Files @ r24498:e9114d9ab04a
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/newgrf_generic.cpp

Patric Stout
Fix #6468: don't store version of AIs-started-via-console in name

You can do: "startai myai.3", which starts version 3 of "myai".
This is very useful for testing save/load code between different
versions of your AI.

However, when using this syntax, the AI got saved as "myai.3" as
name of the AI, instead of "myai". This caused several problems,
like indicating to the user the AI could not be found, but still
load the AI. But in all cases, the AI never got the chance to
load the saved data, making the whole reason this exists pointless.

By splitting the name and version already in the console command,
the code becomes simpler and AIs started this way now follow the
normal flow after initialization.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file newgrf_generic.cpp Handling of generic feature callbacks. */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "newgrf_spritegroup.h"
#include "industrytype.h"
#include "core/random_func.hpp"
#include "newgrf_sound.h"
#include "water_map.h"
#include <list>

#include "safeguards.h"

/** Scope resolver for generic objects and properties. */
struct GenericScopeResolver : public ScopeResolver {
	CargoID cargo_type;
	uint8 default_selection;
	uint8 src_industry;        ///< Source industry substitute type. 0xFF for "town", 0xFE for "unknown".
	uint8 dst_industry;        ///< Destination industry substitute type. 0xFF for "town", 0xFE for "unknown".
	uint8 distance;
	AIConstructionEvent event;
	uint8 count;
	uint8 station_size;

	uint8 feature;

	 * Generic scope resolver.
	 * @param ro Surrounding resolver.
	 * @param ai_callback Callback comes from the AI.
	GenericScopeResolver(ResolverObject &ro, bool ai_callback)
		: ScopeResolver(ro), cargo_type(0), default_selection(0), src_industry(0), dst_industry(0), distance(0),
		event(), count(0), station_size(0), feature(GSF_INVALID), ai_callback(ai_callback)

	uint32 GetVariable(byte variable, uint32 parameter, bool *available) const override;

	bool ai_callback; ///< Callback comes from the AI.

/** Resolver object for generic objects/properties. */
struct GenericResolverObject : public ResolverObject {
	GenericScopeResolver generic_scope;

	GenericResolverObject(bool ai_callback, CallbackID callback = CBID_NO_CALLBACK);

	ScopeResolver *GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope = VSG_SCOPE_SELF, byte relative = 0) override
		switch (scope) {
			case VSG_SCOPE_SELF: return &this->generic_scope;
			default: return ResolverObject::GetScope(scope, relative);

	const SpriteGroup *ResolveReal(const RealSpriteGroup *group) const override;

	GrfSpecFeature GetFeature() const override
		return (GrfSpecFeature)this->generic_scope.feature;

	uint32 GetDebugID() const override
		return 0;

struct GenericCallback {
	const GRFFile *file;
	const SpriteGroup *group;

	GenericCallback(const GRFFile *file, const SpriteGroup *group) :
	{ }

typedef std::list<GenericCallback> GenericCallbackList;

static GenericCallbackList _gcl[GSF_END];

 * Reset all generic feature callback sprite groups.
void ResetGenericCallbacks()
	for (uint8 feature = 0; feature < lengthof(_gcl); feature++) {

 * Add a generic feature callback sprite group to the appropriate feature list.
 * @param feature The feature for the callback.
 * @param file The GRF of the callback.
 * @param group The sprite group of the callback.
void AddGenericCallback(uint8 feature, const GRFFile *file, const SpriteGroup *group)
	if (feature >= lengthof(_gcl)) {
		grfmsg(5, "AddGenericCallback: Unsupported feature 0x%02X", feature);

	/* Generic feature callbacks are evaluated in reverse (i.e. the last group
	 * to be added is evaluated first, etc) thus we push the group to the
	 * beginning of the list so a standard iterator will do the right thing. */
	_gcl[feature].push_front(GenericCallback(file, group));

/* virtual */ uint32 GenericScopeResolver::GetVariable(byte variable, uint32 parameter, bool *available) const
	if (this->ai_callback) {
		switch (variable) {
			case 0x40: return this->ro.grffile->cargo_map[this->cargo_type];

			case 0x80: return this->cargo_type;
			case 0x81: return CargoSpec::Get(this->cargo_type)->bitnum;
			case 0x82: return this->default_selection;
			case 0x83: return this->src_industry;
			case 0x84: return this->dst_industry;
			case 0x85: return this->distance;
			case 0x86: return this->event;
			case 0x87: return this->count;
			case 0x88: return this->station_size;

			default: break;

	DEBUG(grf, 1, "Unhandled generic feature variable 0x%02X", variable);

	*available = false;
	return UINT_MAX;

/* virtual */ const SpriteGroup *GenericResolverObject::ResolveReal(const RealSpriteGroup *group) const
	if (group->num_loaded == 0) return nullptr;

	return group->loaded[0];

 * Generic resolver.
 * @param ai_callback Callback comes from the AI.
 * @param callback Callback ID.
GenericResolverObject::GenericResolverObject(bool ai_callback, CallbackID callback) : ResolverObject(nullptr, callback), generic_scope(*this, ai_callback)

 * Follow a generic feature callback list and return the first successful
 * answer
 * @param feature GRF Feature of callback
 * @param object  pre-populated resolver object
 * @param param1_grfv7 callback_param1 for GRFs up to version 7.
 * @param param1_grfv8 callback_param1 for GRFs from version 8 on.
 * @param[out] file Optionally returns the GRFFile which made the final decision for the callback result. May be nullptr if not required.
 * @return callback value if successful or CALLBACK_FAILED
static uint16 GetGenericCallbackResult(uint8 feature, ResolverObject &object, uint32 param1_grfv7, uint32 param1_grfv8, const GRFFile **file)
	assert(feature < lengthof(_gcl));

	/* Test each feature callback sprite group. */
	for (GenericCallbackList::const_iterator it = _gcl[feature].begin(); it != _gcl[feature].end(); ++it) {
		object.grffile = it->file;
		object.root_spritegroup = it->group;
		/* Set callback param based on GRF version. */
		object.callback_param1 = it->file->grf_version >= 8 ? param1_grfv8 : param1_grfv7;
		uint16 result = object.ResolveCallback();
		if (result == CALLBACK_FAILED) continue;

		/* Return NewGRF file if necessary */
		if (file != nullptr) *file = it->file;

		return result;

	/* No callback returned a valid result, so we've failed. */

 * 'Execute' an AI purchase selection callback
 * @param feature GRF Feature to call callback for.
 * @param cargo_type Cargotype to pass to callback. (Variable 80)
 * @param default_selection 'Default selection' to pass to callback. (Variable 82)
 * @param src_industry 'Source industry type' to pass to callback. (Variable 83)
 * @param dst_industry 'Destination industry type' to pass to callback. (Variable 84)
 * @param distance 'Distance between source and destination' to pass to callback. (Variable 85)
 * @param event 'AI construction event' to pass to callback. (Variable 86)
 * @param count 'Construction number' to pass to callback. (Variable 87)
 * @param station_size 'Station size' to pass to callback. (Variable 88)
 * @param[out] file Optionally returns the GRFFile which made the final decision for the callback result. May be nullptr if not required.
 * @return callback value if successful or CALLBACK_FAILED
uint16 GetAiPurchaseCallbackResult(uint8 feature, CargoID cargo_type, uint8 default_selection, IndustryType src_industry, IndustryType dst_industry, uint8 distance, AIConstructionEvent event, uint8 count, uint8 station_size, const GRFFile **file)
	GenericResolverObject object(true, CBID_GENERIC_AI_PURCHASE_SELECTION);

	if (src_industry != IT_AI_UNKNOWN && src_industry != IT_AI_TOWN) {
		const IndustrySpec *is = GetIndustrySpec(src_industry);
		/* If this is no original industry, use the substitute type */
		if (is->grf_prop.subst_id != INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE) src_industry = is->grf_prop.subst_id;

	if (dst_industry != IT_AI_UNKNOWN && dst_industry != IT_AI_TOWN) {
		const IndustrySpec *is = GetIndustrySpec(dst_industry);
		/* If this is no original industry, use the substitute type */
		if (is->grf_prop.subst_id != INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE) dst_industry = is->grf_prop.subst_id;

	object.generic_scope.cargo_type        = cargo_type;
	object.generic_scope.default_selection = default_selection;
	object.generic_scope.src_industry      = src_industry;
	object.generic_scope.dst_industry      = dst_industry;
	object.generic_scope.distance          = distance;
	object.generic_scope.event             = event;
	object.generic_scope.count             = count;
	object.generic_scope.station_size      = station_size;
	object.generic_scope.feature           = feature;

	uint16 callback = GetGenericCallbackResult(feature, object, 0, 0, file);
	if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) callback = GB(callback, 0, 8);
	return callback;

 * 'Execute' the ambient sound effect callback.
 * @param tile Tile the sound effect should be generated for.
void AmbientSoundEffectCallback(TileIndex tile)
	assert(IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) || IsTileType(tile, MP_TREES) || IsTileType(tile, MP_WATER));

	/* Only run every 1/200-th time. */
	uint32 r; // Save for later
	if (!Chance16R(1, 200, r) || !_settings_client.sound.ambient) return;

	/* Prepare resolver object. */
	GenericResolverObject object(false, CBID_SOUNDS_AMBIENT_EFFECT);
	object.generic_scope.feature = GSF_SOUNDFX;

	uint32 param1_v7 = GetTileType(tile) << 28 | Clamp(TileHeight(tile), 0, 15) << 24 | GB(r, 16, 8) << 16 | GetTerrainType(tile);
	uint32 param1_v8 = GetTileType(tile) << 24 | GetTileZ(tile) << 16 | GB(r, 16, 8) << 8 | (HasTileWaterClass(tile) ? GetWaterClass(tile) : 0) << 3 | GetTerrainType(tile);

	/* Run callback. */
	const GRFFile *grf_file;
	uint16 callback = GetGenericCallbackResult(GSF_SOUNDFX, object, param1_v7, param1_v8, &grf_file);

	if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) PlayTileSound(grf_file, callback, tile);