Files @ r2:9221be573970
Branch filter:

Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/town.h

(svn r3) -[1005611] Player Window patch: When looking in dropdownlist for player stuff, it will say
for all human players (Player #), not only for the first 2
#ifndef TOWN_H
#define TOWN_H

#include "player.h"

struct Town {
	TileIndex xy;

	// Current population of people and amount of houses.
	uint16 num_houses;
	uint32 population;
	// Town name
	uint16 townnametype;
	uint32 townnameparts;
	// NOSAVE: Location of name sign, UpdateTownVirtCoord updates this. 
	ViewportSign sign;
	// Makes sure we don't build certain house types twice.
	byte flags12;

	// Which players have a statue?
	byte statues;

	// Sort index in listings
	byte sort_index_obsolete;

	// Player ratings as well as a mask that determines which players have a rating.
	byte have_ratings;
	uint8 unwanted[MAX_PLAYERS]; // how many months companies aren't wanted by towns (bribe)
	int16 ratings[MAX_PLAYERS];
	// Maximum amount of passengers and mail that can be transported.
	uint16 max_pass;
	uint16 max_mail;
	uint16 new_max_pass;
	uint16 new_max_mail;
	uint16 act_pass;
	uint16 act_mail;
	uint16 new_act_pass;
	uint16 new_act_mail;

	// Amount of passengers that were transported.
	byte pct_pass_transported;
	byte pct_mail_transported;

	// Amount of food and paper that was transported. Actually a bit mask would be enough.
	uint16 act_food;
	uint16 act_paper;
	uint16 new_act_food;
	uint16 new_act_paper;
	// Time until we rebuild a house.
	byte time_until_rebuild;

	// When to grow town next time.
	byte grow_counter;
	byte growth_rate;	

	// Fund buildings program in action?
	byte fund_buildings_months;
	// Fund road reconstruction in action?
	byte road_build_months;

	// Index in town array
	byte index;

	// NOSAVE: UpdateTownRadius updates this given the house count.
	uint16 radius[5];

void InitializeTown();
void ShowTownViewWindow(uint town);
void DeleteTown(Town *t);
void ExpandTown(Town *t);
bool GrowTown(Town *t);
Town *CreateRandomTown();

enum {

bool CheckforTownRating(uint tile, uint32 flags, Town *t, byte type);

#define DEREF_TOWN(i) (&_towns[i])
#define FOR_ALL_TOWNS(c) for(c=_towns; c != endof(_towns); c++)

VARDEF Town _towns[70];
VARDEF int _total_towns; // For the AI: the amount of towns active

VARDEF bool _town_sort_dirty;
VARDEF byte _town_sort_order;

VARDEF Town *_cleared_town;
VARDEF int _cleared_town_rating;

#endif /* TOWN_H */