Files @ r24848:4573f310a629
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/video/video_driver.hpp

Patric Stout
Codechange: [Win32] make fast-forward check the same as with other drivers

It was of all the drivers the only one doing this slightly different.
When trying to unify more code, that was rather annoying.
 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file video_driver.hpp Base of all video drivers. */


#include "../driver.h"
#include "../core/geometry_type.hpp"
#include "../core/math_func.hpp"
#include "../settings_type.h"
#include "../zoom_type.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <vector>

extern std::string _ini_videodriver;
extern std::vector<Dimension> _resolutions;
extern Dimension _cur_resolution;
extern bool _rightclick_emulate;

/** The base of all video drivers. */
class VideoDriver : public Driver {
	const uint DEFAULT_WINDOW_WIDTH = 640u;  ///< Default window width.
	const uint DEFAULT_WINDOW_HEIGHT = 480u; ///< Default window height.

	 * Mark a particular area dirty.
	 * @param left   The left most line of the dirty area.
	 * @param top    The top most line of the dirty area.
	 * @param width  The width of the dirty area.
	 * @param height The height of the dirty area.
	virtual void MakeDirty(int left, int top, int width, int height) = 0;

	 * Perform the actual drawing.
	virtual void MainLoop() = 0;

	 * Change the resolution of the window.
	 * @param w The new width.
	 * @param h The new height.
	 * @return True if the change succeeded.
	virtual bool ChangeResolution(int w, int h) = 0;

	 * Change the full screen setting.
	 * @param fullscreen The new setting.
	 * @return True if the change succeeded.
	virtual bool ToggleFullscreen(bool fullscreen) = 0;

	 * Callback invoked after the blitter was changed.
	 * This may only be called between AcquireBlitterLock and ReleaseBlitterLock.
	 * @return True if no error.
	virtual bool AfterBlitterChange()
		return true;

	 * Acquire any lock(s) required to be held when changing blitters.
	 * These lock(s) may not be acquired recursively.
	virtual void AcquireBlitterLock() { }

	 * Release any lock(s) required to be held when changing blitters.
	 * These lock(s) may not be acquired recursively.
	virtual void ReleaseBlitterLock() { }

	virtual bool ClaimMousePointer()
		return true;

	 * Whether the driver has a graphical user interface with the end user.
	 * Or in other words, whether we should spawn a thread for world generation
	 * and NewGRF scanning so the graphical updates can keep coming. Otherwise
	 * progress has to be shown on the console, which uses by definition another
	 * thread/process for display purposes.
	 * @return True for all drivers except null and dedicated.
	virtual bool HasGUI() const
		return true;

	 * An edit box lost the input focus. Abort character compositing if necessary.
	virtual void EditBoxLostFocus() {}

	 * An edit box gained the input focus
	virtual void EditBoxGainedFocus() {}

	 * Get a suggested default GUI zoom taking screen DPI into account.
	virtual ZoomLevel GetSuggestedUIZoom()
		float dpi_scale = this->GetDPIScale();

		if (dpi_scale >= 3.0f) return ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL;
		if (dpi_scale >= 1.5f) return ZOOM_LVL_OUT_2X;
		return ZOOM_LVL_OUT_4X;

	 * Get the currently active instance of the video driver.
	static VideoDriver *GetInstance() {
		return static_cast<VideoDriver*>(*DriverFactoryBase::GetActiveDriver(Driver::DT_VIDEO));

	const uint ALLOWED_DRIFT = 5; ///< How many times videodriver can miss deadlines without it being overly compensated.

	 * Get the resolution of the main screen.
	virtual Dimension GetScreenSize() const { return { DEFAULT_WINDOW_WIDTH, DEFAULT_WINDOW_HEIGHT }; }

	 * Get DPI scaling factor of the screen OTTD is displayed on.
	 * @return 1.0 for default platform DPI, > 1.0 for higher DPI values, and < 1.0 for smaller DPI values.
	virtual float GetDPIScale() { return 1.0f; }

	 * Apply resolution auto-detection and clamp to sensible defaults.
	void UpdateAutoResolution()
		if (_cur_resolution.width == 0 || _cur_resolution.height == 0) {
			/* Auto-detect a good resolution. We aim for 75% of the screen size.
			 * Limit width times height times bytes per pixel to fit a 32 bit
			 * integer, This way all internal drawing routines work correctly. */
			Dimension res = this->GetScreenSize();
			_cur_resolution.width  = ClampU(res.width  * 3 / 4, DEFAULT_WINDOW_WIDTH, UINT16_MAX / 2);
			_cur_resolution.height = ClampU(res.height * 3 / 4, DEFAULT_WINDOW_HEIGHT, UINT16_MAX / 2);

	std::chrono::steady_clock::duration GetGameInterval()
		return std::chrono::milliseconds(MILLISECONDS_PER_TICK);

	std::chrono::steady_clock::duration GetDrawInterval()
		return std::chrono::microseconds(1000000 / _settings_client.gui.refresh_rate);