Files @ r3115:f1eba3dacb95
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/settings.h

(svn r3719) - [1/4] Present the game with a unified structure for the configuration-ini, saveload, console and gui representations of the settings. This first part rewrites the configuration section to use the SaveLoad VarType in general.
- This unified structure consists of a SaveLoad type which stores all data relevant about the variable internals such as type, mem/filesize, address, version-control. The SettingDesc type is concerned more about the representation. Things like default value, string-name, minimum/maximum values, gui-behaviour etc.
- The SaveLoad type has received a few flags controlling saving/loading. These are:
SLF_SAVE_NO: the setting is not saved with the savegame, effectively making this setting player-based. Eg. it will NOT be overwritten when joining a network-game
SLF_CONFIG_NO: the setting is not saved to the configuration file so you cannot overwrite it ingame.
SLF_NETWORK_NO: the setting is not synchronised with the local settings when the game is loaded during network-play. Note that when SLF_SAVE_NO is set, SLF_NETWORK_NO is also set (which is logical), at least if the proper macros are used (in [2/4]).
- NOTE! The game is not compilable after this commit.
/* $Id$ */

#ifndef SETTINGS_H
#define SETTINGS_H

#include "saveload.h"

/** Convention/Type of settings. This is then further specified if necessary
 * with the SLE_ (SLE_VAR/SLE_FILE) enums in saveload.h
 * @see VarTypes
 * @see SettingDescBase */
enum SettingDescType {
	/* 4 bytes allocated a maximum of 16 types for GenericType */
	SDT_NUMX        = 0, // any number-type
	SDT_BOOLX       = 1, // a boolean number
	SDT_ONEOFMANY   = 2, // bitmasked number where only ONE bit may be set
	SDT_MANYOFMANY  = 3, // bitmasked number where MULTIPLE bits may be set
	SDT_INTLIST     = 4, // list of integers seperated by a comma ','
	SDT_STRING      = 5, // string with a pre-allocated buffer
	/* 10 more possible primitives */

enum SettingGuiFlag {
	/* 8 bytes allocated for a maximum of 8 flags
	 * Flags directing saving/loading of a variable */
	SGF_0ISDISABLED  = 1 << 0, ///< a value of zero means the feature is disabled
	SGF_NOCOMMA      = 1 << 1, ///< number without any thousand seperators (no formatting)
	SGF_MULTISTRING  = 1 << 2, ///< the value represents a limited number of string-options (internally integer)
	SGF_NETWORK_ONLY = 1 << 3, ///< this setting only applies to network games
	SGF_CURRENCY     = 1 << 4, ///< the number represents money, so when reading value multiply by exchange rate
	/* 3 more possible flags */

typedef int32 OnChange(int32 var);
typedef byte SettingDescType;
typedef byte SettingGuiFlag;

typedef struct SettingDescBase {
	const char *name;       ///< name of the setting. Used in configuration file and for console
	const void *def;        ///< default value given when none is present
	SettingDescType cmd;    ///< various flags for the variable
	SettingGuiFlag flags;   ///< handles how a setting would show up in the GUI (text/currency, etc.)
	int32 min, max;         ///< minimum and maximum values
	const char *many;       ///< ONE/MANY_OF_MANY: string of possible values for this type
	StringID str;           ///< (translated) string with descriptive text; gui and console
	OnChange *proc;         ///< callback procedure for when the value is changed
} SettingDescBase;

typedef struct SettingDesc {
	SettingDescBase desc;   ///, Settings structure (going to configuration file)
	SaveLoad save;          ///< Internal structure (going to savegame, parts to config)
} SettingDesc;

/* NOTE: The only difference between SettingDesc and SettingDescGlob is
 * that one uses global variables as a source and the other offsets
 * in a struct which are bound to a certain variable during runtime.
 * The only way to differentiate between these two is to check if an object
 * has been passed to the function or not. If not, then it is a global variable
 * and save->variable has its address, otherwise save->variable only holds the
 * offset in a certain struct */
typedef SettingDesc SettingDescGlobVarList;

typedef enum {
	IGT_VARIABLES = 0, ///< values of the form "landscape = hilly"
	IGT_LIST = 1,      ///< a list of values, seperated by \n and terminated by the next group block
} IniGroupType;

/** Get the address of the variable. Which one to pick depends on the object
 * pointer. If it is NULL we are dealing with global variables so the address
 * is taken. If non-null only the offset is stored in the union and we need
 * to add this to the address of the object */
static inline void *ini_get_variable(const SaveLoad *sld, const void *object)
	return (object == NULL) ? sld->address : (byte*)object + (unsigned long)sld->address;

void IConsoleSetPatchSetting(const char *name, const char *value);
void IConsoleGetPatchSetting(const char *name);

#endif /* SETTINGS_H */