft can carry mail (as secondary cargo) it does not return
 *     true if the aircraft cannot carry it as its only cargo.
 * \li Improve behaviour of AIEngine::GetCargoType(), AIEventEnginePreview::GetCargoType()
 *     and AIEngine::CanRefitCargo() for articulated vehicles. For
 *     CanRefitCargo true is returned if at least one part can be refitted.
 *     For GetCargoType the first most used cargo type is returned.
 * \li AIIndustryType::GetConstructionCost() now returns -1 if the industry is
 *     neither buildable nor prospectable.
 * \li AIEngine::IsValidEngine will now return true if you have at least one
 *     vehicle of that type in your company, regardless if it's still buildable
 *     or not. AIEngine::IsBuildable returns only true when you can actually
 *     build an engine.
 * \li AITile::GetCargoProduction will now return the number of producers,
 *     including houses instead the number of producing tiles. This means that
 *     also industries that do not have a tile within the radius, but where
 *     the search bounding box and the industry's bounding box intersect, are
 *     counted. Previously these industries (and their cargoes), although they
 *     produced cargo for a station at the given location, were not returned.
 * \li AIRail::BuildRail will now fail completely if there is an obstacle
 *     between the begin and end, instead of building up to the obstacle and
 *     returning that everything went okay.
 * \li Orders for buoys are now waypoint orders, i.e. instead of using the
 *     station orders for buoys one has to use waypoint orders.
 * \li Autoreplaces can now also be set for the default group via AIGroup.
 * \b 0.7.5 - 0.7.4
 * No changes
 * \b 0.7.3
 * API additions:
 * \li AIAbstractList::SORT_ASCENDING
 * \li AIAbstractList::SORT_DESCENDING
 * \li AIAirport::IsAirportInformationAvailable
 * \li AICompany::GetPresidentGender
 * \li AICompany::SetPresidentGender
 * \li AIEngine::GetDesignDate
 * \li AIStation::GetConstructionDate
 * Other changes:
 * \li AIs are now killed when they execute a DoCommand or Sleep at a time
 *     they are not allowed to do so.
 * \li When the API requests a string as parameter you can give every squirrel
 *     type and it will be converted to a string
 * \li AIs can create subclasses of API classes and use API constants as part
 *     of their own constants
 * \b 0.7.2
 * API additions:
 * \li AIVehicle::GetReliability
 * Other changes:
 * \li DoCommands and sleeps in call, acall, pcall and valuators are disallowed
 * \b 0.7.1
 * API additions:
 * \li AIAirport::GetPrice
 * \li AIController::GetVersion
 * \li AIOrder::IsCurrentOrderPartOfOrderList
 * \li AIOrder::IsGotoDepotOrder
 * \li AIOrder::IsGotoStationOrder
 * \li AIOrder::IsGotoWaypointOrder
 * \li AISignList
 * \li AITile::CORNER_[WSEN]
 * \li AITile::GetCornerHeight
 * \li AITile::GetMaxHeight
 * \li AITile::GetMinHeight
 * \li AIVehicle::SendVehicleToDepotForServicing
 * Other changes:
 * \li GetURL() was added as optional function to info.nut
 * \li UseAsRandomAI() was added as optional function to info.nut
 * \li A limit was introduced on the time the AI spends in the constructor and Load function
 * \b 0.7.0
 * \li First stable release with the NoAI framework.