@ r11976:ae6aa97461b7
Branch filter:
Location: cpp/openttd-patchpack/source/src/aircraft_gui.cpp - annotation
2.8 KiB
(svn r16387) -Codechange: use Aircraft instead of Vehicle where appropriate
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/** @file aircraft_gui.cpp The GUI of aircraft. */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "aircraft.h"
#include "vehicle_gui.h"
#include "newgrf_engine.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "gfx_func.h"
#include "window_gui.h"
#include "table/sprites.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
* Draw the details for the given vehicle at the given position
* @param v current vehicle
* @param left The left most coordinate to draw
* @param right The right most coordinate to draw
* @param y The y coordinate
void DrawAircraftDetails(const Vehicle *v, int left, int right, int y)
int y_offset = (v->Next()->cargo_cap != 0) ? -11 : 0;
Money feeder_share = 0;
for (const Vehicle *u = v ; u != NULL ; u = u->Next()) {
if (IsNormalAircraft(u)) {
SetDParam(0, u->engine_type);
SetDParam(1, u->build_year);
SetDParam(2, u->value);
DrawString(left, right, y, STR_VEHICLE_INFO_BUILT_VALUE);
SetDParam(0, u->cargo_type);
SetDParam(1, u->cargo_cap);
SetDParam(2, u->Next()->cargo_type);
SetDParam(3, u->Next()->cargo_cap);
SetDParam(4, GetCargoSubtypeText(u));
DrawString(left, right, y + 10, (u->Next()->cargo_cap != 0) ? STR_VEHICLE_INFO_CAPACITY_CAPACITY : STR_VEHICLE_INFO_CAPACITY);
if (u->cargo_cap != 0) {
uint cargo_count = u->cargo.Count();
y_offset += 11;
if (cargo_count != 0) {
/* Cargo names (fix pluralness) */
SetDParam(0, u->cargo_type);
SetDParam(1, cargo_count);
SetDParam(2, u->cargo.Source());
DrawString(left, right, y + 21 + y_offset, STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_CARGO_FROM);
feeder_share += u->cargo.FeederShare();
SetDParam(0, feeder_share);
DrawString(left, right, y + 33 + y_offset, STR_FEEDER_CARGO_VALUE);
void DrawAircraftImage(const Vehicle *v, int x, int y, VehicleID selection)
SpriteID pal = (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) ? PALETTE_CRASH : GetVehiclePalette(v);
DrawSprite(v->GetImage(DIR_W), pal, x + 25, y + 10);
if (v->subtype == AIR_HELICOPTER) {
Aircraft *a = (Aircraft *)v;
SpriteID rotor_sprite = GetCustomRotorSprite(a, true);
if (rotor_sprite == 0) rotor_sprite = SPR_ROTOR_STOPPED;
DrawSprite(rotor_sprite, PAL_NONE, x + 25, y + 5);
if (v->index == selection) {
DrawFrameRect(x - 1, y - 1, x + 58, y + 21, COLOUR_WHITE, FR_BORDERONLY);
* This is the Callback method after the construction attempt of an aircraft
* @param success indicates completion (or not) of the operation
* @param tile of depot where aircraft is built
* @param p1 unused
* @param p2 unused
void CcBuildAircraft(bool success, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
if (success) {
const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(_new_vehicle_id);
if (v->tile == _backup_orders_tile) {
_backup_orders_tile = 0;