Files @ r14895:fb237f7e7f5b
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Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/network/core/udp.h

(svn r19502) -Codechange: During NewGRF loading, store rail type labels in temporary data and process after loading has finished. This avoids deactivated rail vehicles being reactivated if the climate property is set after the rail type property.
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

 * @file udp.h Basic functions to receive and send UDP packets.
 * *** Requesting game information from a server ***
 * This describes the on-the-wire structure of the request and reply
 * packet of the NetworkGameInfo (see game.h) data.
 * --- Points of attention ---
 *  - all > 1 byte integral values are written in little endian,
 *    unless specified otherwise.
 *      Thus, 0x01234567 would be sent as {0x67, 0x45, 0x23, 0x01}.
 *  - all sent strings are of variable length and terminated by a '\0'.
 *      Thus, the length of the strings is not sent.
 *  - years that are leap years in the 'days since X' to 'date' calculations:
 *     (year % 4 == 0) and ((year % 100 != 0) or (year % 400 == 0))
 * --- Request ---
 * Bytes:  Description:
 *   2       size of the whole packet, in this case 3
 *   1       type of packet, in this case PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER (0)
 * This packet would look like: { 0x03, 0x00, 0x00 }
 * --- Reply ---
 * Version: Bytes:  Description:
 *   all      2       size of the whole packet
 *   all      1       type of packet, in this case PACKET_UDP_SERVER_RESPONSE (1)
 *   all      1       the version of this packet's structure
 *   4+       1       number of GRFs attached (n)
 *   4+       n * 20  unique identifier for GRF files. Constists of:
 *                     - one 4 byte variable with the GRF ID
 *                     - 16 bytes (sent sequentially) for the MD5 checksum
 *                       of the GRF
 *   3+       4       current game date in days since 1-1-0 (DMY)
 *   3+       4       game introduction date in days since 1-1-0 (DMY)
 *   2+       1       maximum number of companies allowed on the server
 *   2+       1       number of companies on the server
 *   2+       1       maximum number of spectators allowed on the server
 *   1+       var     string with the name of the server
 *   1+       var     string with the revision of the server
 *   1+       1       the language run on the server
 *                    (0 = any, 1 = English, 2 = German, 3 = French)
 *   1+       1       whether the server uses a password (0 = no, 1 = yes)
 *   1+       1       maximum number of clients allowed on the server
 *   1+       1       number of clients on the server
 *   1+       1       number of spectators on the server
 *   1 & 2    2       current game date in days since 1-1-1920 (DMY)
 *   1 & 2    2       game introduction date in days since 1-1-1920 (DMY)
 *   1+       var     string with the name of the map
 *   1+       2       width of the map in tiles
 *   1+       2       height of the map in tiles
 *   1+       1       type of map:
 *                    (0 = temperate, 1 = arctic, 2 = desert, 3 = toyland)
 *   1+       1       whether the server is dedicated (0 = no, 1 = yes)


#include "address.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "packet.h"


/** Enum with all types of UDP packets. The order MUST not be changed **/
enum PacketUDPType {
	PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER,   ///< Queries a game server for game information
	PACKET_UDP_SERVER_RESPONSE,      ///< Reply of the game server with game information
	PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO,   ///< Queries a game server about details of the game, such as companies
	PACKET_UDP_SERVER_DETAIL_INFO,   ///< Reply of the game server about details of the game, such as companies
	PACKET_UDP_SERVER_REGISTER,      ///< Packet to register itself to the master server
	PACKET_UDP_MASTER_ACK_REGISTER,  ///< Packet indicating registration has succedeed
	PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_GET_LIST,      ///< Request for serverlist from master server
	PACKET_UDP_MASTER_RESPONSE_LIST, ///< Response from master server with server ip's + port's
	PACKET_UDP_SERVER_UNREGISTER,    ///< Request to be removed from the server-list
	PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_GET_NEWGRFS,   ///< Requests the name for a list of GRFs (GRF_ID and MD5)
	PACKET_UDP_SERVER_NEWGRFS,       ///< Sends the list of NewGRF's requested.
	PACKET_UDP_MASTER_SESSION_KEY,   ///< Sends a fresh session key to the client
	PACKET_UDP_END                   ///< Must ALWAYS be on the end of this list!! (period)

/** The types of server lists we can get */
enum ServerListType {
	SLT_IPv4 = 0,   ///< Get the IPv4 addresses
	SLT_IPv6 = 1,   ///< Get the IPv6 addresses
	SLT_AUTODETECT, ///< Autodetect the type based on the connection

	SLT_END = SLT_AUTODETECT ///< End of 'arrays' marker

#define DECLARE_UDP_RECEIVE_COMMAND(type) virtual void NetworkPacketReceive_## type ##_command(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr)
#define DEF_UDP_RECEIVE_COMMAND(cls, type) void cls ##NetworkUDPSocketHandler::NetworkPacketReceive_ ## type ## _command(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr)

/** Base socket handler for all UDP sockets */
class NetworkUDPSocketHandler : public NetworkSocketHandler {
	/** The address to bind to. */
	NetworkAddressList bind;
	/** The opened sockets. */
	SocketList sockets;

	NetworkRecvStatus CloseConnection(bool error = true);

	/* Declare all possible packets here. If it can be received by the
	 * a specific handler, it has to be implemented. */

	void HandleUDPPacket(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr);

	 * Function that is called for every GRFConfig that is read when receiving
	 * a NetworkGameInfo. Only grfid and md5sum are set, the rest is zero. This
	 * function must set all appropriate fields. This GRF is later appended to
	 * the grfconfig list of the NetworkGameInfo.
	 * @param config the GRF to handle
	virtual void HandleIncomingNetworkGameInfoGRFConfig(GRFConfig *config) { NOT_REACHED(); }
	NetworkUDPSocketHandler(NetworkAddressList *bind = NULL);

	/** On destructing of this class, the socket needs to be closed */
	virtual ~NetworkUDPSocketHandler() { this->Close(); }

	bool Listen();
	void Close();

	void SendPacket(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *recv, bool all = false, bool broadcast = false);
	void ReceivePackets();

	void Send_NetworkGameInfo(Packet *p, const NetworkGameInfo *info);
	void Recv_NetworkGameInfo(Packet *p, NetworkGameInfo *info);

#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */

#endif /* NETWORK_CORE_UDP_H */